
51 new coronavirus cases confirmed in Victoria overnight, young people chided for not self-isolating properly

Premier Daniel Andrews has urged Victorians to do their “civic duty” while issuing a stark warning that the state will “get to a very bad place in terms of public health” as the coronavirus crisis deepens. It comes after Crown Casino was forced to disable gaming machines.

Lockdowns and Spray-Downs: What Works and Doesn’t to Contain the Virus

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Premier Dan Andrews has issued a stern warning to Victorians to do their “civic duty” by obeying social distancing regulations as the number of new coronavirus cases continues to soar.

A staggering 51 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed on Saturday bringing the Victorian tally to 229 — the largest overnight jump in diagnoses the state has seen.

Mr Andrews admitted that Victoria will “get to a very bad place in terms of public health” in the weeks and months ahead as the national figure skyrocketed to 1068 cases after hundreds more Australians were diagnosed with the virus.

Mr Andrews urged Victorians to listen to the government’s advice on isolation measures and social distancing, saying that efforts to contain the virus are “no joke”.

“Thousands of people are almost pretending this isn’t real. It is real,” the premier said. “We have to play a part, the social distancing measures are serious. There is no joking about this.

“If we don’t flatten the curve and suppress the number of people testing positive, the spread of the virus (will continue), hospitals will be overwhelmed and that means more people will die.

Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton echoed the Premier’s words, saying young people in particular need to take social distancing rules more seriously.

“Someone is dying every two minutes in Italy from coronavirus and so, if you care about the people around you, if you think about protecting your family then you have to think about making that distance between you and other people in all settings at all times whatever size,” he said.


Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton said that young people need to take social distancing measures more seriously to tackle the pandemic.

“I think young people especially, this message isn’t penetrating and they’re not getting an understanding of what it means for the entire population,” Dr Sutton said.

“Younger people don’t get such severe infections but people in their 20s have died, people in their 30s and 40s are going into intensive care.

“Someone is dying every two minutes in Italy from coronavirus and so if you care about the people around you, if you think about protecting your family - your parents and your grandparents - then you have to think about making that distance between you and other people in all settings at all times whatever size.”

- Sharon McGowan


Dr Sutton said health services would be opening testing up to Victorians who hadn’t travelled.

“We’re expanding the guidance for testing,” he said.

‘It’ll be a wider net to pick up community transmission.”

Dr Sutton said that aged care residents with a history of respiratory issues and health care workers would be among those tested.

- Sharon McGowan


A Collingwood staff member has tested positive for coronavirus.

The Magpies have revealed that a staff member – who has been in isolation since recently returning from a trip overseas – had returned the positive test but maintained that there had been no contact with the football department.

He is “ recovering at home and being monitored by the Department of Health and Human Services”, the club said in a statement.

“Due to quarantine requirements, the staff member has at no point been in any contact with players or staff members at Collingwood since returning and has therefore presented no transmission risk to the club,” the club said.

“The staff member will not return to the Holden Centre until medically cleared to do so.”

- Lauren Wood


The state’s number of coronavirus cases has jumped to 229, with 51 new cases confirmed overnight.

It comes as the total number of cases nationwide climbs to 874, with seven deaths.

Federal health minister Greg Hunt said that 115,000 tests have been carried out nationwide - one of the highest test rates per capita worldwide.

Mr Hunt said that “well over” 99 per cent of test had been negative.

The federal government has injected $2.6 million into the development of a new coronavirus test to screen more Australians faster.

The tests will be developed by researchers at Peter Doherty Institute in Melbourne and could be available within weeks.

Mr Hunt said the tests would enable widespread screening, with results available within 30 minutes.

“This is about a faster test, a simpler test and expanding our capacity to continue to grow the testing in Australia which is already at the forefront of the world,” he said.

The investment in new, fast-tracked coronavirus tests form part of the Commonwealth government’s $15.6 million research and testing package announced today.

It also includes $5 million for respiratory treatment and $8 million for anti-viral research.

Mr Hunt has lashed Bondi beach-goers for flouting social distancing advice and crowding the beach.

A massive number of people were pictured on Bondi beach on Friday, despite advice for people to avoid large gatherings to help slow the spread of coronavirus.

Mr Hunt said the behaviour was “unacceptable”.

- Aneeka Simonis



Crown Casino has been forced to disable gaming machines and shut down most of its main gambling room as the state government enforces strict new social distancing rules to help slow the spread of coronavirus.

