
John Singleton tells Erin Molan why he backed Ben Roberts-Smith

Entrepreneur John Singleton recently defended embattled Victoria Cross winner Ben Roberts-Smith with a full-page newspaper ad, saying it’s “absolutely ridiculous” to demean “a war hero”.

Molan put on the spot by advertising veteran

Advertising guru and entrepreneur John Singleton has revealed why he chose to defend Victoria Cross winner Ben Roberts-Smith, saying he thought it was “absolutely ridiculous that we demean a great war hero”.

Singleton recently used a full-page ad in The Australian to support Roberts-Smith which was titled “An apology to Ben Roberts-Smith. From a coward.”

Singleton told Sky News Australia host Erin Molan he was “the coward”, and he was “amazed” by the public reaction to the letter in which he wrote: “Ben Roberts-Smith we thank you. We, the great majority envy your courage, strength, commitment and the torture you must now endure. We are in your debt.

“They target big, tough, impressive VC winner … not given to showing any public exterior.”

Looking back at the letter, Singleton told Molan: “When Ben Roberts-Smith, he goes on six missions to Afghanistan … six missions, which is cruelty in itself, six missions, he is then faced with a terrible decision,” he said.

John Singleton chatted to Erin Molan on Sky News. Picture: Supplied
John Singleton chatted to Erin Molan on Sky News. Picture: Supplied

“In that moment you have to make a decision. He made a decision. And now the allegation is those were innocent victims. Maybe they were. Maybe they weren’t, we’ll never know, and he’s now branded instead of a VC and an all-time hero, he’s now been branded as a war criminal.”

“So I think it is absolutely ridiculous that we demean a great war hero.”

The former SAS soldier, and Seven Queensland general manager, lost a defamation case against The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Canberra Times over articles accusing him of war crimes in Afghanistan. He has appealed that decision.

Singleton also thanked Kerry Stokes, the chairman of Seven West Media, who paid for Roberts-Smith’s legal fees at the end of the letter.

In a wide-ranging interview, Molan also asked Singleton what he thought of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who he describes as “fine” and a “good bloke” who he trusted.

When asked if he was a good Prime Minister, he said the “jury was still out”.

“He’s gotta do some tough decisions, he’s doing some funny things at the moment,” he said. “And he’s doing some good things. I really like him. I trust him. I think he’ll try to do the right thing, whether he’s up for it time will tell.”

Victoria Cross winner Ben Roberts-Smith has been embroiled in legal battles. Picture: Getty Images
Victoria Cross winner Ben Roberts-Smith has been embroiled in legal battles. Picture: Getty Images

Singleton said he “didn’t know” Opposition Leader Peter Dutton by comparison.

“He’s certainly tough enough,” he said.

“He talks tough enough, and looks scary enough.”

Singleton, who also recently announced his seventh divorce to his wife Sarah Warry, said he was happy being by himself.

“You’d like to think never say never and it’d be nice to share things … it’s nice to be able to think you could do that,” he said.

“But obviously, I think it’s become pretty obvious to me, I’m incapable of doing that. I’m happy on my own. I’ve got a very good dog, great friends, great family, great kids, great grandkids.”

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