
Christensen sports 'Make Australia Great Again' live on air

Dawson MP George Christensen has appeared on Sky News for the second night in a row to talk refugee policies.

George Christensen has appeared on Sky News in a 'Make Australia Great' Donald Trump-like cap.
George Christensen has appeared on Sky News in a 'Make Australia Great' Donald Trump-like cap.

CONTROVERSIAL Federal Dawson MP George Christensen has appeared on Sky News for the second night in a row to talk refugee policies - this time, sporting a "Make Australia Great Again" red cap.

"To me it's a no-brainer; I mean I've been saying this for some time, that any country where there is a high level of radicalism, violent extremism or terrorist activity that we should look at banning immigration from that country," Mr Christensen told the panel.

He was speaking after US President Donald Trump imposed an executive order, barring citizens of seven Muslim-majority nations from entering the United States for the next 90 days and refugees for 120 days.

Mr Christensen spoke out saying Australia should follow Trump's lead.

"There's always exceptions to the rule, but by and large a ban on general immigration; humanitarian intake from those countries which have those high levels of extremism I have no problem with that. Because the number one thing that there should be in place in your immigration policy is 'do no harm to your people'.

"National security. It should be first and foremost when we are looking at who is coming into this country."

Mr Christensen argued against the call being discriminatory.

"We talk about this non-discriminatory immigration policy ... try being someone from the Philippines and getting here through a general migration intake or from Thailand or any other third world country in south-east Asia ...

"It's more difficult for those people then it is for someone from the USA or the UK or most European nations so we do discriminate. It's just not discrimination by race or by religion."

It follows his comments last night where he told the program Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull should immediately stop the refugee program unless the government could offer a 'guarantee'' none of the migrants were terrorists.

The MP's choice of attire sent Twitter into a flurry.

Dale Roberts tweeted: George Christensen with a 'Make Australia Great Again' hat. His (my home town) electorate had Qld's largest unemployment growth in 2013-16. 

Susan Steele added: Can George Christensen tell me exactly when Australia was great? I'm female, almost 70, 5th generation, & I can tell him it was never great.

Even someone who thrives on political antics, The Chaser's Craig Reucassel, tweeted: Could everyone on Twitter please stop giving George Christensen oxygen. And the same goes for the air."

Originally published as Christensen sports 'Make Australia Great Again' live on air

Read related topics:Donald Trump

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