
OPINION: Religion is a weak argument against equality

MAKE no mistake, the Marriage Act should be amended, and religion is a weak argument against creating equality.

For something that can and should be resolved incredibly simply, the hysteria surrounding same-sex marriage is ridiculous. Picture: Michael Kappeler
For something that can and should be resolved incredibly simply, the hysteria surrounding same-sex marriage is ridiculous. Picture: Michael Kappeler

THIS madness has gone on long enough.

For something that can and should be resolved incredibly simply, the hysteria surrounding same-sex marriage is ridiculous.

Make no mistake, the Marriage Act should be amended.

The God-fearing right wingers expecting the sky to collapse if it happens are so misguided it's not funny.

Firstly, they make a massive assumption that God even exists.

To base the reasoning for denying basic human rights, a right which existed long before Christianity, on the assumption that there even is a God, despite zero evidence of his existence, is mind-boggling.

Secondly, and a salient point which conveniently continues to be ignored by those so rabidly opposed to the notion that two people of the same sex can marry, is that marriage wasn't even defined within the Act until 2004.

And guess what.

There was no plebiscite needed for that not-so-little amendment Mr Howard ushered through Parliament.

The Australian Parliament's own website states the purpose of the amendments was to ensure that same sex marriages "are not recognised as marriage in Australia, inclusive of those performed under the laws of another country that permits such unions".

How welcoming!

Sure, there are religious elements to wedding ceremonies, but there are a vast number of people who marry these days without reference to religion.

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Why? Because amazingly, they've navigated life without the need for guidance from a book telling them how to be decent people.

They are two people who wish to spend the rest of their lives together and have that recognised.

Personally, I don't care much for marriage at all, be it heterosexual or same sex.

I don't think you need a piece of paper, especially these days, to validate a relationship.

That's not to say I wouldn't do it. If it made my partner happy to do it then sure, I probably would.

What I do care for is the right of people to make their own choices, to have the freedom to do what they wish.

What right do a bunch of people with religious beliefs, regardless of how strong they are, have to restrict the rights of others to have their relationships recognised as equal to "traditional" marriages?

Religion is the only argument that crops up when it comes to this.

"Oh it's against my beliefs" many quip when justifying why they oppose it.

If only the horrors of child sexual abuse within the Catholic Church could generate half as much conviction from those believers as this same-sex marriage saga.

Think for yourselves, people, if God supposedly loves everyone, so should you.

Originally published as OPINION: Religion is a weak argument against equality

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