
Barack Obama shortens WikiLeaks whistleblower Chelsea Manning sentence

WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange is under to pressure to hand himself in to US authorities after President Obama granted clemency to Chelsea Manning.

President Barack Obama has shortened the sentences of 209 inmates. Picture: Evan Vucci.
President Barack Obama has shortened the sentences of 209 inmates. Picture: Evan Vucci.

WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange is under pressure to hand himself over to US authorities following President Barack Obama’s decision to cut Chelsea Manning’s sentence.

The outgoing US president used his final hours in the White House to allow Chelsea Manning to go free nearly 30 years early. The transgender former intelligence analyst, born Bradley Manning, said she had passed on government and military documents to raise awareness about the impact of war.

Chelsea Manning, formerly Bradley Manning. Picture: US Army
Chelsea Manning, formerly Bradley Manning. Picture: US Army
Bradley Manning in 2013. Picture: Saul Loeb
Bradley Manning in 2013. Picture: Saul Loeb

Mr Assange, who has been living at the Ecuadorian embassy in London since the summer of 2012 for fear of being extradited to the US, praised campaigners for their role in the decision.

He said: “Thank you to everyone who campaigned for Chelsea Manning’s clemency. Your courage & determination made the impossible possible.”

Manning’s sentence will now end in May.

The organisation last week tweeted: “If Obama grants Manning clemency Assange will agree to US extradition despite clear unconstitutionality of DoJ (Department of Justice) case.”

Mr Assange was interviewed in the embassy in November in the presence of prosecutors from Sweden, where he faces a sex allegation.

House Speaker Paul Ryan has savaged Barack Obama’s decision to release Chelsea Manning. Picture: AFP
House Speaker Paul Ryan has savaged Barack Obama’s decision to release Chelsea Manning. Picture: AFP

He denies the claims, but believes he faces extradition to the United States for questioning over the activities of WikiLeaks if he leaves the embassy. Melinda Taylor, a member of Mr Assange’s legal team, insisted previous comments made about the implications of the Manning case still stand.

“Everything that he has said he’s standing by,” she said.

Manning attended Tasker Milward comprehensive in Pembrokeshire and still has family and friends in the area.

Conservative former Cabinet minister Stephen Crabb praised Mr Obama for showing “mercy” in a complicated case. The Preseli Pembrokeshire MP said: “I think the actions of President Obama reflect extremely well on him. He has shown compassion and mercy. This was clearly not a straightforward case.”

The decision however has angered Republican leaders who expressed their outrage at Obama’s decision to commute Manning’s sentence.

Obama shortened sentences for 209 inmates including Manning. Her early release in what will be one of his last acts as President before Donald Trump is inaugurated on Friday.

House Speaker Paul Ryan savaged the move.

“This is just outrageous,” he said.

“Chelsea Manning’s treachery put American lives at risk and exposed some of our nation’s most sensitive secrets. President Obama now leaves in place a dangerous precedent that those who compromise our national security won’t be held accountable for their crimes.”

Senator John McCain was just as unhappy.

“It is a grave mistake that I fear will encourage further acts of espionage and undermine military discipline,” the former Presidential candidate said.

“It is a sad, yet perhaps fitting commentary on President Obama’s failed national security policies that he would commute the sentence of an individual that endangered the lives of American troops, diplomats, and intelligence sources by leaking hundreds of thousands of sensitive government documents to Wikileaks, a virulently anti-American organisation that was a tool of Russia’s recent interference in our elections.”


In recent weeks the White House has refused to be drawn on a possible commutation or pardon, but has made a stark difference between Manning, who went through the courts and admitted wrong doing, and the likes of Edward Snowden.

Snowden — who fled to Hong Kong and then Russia after making a shattering revelation in 2013 of a global communications and internet surveillance system spanning the globe — was not on Obama’s list.

High-profile government whistleblower Edward Snowden was not on Obama’s list.
High-profile government whistleblower Edward Snowden was not on Obama’s list.

Also not on the list was Bowe Bergdahl, a US Army sergeant held captive for five years by the Taliban before his release in a prisoner swap, who is due to be court-martialed for desertion.

Other names not on the list are General David Petraeus — who improperly shared classified information — and Obama’s ally Hillary Clinton.

There had been wild speculation that Obama may chose to pre-emptively pardon her to forestall any Republican-led prosecution.

Presidents can theoretically pardon people before they are even sentenced.

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