
Block three of Parramatta Civic Link to go on public feedback

The centrepiece of a ‘green, cultural’ link planned to carve its way through the heart of the Parramatta’s CBD has been revealed. See what it could mean for the city.

The public will soon have its say on Civic Link ‘block three’, which is depicted looking north towards the Phillip St intersection.
The public will soon have its say on Civic Link ‘block three’, which is depicted looking north towards the Phillip St intersection.

Plans have been revealed for Parramatta’s anticipated $10.6m Civic Link – a pedestrian spine to connect the CBD from Parramatta Square to the river by 2030.

Parramatta Council will tonight vote whether the plans for the link’s third block go on exhibition and has released illustrations that depict the connection, which the council and state government is delivering.

The vision for the 490m Civic Link is a “green, culturally-activated pedestrian spine across four central city blocks” that link Parramatta Square to the river.

The link, which the council adopted in 2017, will also be the backyard for residents who will live in the 3600 extra dwellings slated for the CBD.

Block one – Parramatta Square – has already been delivered.

An illustration of block three looking south.
An illustration of block three looking south.

The government is slated to deliver the second block, Sydney Metro West “Welcome Square”, by 2030.

The third block – to be the centrepiece of the project – is to be ready for the public by 2026 while the Powerhouse Parramatta site should be ready in 2025.

Block three will run along Horwood Place from George to Phillip streets. The 3300sq m site will be known as the City Garden and be half the size of a football field.

An artist's impression of block three looking north.
An artist's impression of block three looking north.

“In line with the ‘garden square’ theme for this block … the aim is to create a calm, comfortable and social place for the community to enjoy in the heart of the city,’’ council papers state.

The draft design was designed to provide a “distinctive and generous pedestrian and cyclable route within the city, with wide pedestrian boulevards, sitting under a tree canopy’’.

“The design also incorporates places of pause and respite, where people linger, gather and soak up the public life of the city within a green garden setting.’’

Key features of the design are known as the green spine, the ribbon and the water story and pedestrian boulevards.

Boulevards will be granite and public spaces will be furnished with smart features to include lighting, CCTV and community and event messaging.

The green spine will include a green canopy, shrubs but four mature trees will be removed.

The features will include wide, granite boulevards and potential artwork to depict Aboriginal water story would be curated at Parramatta Square and the Powerhouse.


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