
Alameddine member Murat Gulasi was with his notorious friend Masood Zakaria when he died in Turkey

Murat Gulasi’s death is being viewed in Sydney’s underworld as a major loss for the Alameddines.

The War Episode 4: The Great Escape

High-ranking Alameddine crime clan figure Murat Gulasi was with runaway member Masood Zakaria at a Turkish gym when he suffered a suspected heart attack and died last week.

Gulasi’s death at age 33 is being viewed in Sydney’s underworld as a major blow to the Alameddines, with sources saying he was one of the clan’s major earners and financed some of their alleged activities.

News of Gulasi’s passing quickly spread back to Sydney on Friday night, with talk soon turning to the size of hole his absence will leave in the Alameddine organisation.

“It is massive news, the Alameddine’s will be stressed about this,” one underworld source said.

“Not only have they lost a friend but he’s a massive money earner for them, so it’s a big hole.

The death of Alameddine crime clan member Murat Gulasi (right) is set to leave a “big hole” in the organisation, sources say. Picture: Instagram
The death of Alameddine crime clan member Murat Gulasi (right) is set to leave a “big hole” in the organisation, sources say. Picture: Instagram

“He was best friends with Masood (Zakaria) and he’d gone over there with him, so that says a lot about how high up he was.”

The Daily Telegraph recently revealed Gulasi had gone overseas after a turbulent two years on the streets of Sydney.

In that period a total of 16 people have been killed in the city’s underworld war, with Gulasi only narrowly escaping with his life when he was shot multiple times as he walked into World Gym at Prospect in 2021.

Gulasi, 33, died of a suspected heart attack at a gym in Turkey. Picture: Instagram.
Gulasi, 33, died of a suspected heart attack at a gym in Turkey. Picture: Instagram.

Senior NSW Police sources said they suspected Gulasi’s involvement in other shootings, but they never had enough evidence to charge him before he went overseas.

“He was clever, but he didn’t use it for good,” one police source said.

Gulasi’s intelligence is a common topic of discussion when speaking with people who knew him.

It was for this reason that, despite not having the surname Alameddine, he has long been among the most senior figures in the clan.

He was listed as an individual alleged Alameddine boss Rafat Alameddine could not associate with in a now lapsed serious crime prevention order (SCPO) issued in late-2020.

Police sources recently said Gulasi was happy to stay out of not only the limelight but harm’s way, and for this reason had decided to go overseas.

Gulasi in Sydney with alleged Alameddine associate and rapper Ali “Ay Huncho” Younes. Picture: Instagram.
Gulasi in Sydney with alleged Alameddine associate and rapper Ali “Ay Huncho” Younes. Picture: Instagram.

“He’s a very smart operator, particularly when compared to some of his friends, so you’d assume he’s read the room and gotten out of Sydney, and I don’t think you can blame him,” the source said.

Before he left Australia the underworld figure lived the gangster lifestyle, driving a Lamborghini and having a penchant for flashy clothes and expensive watches.

Gulasi’s half-brother Shakir said in a tribute on Facebook he would be “missed” by his family in Sydney.

“Murat my little brother you will be sadly missed by all your family nieces, nephews, uncles, brothers, we love you,” he wrote.

There is no suggestion by The Daily Telegraph that Shakir is involved in underworld activity.

Gulasi’s death comes just six months after another well known underworld figure Erkan Keskin, the former boss of the Lone Wolf OMCG, died in Turkey.

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