Premier Daniel Andrews said Crown — which had previously been exempt from the tough regulations affecting other hospitality and entertainment venues — would now be forced to comply.

The Sunday Herald Sun has obtained a copy of a staff alert which says Crown patrons will be restricted to separate areas with a maximum of 100 people or less in each.

The shutdown of the main gaming room floor saw most of the machines switched off and chairs stacked in aisles.

More staff than patrons roamed the floor when the Sunday Herald Sun visited, with many people walking in and then out again upon seeing the disabled machines.

Crown’s restaurants, bars and food court were also largely empty.

It’s understood the casino, which is Victoria’s largest private sector employer, hopes to keep open several smaller, gaming areas including the Teak and Mahogany rooms.

Victoria’s chief health officer Brett Sutton confirmed he had advised Crown CEO Ken Barton on Friday of the looming changes.

“The direction on internal gatherings was reduced from 500 to 100 people and so Crown was no longer compliant and they need to be compliant now,” he said.

“My expectation is that they will need to have 100 or fewer people in any single space and to have density requirements met as well.”

A Crown spokesperson said the casino was working with Mr Sutton “as the situation evolves”.

“Not only are we complying … regarding mass gatherings, we have additional social distancing measures in place aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19 … we recognise that this is a challenging time for all of our employees, and we remain focused on keeping the 12,500 people who work at Crown Melbourne in a job and maintaining our supply chain, which supports over 4000 businesses in Victoria.”

Victorian Chamber of Commerce chief Paul Guerra said Crown was “no different to any other business in Australia right now”, and should not be exempt.

“These are just extraordinary times, which have come out of nowhere, and it’s not a finance driven thing, it’s a health driven thing,” he said. “To get through it, we are all going to have to band together, and at this point the best advice we’ve got, is social distancing.”

- Sharon McGowan



Mr Andrews urged Victorians to play their part by adhering to social distancing guidelines.

“Every Victorian has a part to play, if we all do that we will get through this,” he said.

“It’s not about criticism, it’s an appeal for people to do their civic duty.”

“We cant have this spread more rapidly than would otherwise be the case.”

“We’ve got to take action to flatten the curve and make sure our hospital system doesn’t collapse.”

“Yes it will be an inconvenience, yes it will be frustrating, but it will save lives.”

Mr Andrews urged Victorians to wash their hands, cough into the crook of their elbow and self isolate if they have symptoms.

“These sorts of things are simple but they make a powerful difference.

“If you’re in any doubt of how serious this is, switch your TV on and see what’s happening in other parts of the world.”

Mr Andrews hinted that new measures would be announced by the chief health officer later today.

“We are going to get to a very bad place in terms of public health in the weeks and months ahead,” he said.

- Sharon McGowan


Small businesses will get cash refunds on their payroll tax bills and a six-month reprieve on their loans to prevent them going to the wall during the coronavirus crisis.

More than $550 million in payroll tax already paid by 24,000 Victorian small businesses, which employ about 400,000 workers, will be sent back to them from next Friday.

The cash injection, applying to businesses with a payroll of less than $3 million, will provide most with about $23,000 in immediate support, with some to receive up to $113,975.

It is part of a $1.7 billion economic survival package unveiled by Premier Daniel Andrews today, with further state government support also in the works.

Mr Andrews will also put $500 million into creating a “Working for Victoria” fund to get people who have lost their jobs back into the workforce.


Australia’s borders are now closed to overseas travellers who are not Australian citizens or residents, after tough new travel bans came into effect at 9pm last night.

Citizens, permanent residents and their immediate families, such as spouses, dependants and legal guardians, will still be allowed to enter under the ban.

Arrivals of all nationalities are required to self-isolate for 14 days, either at home or in a hotel, after they land in Australia.

New Zealand citizens who usually reside in Australia are also except from the travel ban, and will still be able to return.

Aussies are also asked not to travel overseas at this time, with travel warnings at level four, the highest possible advice level.


The Victorian Government has ordered two pupil-free days for public schools to help teachers prepare for distance learning due to the coronavirus pandemic.

No students will be able to attend public schools on Friday, the last day of term 1, while a second pupil-free day was called for the first day of Term 2.

In a late night memo to all schools, Department of Education deputy secretary Dr David Howes said the student-free days would “provide an important opportunity for schools to consolidate their preparations” as they plan to run lessons off-site if the outbreak shuts all schools.

“While our schools and teachers are well prepared to commence remote learning, it won’t always be perfect, and we will learn as we go,” Dr Howes said.

The enforced curriculum days will cause headaches for some schools.

