
Reward needed to stop Australia’s fruit contamination crisis

A YOUNG child has admitted to inserting needles into strawberries, as the government rushes to enforce tough laws that would impose massive penalties for meddling with fruit.

Scott Morrison on strawberry tampering crisis ( Sky News )

A YOUNG child has reportedly admitted to inserting needles into strawberries, as the government rushes to enforce tough laws that would impose massive penalties for anyone caught meddling with fruit.

Police in New South Wales said a “young person” has admitted to putting needles in strawberries as “a prank” and that they will be dealt with under the youth cautioning system.

However, there has been some conjecture as to whether the young child in question is a boy or a girl.

When speaking to reporters in Sydney, the NSW Acting Assistant Commissioner Stuart Smith suggested the culprit was a boy.

“Obviously in the last few days we found a young person has admitted to a prank, including putting needles in strawberries, and he’ll be dealt with under the youth cautioning system,” he said.

But the Daily Telegraph has reported that police have confirmed it was actually 12-year-old girl, who reportedly made “full admissions” to police after confessing to her parents that she did it as a prank.

Either way, police believe the instances of strawberry sabotage in NSW have been the work of copycats.

“What we’ve seen in the state (of NSW) we believe is the work of copycats and pranksters, we’ve got to deal with it though, the way we deal with any crime,” Mr Smith told reporters.

According to the Daily Telegraph, the girl placed the needle in the strawberry and showed her friends at the lower Blue Mountains school.

The admission comes as an extra three cases have been reported, including one in Newcastle involving a needle in a banana which was packed in a child’s lunchbox, and two more strawberry contamination reports in Tasmania, one of them involving a two-year-old girl.

More fruits found with needles inside amidst strawberry needle saga (2018)

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced urgent and harsh new commonwealth criminal penalties for contaminating food as the ongoing needle crisis brings many Australian farmers to their knees.

The new laws, which would mean hefty jail sentences, look set to sail through Parliament tomorrow with Labor’s support.

Opposition leader Bill Shorten said that while Labor is yet to be fully briefed on the government’s plans, “I can assure Australians that we will work with the government in supporting farmers, and deterring and stopping these despicable acts.”

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton earlier called on Australians to remove social media posts containing fake images of contaminated fruit, over fears they are sparking copycat offenders.

More than 25 cases of strawberries contaminated with sewing needles are being investigated across the country, but Mr Dutton said more than 100 cases of dangerous fruit had been reported.

“We believe a lot of these will be hoaxes or copycat events,” Mr Dutton told reporters.
“I would encouraged anyone to pull any of that content down that they have posted up that is fictional or is of a fabricated arrangement.”

Mr Dutton said while the sinister acts placed a strain on police resources, all reports had to be taken seriously.

“If somebody has the intent, if they are deranged enough to put needles or some foreign object into strawberries, they can do it with other fruits as well,” he said.

People who tamper with food with slammed as “deluded” by AFP Commissioner Andrew Colvin, who warned offenders were “potentially committing serious criminal offences”.

Mr Morrison called the offenders “cowards” and pledged culprits could face up to 15 years jail under the tough updates to food contamination laws.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Attorney-General Christian Porter announcing the proposed new laws today. Picture: Kym Smith
Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Attorney-General Christian Porter announcing the proposed new laws today. Picture: Kym Smith

Further, he said “idiots” who post Facebook hoaxes about fake contamination cases could face up to 10 years in jail under new measures to deal with “reckless” behaviour.

‘Sabotage’ laws will also be updated to include the sabotage of “goods for human consumption” where it impacts national security.

It comes as the strawberry contamination scare continues to worsen, with more than 25 cases being investigated across the country including suspected copy cat cases.

In a joint press conference at Parliament today, the Prime Minister and Attorney-General announced they would urgently seek to beef up penalties.

Anyone threatening to contaminate food, with a hoax video for example, would also face the higher maximum penalty.

The government will also seek to lower the threshold for convicting offenders, from having to prove intent to simply proving ‘reckless behaviour’, so copycat perpetrators can be prosecuted.

Prime Minister Morrison requested that the laws be reviewed last night as the strawberry contamination scare worsened.

Mr Porter said the level of criminality occuring at the moment was “unprecedented in Australia”.

IN PICTURES: Heartbreaking images of wasted strawberries

“Any idiot who thinks they can go out into a shopping centre and start sticking pins in fruit and thinks this is some sort of lark or put something on Facebook which is a hoax, that sort of behaviour is reckless and under the provision we will be seeking to introduce swiftly, that type of behaviour would carry a penalty of up to 10 years in prison,” Prime Minister Morrison said today.

“It’s not a joke. It’s not funny. You are putting the livelihoods of hard-working Australians at risk and you are scaring children,” he said.

“You are a coward and a grub. And if you do that sort of thing in this country we will come after you and we will throw the book at you.”

Attorney-General Christian Porter will introduce the new measures to Parliament tomorrow morning.

Mr Morrison said he would be seeking support from Labor and crossbenchers to pass the laws before Parliament rises tomorrow afternoon for a two-week break.

This morning, former Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce called for a substantial reward to hunt down those behind the strawberry needle contamination crisis.

The high profile Nationals MP says the criminals responsible must be “pursued and hunted down”, arguing anyone withholding information is also committing a crime by not reporting it.

“The reward... has to be substantially increased to hunt this person down,” Mr Joyce told the Nine Network on Wednesday.

“It is not only a threat to the strawberry industry, it is a threat across the food production industry. We have got to treat it as such.”

Deputy Nationals Leader Bridget McKenzie also urged police in each jurisdiction affected to catch the strawberry saboteurs.

“I just think it’s absolutely disgusting that somebody in our community thinks this is a good idea to actually put needles in our fabulously clean and green produce,” Ms McKenzie told reporters.

“It will be stopping mums and dads from purchasing strawberries.” Mr Joyce pleaded for supermarket chains to continue to stock strawberries as an act of defiance.

“We can show our support for the industries by buying strawberries,” he said. “If we just take them off the shelves, we are saying to this person, ‘you succeeded - your criminal act succeeded’.”

Health Minister Greg Hunt eating a strawberry this morning. Picture: Kym Smith
Health Minister Greg Hunt eating a strawberry this morning. Picture: Kym Smith

Australia’s Health Minister Greg Hunt made a point of eating a strawberry at a public event this morning to show support for Australian farmers as the contamination scare worsens.

“This is a very simple message that all of us can do. Support our farmers, support your health - eat a chopped Australian strawberry,” he told the crowd.

The federal government is putting $1 million towards helping fast track recalls and increase detection of sabotage.

The new laws look set to sail through Parliament tomorrow with Labor’s support.

“Labor will work with the government on supporting farmers and stopping these despicable acts,” Shadow Agriculture Minister Joel Fitzgibbon said.

“We haven’t been briefed on today’s announcement but on the face of it, it looks reasonable and we are glad the Government has listened to Labor’s calls for more support.

“We’ll look at the detail when we have the legislation.”

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