
Breeder warns about puppy scams and how to choose healthy pet

As illegal puppy farms swamp the market, a registered breeder gives tips on how to choose a healthy pet.

Crazy pet grooming trends

A dog breeder has warned prospective pet owners about what to look for when buying a puppy to make sure they are getting a healthy animal not supporting mass production of sick dogs.

Sarah Amituanai who runs a boutique breeding business Ruby Cavoodles in western Sydney said a combination of unethical breeders and customers not knowing what to look for has led to an increase in sick puppies being sold.

“I’m seeing so many unhealthy and unethically bred dogs. It’s really heartbreaking because people are trying to do the right thing but if they’re not educated on what to look for, they are unknowingly supporting the mass production of sick dogs,” Sarah said.

She said people need to make sure the dogs have had thorough health checks including full genetic testing and, and that the seller can provide you with all the paperwork.

Halo Amituanai, 9, with a Cavoodle puppy bred by Ruby Cavoodles. Picture: Justin Lloyd
Halo Amituanai, 9, with a Cavoodle puppy bred by Ruby Cavoodles. Picture: Justin Lloyd

Equally important is making sure the puppies have had human contact since birth.

“You want to make sure they’ve been bred in a loving pet home and that they are used to humans. So many of the puppies you see in pet shops have barely had any exposure to humans and they are really scared”.

Halo Amituanai, 9, with a litter of puppies from Ruby Cavoodles, in western Sydney. Picture: Justin Lloyd
Halo Amituanai, 9, with a litter of puppies from Ruby Cavoodles, in western Sydney. Picture: Justin Lloyd

Sarah’s daughter Halo, 9, sits with her latest litter of puppies and reads to them or has them on her lap while she plays in their home in western Sydney.

“That first eight weeks is so vital for their temperament,” Sarah said.

Diet and nutrition is another thing Sarah suggests prospective buyers ask about.

“What they are fed is really important. Low nutrients really affects their overall health,” she said.

Elise Burgess from Four Paws Australia said doing thorough research before choosing a breeder or seller is vital to ensuring you get a healthy pup.

“The puppy trade is rife with animal cruelty, deception and risk of disease. Thousands of puppies are bred in hidden breeding facilities in unsanitary conditions, taken from their mothers much too early, and transported without the necessary vaccinations,” Ms Burgess said.

Four Paws recommends meeting the puppy as well as its mother, to check her condition as well and see she has been well cared for.

And to ask as many questions as you can about the puppy’s parents and siblings, the breeding history of the breeder and veterinary checks that have been done.

“A responsible seller should also ask the buyer lots of questions: they will want to make sure you will be a good owner and are a right fit for the puppy,” she said.

For more tips, go to Four Paws Australia

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