It’s understood a number of campuses already arranged their own student-free days, and notified families, in an effort to prepare for potential closures and online learning.


UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak made the unprecedented announcement this morning that the government would cover the payroll of millions of workers while they are off because of the coronavirus.

It came as Prime Minister Boris Johnson called last drinks across the UK, with pubs, cafes, restaurants, gyms and leisure centres to close tonight.

The dramatic interventions, which have been mirrored in other European countries, will provide a blueprint for Australia as the virus inevitably skyrockets there.

Mr Johnson pleaded with people to stay home tonight, saying people’s contact must drop by 75 per cent for the measures to work.

“You may think you are invincible, but there is no guarantee you will get mild symptoms, and you can still be a carrier of the disease and pass it on to others,” he said.

The pub ban will be in place for at least a month, but could extend longer, with Mr Johnson trying to offer some hope that the UK would be able to turn the tide in 12 weeks.


It comes as Italy’s death toll hit 3405 compared with China’s 3130 and the army has been called in to move coffins away from the Lombardy region in Northern Italy because burial services were swamped.

Italy has announced 627 coronavirus deaths in the past 24 hours, the biggest day-over-day increase during the outbreak.

The global death toll has now passed 10,000.


The nation’s biggest banks will give mortgage-free holidays to customers, in an unprecedented move prompted by the coronavirus pandemic.

ANZ boss Shayne Elliott said anyone who asked for help would get it — the bank would not “grill” customers or even ask them for paperwork if they requested repayment relief.

ANZ was yesterday the only of the big four lenders to pass on discounts to variable rates to borrowers, following the Reserve Bank of Australia’s decision to slash the cash rate for the second time this month to a record low of 0.25 per cent.

National Australia Bank, Westpac and Commonwealth will not be delivering any of this cut to variable mortgage customers.

ANZ’s chief executive officer Shayne Elliott said people are “scared” amid the COVID-19 outbreak and the bank would give home loan repayment holidays to any customers who needed it.


Australians caring for elderly people in their homes will pocket up to $2400 in bonuses due to increased demands on the workforce during the crisis.

Staff at aged-care centres will also get after-tax payment boosts, worth up to $1600, as part of a $235 million staff retention plan.

The cash splash anchors a $445 million funding boost unveiled by Scott Morrison yesterday.


A handful of Australian COVID-19 patients – some of the first to be infected with the deadly virus – were successfully medicated with malaria and HIV drugs in a secret trial which will now be rolled out around Australia within days.

Such was the success of the secret treatments fifty Australian hospitals will be given HIV medication Kaletra and malaria treatment hydroxychloroquine in a clinical trial which promises to “cure” the virus.

Curing the virus means there will be no trace of it in the body.

Additionally, the outcomes of the first trial of a promising treatment for COVID-19 will be reported within weeks and the drug could be approved for use in China as early as May.

Scientists at the Doherty Institute have made a breakthrough that may help overcome the virus. Picture: David Caird
Scientists at the Doherty Institute have made a breakthrough that may help overcome the virus. Picture: David Caird


Two years before coronavirus hit Australia, our top scientists and doctors were already preparing for it.

Their pre-emptive efforts – long before the pandemic had a name, symptoms or even a first victim – have given Australia a headstart that is now being measured in weeks and months.

When the COVID-19 peak hits the preparations may instead be measured in the number of lives saved here and overseas.

“When the first case arrived we were able to collect samples and we were able to analyse it straight away,” Royal Melbourne Hospital infectious diseases physician Dr Irani Thevarajan said.

“We were able to do it because we were pretty much ready on every level.

“We have been sitting here knowing that different disease outbreaks will happen and, when they do happen, we want to be able to respond.”

Royal Melbourne Hospital Infectious Diseases Physician Dr Irani Thevarajan and Immunologist Professor Katherine Kedzierska of the Doherty Institute. Picture: David Caird
Royal Melbourne Hospital Infectious Diseases Physician Dr Irani Thevarajan and Immunologist Professor Katherine Kedzierska of the Doherty Institute. Picture: David Caird

After the World Health Organisation declared the zika virus a public health emergency of international concern in early 2016, a group of Melbourne clinicians and scientists realised it would have taken them weeks to respond.

But with global travel making it only a matter of time before pandemics threatened the entire world, they decided to set up a way to immediately characterise infectious diseases in returned travellers.

The result was the Sentinel Travellers and Research Preparedness for Emerging Infectious Disease platform – or SETREP-ID – overseen by The Doherty Institute with a network of investigators scattered throughout Victoria’s major hospitals.

