
Changing career paths can take you in many directions

It has been an exciting time in the Supermum household of late, with our Year 12 graduate accepted into university to study her first choice, nursing.

IT HAS been an exciting time in the Supermum household of late, with our Year 12 graduate accepted into university to study her first choice, nursing.

I recall my university days with fondness, but more for the social education than the one for which it was intended.

I didn't have any particular career aspirations when I completed Year 12.

I was only 16 when I started uni and I just took the course I was accepted in and went from there. Computer programming wasn't really my thing, I will admit.

Sure, my studies made it easy for me to get a job over the years, but it wasn't what I really wanted to do.

Over the years I worked in a few different jobs, all completely different career paths, while I worked out which direction I should go next.

More than a decade later, I found myself enrolling back into university, this time with a much more definite plan in mind.

Writing and photography were things I enjoyed, so journalism certainly fit the bill, study wise.

Another decade on and here I am, still working in the field.

Many students already enrolled in university might not make it through the year, for whatever reason.

Some change courses and career paths. Some simply drop out.

The good news is, you are allowed to change your mind.

Times have changed from the days where you got one job and stuck with it until retirement.

Times have changed from the days where you had one career path and stayed there.

For those that didn't get into the course they wanted at uni, you do have other options.

That option does not include doing nothing until your dream job comes along.

You need to work for it.

Get a job. Any job. It doesn't have to be your dream job.

Any job will teach you so much, while you work out your future plans.

Do some study. Be it uni, TAFE, adult education or whatever. It will broaden your horizons.

Volunteer your time. Join a club, help out at a charitable organisation, volunteer at a local school or group.

Not only will you meet people, gain experience and learn a lot, it will also boost your confidence and self-worth.

Originally published as Changing career paths can take you in many directions

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