
AFP finds no criminal conduct in Leppington Triangle land deal

No evidence of bribery, fraud or misuse of public office has been found by police investigating the $33m purchase of a block of land for the Western Sydney Airport later valued at $3m.

Western Sydney residents protest land rezoning near new Sydney airport

No evidence of bribery, fraud or misuse of public office was found by police investigating the $33 million purchase of a block of land for the Western Sydney Airport later valued at $3 million.

Australian Federal Police on Wednesday confirmed its investigation into the Commonwealth’s purchase of 12.26 hectares of land, known as the Leppington Triangle, found no evidence of criminal conduct and no further action would be taken.

The Auditor-General Grant Hehir referred the Leppington Triangle land deal to the Australian Federal Police in 2020. Picture: Gary Ramage
The Auditor-General Grant Hehir referred the Leppington Triangle land deal to the Australian Federal Police in 2020. Picture: Gary Ramage

The land deal was referred to police in July 2020 by Auditor-General Grant Hehir, who said auditors had “found information that we cannot explain and is suggestive that the Commonwealth may have been defrauded”.

The scathing audit raised issues of integrity, and found Infrastructure Department officials did not pass on key information to their superiors.

The AFP launched Operation Verraten to look at potential offences including bribery of a Commonwealth official, conspiracy to defraud the Commonwealth, and abuse of public office.

The government bought the Leppington Triangle for $32.8m in July 2018.

Construction of the Western Sydney Airport at Badgerys Creek. Picture: Jonathan Ng
Construction of the Western Sydney Airport at Badgerys Creek. Picture: Jonathan Ng

Part of this deal included an agreement to rent the block back to previous owners, the Leppington Pastoral Company owned by billionaire brothers Tony and Ron Perich, which resulted in a 2019 valuation of the property at just $3.02m.

In a statement the AFP said its investigation team “conducted a full and thorough investigation into the serious allegations of criminal conduct involving the use of public funds”.

“The investigation did not identify any evidence of criminal offending by Commonwealth officials, or other people involved in the purchase,” the AFP said.

As part of the investigation, police analysed documents and digital files and interviewed “numerous relevant people”.

The AFP has concluded an investigation into the sale of a piece of land needed for the Western Sydney Airport. Picture: Jonathan Ng
The AFP has concluded an investigation into the sale of a piece of land needed for the Western Sydney Airport. Picture: Jonathan Ng

This included Department of Infrastructure staff who were involved in the acquisition process.

The AFP also undertook a detailed financial analysis of payments made in relation to the purchase.

“The AFP investigation found that the purchase was in line with the requirements of the Lands Acquisition Act (1989), and was authorised by appropriate Commonwealth officials and authorities,” the AFP said.

The investigation was also overseen by the AFP Sensitive Oversight Board (SIOB), which included deputy and assistant commissioners.

“The SIOB supported the findings of Operation Verraten, that the investigation did not identify any evidence of criminal offending,” the AFP said.

“Consequently, the AFP has finalised this investigation and no further action will be taken.”

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