
A tale inspired by the unsung heroes

THERE is no shortage of inspiring stories in Western Sydney and Claudio Russo, from Greystanes, wants to share them with the world.

THERE is no shortage of inspiring stories in Western Sydney and Claudio Russo, from Greystanes, wants to share them with the world. The 26-year-old is an aspiring writer with a dream to tell the stories of his neighbourhood.

Mr Russo recently heard of BeV Cooney, a nurse and Order of Australia medal recipient from Westmead, who retired in 2006 and travelled to Peru in South America to build a school for disabled children. She returns every year with a team of nurses, doctors and medical support staff to work in a hospital in Lima and visit the school she built from her own funds.

“I was just blown away when I heard Bev’s story,” Mr Russo said.

“I grew up in Western Sydney and still live and work here. I’m proud of my region. Whenever you see Sydney’s West in the media, it’s often about robberies and shootings. But a lot of great things come out of this area as well, stories like Bev’s that hardly anyone ever hears about.”

If Mr Russo takes out the young achiever category, he plans to use the winnings to make a documentary to promote Ms Cooney’s work.

“I think Bev’s story will showcase the extraordinary kind of people that live in Western Sydney,” Mr Russo said.

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