
Climate Action Group: Repeal a backward step for Australia

A REPRESENTATIVE of Coffs Coast Climate Action Group has expressed disappointment Australia's become the first country to go backwards on climate change action.

The Carbon Tax repeal legislation passed through the Senate on Thursday, with amendments which strengthen the powers of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and ensure savings are passed on by regulated authorities. Picture: Sarah Harvey
The Carbon Tax repeal legislation passed through the Senate on Thursday, with amendments which strengthen the powers of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and ensure savings are passed on by regulated authorities. Picture: Sarah Harvey

A REPRESENTATIVE of Coffs Coast Climate Action Group has expressed deep disappointment Australia has become the first country to go backwards on climate change action.

With the carbon tax repeal legislation passing the Senate yesterday, Liisa Rusanen said putting a price on carbon should be more about the globe than politics.

"Climate change is an issue which affects every one of us," Ms Rusanen said.

"With Australians already being impacted by more dangerous bushfires, droughts and extreme weather events, action to address it is urgent. Our nation could have been a leader in the global response.

"By repealing the carbon price, the Government and all the complicit Senators are showing their disregard for our children's future."

The mother of two said the carbon price was an affordable and effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and aid in the shift from dirty coal to clean energy sources.

She added an Australian National University study has found the carbon price caused carbon dioxide emissions from Australia's electricity sector to fall by 17 million tonnes.

The Coffs Coast Climate Action Group is calling on loacal MP Luke Hartsuyker, to show leadership on climate change.

"This should not be about party politics," Ms Rusanen said.

"This is about maintaining a safe and healthy climate for all of us. Our parliamentarians need to work together to rise to the challenge of climate change and embrace the opportunities provided by clean technologies."

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Read related topics:Climate Change

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