
Artie Smith Oval, Bomaderry, redevelopment to help attract new Aussie rules, cricket players

The redevelopment of a south coast oval will bring a new pedigree of talent to the Shoalhaven area after sporting clubs have struggled to attract new members during the pandemic.

NSW government to invest $25m in community sport

Construction on the $20 million redevelopment of Artie Smith Oval in Bomaderry has started, with a range of new facilities likely to attract a higher pedigree of talent, the Bomaderry Tigers Aussie rules team says.

Tigers president Emily Reichler said the project came at an important time for local sporting clubs that had struggled to attract new members since the start of the Covid pandemic more than two years ago.

Lockdowns and changing regulations have put pressure on the club, which Ms Reichler said was already in stiff competition with the more-popular rugby league to attract younger members, many of whom have been held back by Covid.

“We have girls on our team who have never actually played a full season with our club,” she said.

“Some clubs have taken financial hits because sponsors can’t continue to sponsor them.”

While the Tigers have managed to keep the doors open with the help of their sponsors, Ms Reichler said the promise of a new, modern facility could be enough to lure famous teams such as the Sydney Swans to play at the stadium, attracting younger members.

“Something the south coast has really lacked is a top class facility,” she said.

“Hopefully, with a development like this we can host development camps down here.

Bomaderry Tigers AFL president Emily Reichler said. Picutre: Cathy Russell
Bomaderry Tigers AFL president Emily Reichler said. Picutre: Cathy Russell

“We’re not just a country town that doesn’t produce great talent, because we definitely have great talent on the south coast.”

The new facility will include fresh playing turf, a clubhouse and spectator amenities, such as new seating.

Floodlighting and irrigation will also address flooding that has wreaked havoc on the field in the past, Bomaderry Cricket Club president Greg Wellington said.

Mr Wellington and his team will continue to share the oval with the Tigers once development has concluded, with the two sporting codes having developed a longstanding bond and sense of mutual co-operation, he said.

Mr Wellington agreed that the past few years have been tough on sporting clubs, including cricket.

With new practise nets for cricketers, he hopes the facility will not just attract new tournaments and teams, but would help improve players’ skills.

“The juniors haven’t been as strong in the last few years,” he said.

“Having a this kind of facility should hopefully increase junior participation.”

Bomaderry Tigers Cricket Club third grade team in Nowra earlier. Picture: Facebook
Bomaderry Tigers Cricket Club third grade team in Nowra earlier. Picture: Facebook

Cricket NSW Shoalhaven manager Sean Barrett welcomed the Artie Smith Oval upgade and thanked the Shoalhaven City Council, as well as the Australian and NSW governments, for their ongoing support of cricket in the region.

“Cricket is the state’s No.1 summer sport and (there is an) increased demand for access to purpose-built cricket facilities in the area,” he said.

“This much-needed upgrade will not only assist clubs and schools with their training requirements but support the delivery of additional and new programs, which will encourage more people to lead an active lifestyle and inspire others to love and play cricket.”

He said the redevelopment would also provide a financial opportunity for local business.

“The council have finally realised how much money they’ve been missing out on from tournaments,” he said.

“Having facilities of this nature is going to help the broader community, not just the cricket community.”

A previous tournament held in the area in October 2021 garnered $7 million, he said.

Shoalhaven City Council city lifestyles director Jane Lewis said in a statement that with construction under way, the council was a step closer to building a world class sporting precinct for the Shoalhaven region while retaining local heritage.

“The redevelopment design will retain and embellish the current and significant stands of native trees,” Ms Lewis said.

“We are planting 77 new trees, 45 of which are of the same species as the significant trees on site (scribbly gum and Red Bloodwood) and all up an additional 30,465 of plantings (from trees to grasses) will be established on the site.

Bomaderry Tigers AFL. Picture: Cathy Russell
Bomaderry Tigers AFL. Picture: Cathy Russell

“The buildings and facilities design aims to sit comfortably among the semi-bushland setting of Bomaderry, allowing the current line of eucalypts to remain significant to the field and amenities.

“Maintaining the semi-bushland setting has been integral to the design considerations with a sympathetic tapering Pavilion Clubhouse building form to allow the line of eucalypts behind to remain significant in the sense of enclosure to the field and as an amenity to the overall streetscape.”

Nowra state Liberal MP Shelley Hancock said $8 million invested in the project was allocated from the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund co-funded by the Australian and NSW Governments for bushfire recovery.

“People are rebuilding their lives and through the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund we are backing projects that will bring communities together, support tourism, provide improved or new social amenity and increase preparedness to future bushfires,’’ she said.

“All of these things play a part in recovery.’’

The completed project will include:

  • New Aussie rules/cricket with five turf wickets, floodlighting, irrigation drainage, picket fencing, electronic scoreboard, sight screens, and spectator seating/mounding
  • Aussie rules/cricket pavilion clubhouse and amenities
  • Cricket practise facility (four synthetic pitches, four turf pitches, storage shed)
  • Four croquet courts
  • Croquet clubhouse and amenities
  • Onsite carparking
  • Open space embellishments (pathways, playgrounds, exercise equipment, landscaping, furniture, etc.)
  • Perimeter security fencing

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