
Banding together in protest of gutter disgrace

A GROUP of Mullaway residents is taking action over open drains which they claim are evidence of council neglect.

NOT UP TO SCRATCH: The letter of petition says drains like this one on Orchid Rd are not only unsightly, but unsafe too. Picture: Contributed
NOT UP TO SCRATCH: The letter of petition says drains like this one on Orchid Rd are not only unsightly, but unsafe too. Picture: Contributed

A GROUP of Mullaway residents is taking action over open drains which they claim are evidence of council neglect.

The group is primarily concerned with the health and safety impacts of open drains fronting homes along Mullaway Dr and Orchid Rd.

Inadequate drainage is said to cause stormwater to pool for months and algae to grow, raising concerns over contamination and mosquito-borne diseases.

There are also fears small children could be harmed by falling into the water.

The group is collecting signatures to petition Coffs Harbour MP Andrew Fraser to intervene after inaction by Coffs Harbour City Council.

Hundreds of signatures have so far been collected by doorknocking but residents still keen to show their support can visit the Mullaway Shop to sign their name.

In a letter to Mr Fraser explaining the issue, resident Veronica Ryan outlines the Mullaway community's concerns.

"In their current condition, these drains are unsafe, unhealthy and unsightly," the letter says.

"The condition of the drains is unacceptable in a first world country in the 21st century."

The group believes the drains are another sign of neglect by council of Northern Beaches residents.

"The general opinion of ratepayers is that we do not get value for money and the remediation of this drainage problem may in some way redress this imbalance.

"It is just one issue that highlights the general neglect experienced by Mullaway and Arrawarra Headland residents."

A council spokesperson said the council was aware of roads in the Northern Beaches where roadside drainage could be improved and that similar cases existed in other areas.

"Following the recent approval of the Special Rate Variation, council has been able to extend its usual road replacement work to now also include the installation of proper drainage systems in the most needy areas," the spokesperson said.

"Previously this type of work was beyond council's capacity to fund.

"To minimise costs, such work is best done at the same time as a road is rebuilt at the end of its life.

"A review of road conditions in the Northern Beaches area is being undertaken to determine whether any works should be brought forward in its existing program."

The group will continue collecting signatures at Mullaway Shop before taking the petition to Mr Fraser on September 30.

Read related topics:Coffs Harbour City Council

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