Made up of virologists, immunologists and public health experts, the network was able to rapidly share samples, analysis, diagnostics and related information to scan for potential outbreaks.

And, despite not knowing what threat the SETREP-ID would be enacted for, the group had pre-emptive ethical clearance to immediately gather samples from patients – something which would take weeks or months in other countries.

Despite testing the system with mock emergencies, the platform remained unused until Dr Thevarajan and her colleagues noted an unheralded alert from Wuhan.

“We were significantly worried that this one might be the real deal from fairly early on,” Dr Thevarajan said.

“As soon as we started hearing some information on an undiagnosed pneumonia that was being reported in China in early January, we activated our platform before we even knew it was a problem.

Immunologist Professor Katherine Kedzierska and Postdoctoral Researcher Dr Carolien Van de Sandt with blood samples kept on ice at the Doherty Institute. Picture: David Caird
Immunologist Professor Katherine Kedzierska and Postdoctoral Researcher Dr Carolien Van de Sandt with blood samples kept on ice at the Doherty Institute. Picture: David Caird

“What concerned ask about the undiagnosed pneumonia … was that anything respiratory has the potential to spread. (And) anything in regions close to Australia Means that it might become relevant to us.

“It could have ended up being nothing, but it has ended up being something.”

Although little was know of the novel coronavirus, SETREP-ID began devising a way to diagnose, test and treat any potential patients, which could be altered as new information emerged.

As soon as the first coronavirus infected person presented at a Melbourne hospital, the network was in place to test and diagnosed them. Immediately a sample was rushed to the Doherty Institute, so scientists could get to work.

The results were stunning.


Within four weeks, the Melbourne team announced it had also mapped the way the human immune system responds to COVID-19 in detail, further boosting the global fight.

Without the pre-emptive preparations it would have taken weeks longer to respond to coronavirus, with consequences nobody wants to think about.

“We took a couple of those steps away by already having that in place,” Dr Thevarajan said.

“I think that most of us are just very focused at trying to Do this in the best way that we can With the resources that we have and aware that things could really escalate.”

“It is amazing to be a part of it.”


Coronavirus: The word virus comes from a Latin word meaning venom and describes a tiny, tiny agent that causes infectious disease. Coronavirus is a family of viruses that got its name from its appearance. The word corona means crown. The scientists who in 1968 came up with the term coronavirus thought that, under a microscope, the virus they were looking at resembled a solar corona: the bright crown-like ring of gasses surrounding the sun that is visible during a solar eclipse. (The beer brand Corona, incidentally, based its logo on the crown atop the Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Puerto Vallarta.)

COVID-19: Short for “coronavirus disease 2019”, the name given by the World Health Organisation (WHO), because the new strain which has triggered the current pandemic was first identified in late December in the central Chinese city of Wuhan.

Epidemic/pandemic: An epidemic is when there are outbreaks in several places. A pandemic is the next level when it affects an entire continent but often refers to when it becomes a worldwide issue which what the World Health Organisation declared on March 10.

Surge capacity: Medical surge capacity is the health care system’s ability to care for a huge increase in patients.

Flattening the curve: Uncontrolled, the number of COVID-19 cases will rise quickly and burden the health system. Slowing the spread means that spike will be flattened, like in a line graph, and help authorities manage the problem.

Social distancing: Making a conscious effort to reduce close contact between people. Avoid hugs, kisses and handshakes. Advice is to keep about 1.5m apart.

Self-isolation: When a person voluntarily confines themself, for example, staying at home. Isolation is for separating those who are sick from healthy people.

Quarantine: Is used to restrict the movement and separate people who don’t feel sick but may have been exposed to coronavirus.

Fourteen-ine: This term stems from the word quarantine, which originally referred to the 40-day isolation period for people suspected of having the plague. The COVID-19 incubation period — the time between infection and the appearance of symptoms — is estimated at between one and 14 days. Most governments around the world have imposed 14-day isolation periods for suspected cases.

Community transmission: When the virus is spreading from unknown sources, compared to identifiable person-to-person transmission.

Super spreader: This refers to a person who has infected a large number of other people. Unless protective measures such as isolation are taken, it is estimated that an infected person will transmit the illness to at least two or three other people.

Many Melburnians are adapting to a new normal after coronavirus took hold of the city. Picture AAP Image/James Ross
Many Melburnians are adapting to a new normal after coronavirus took hold of the city. Picture AAP Image/James Ross

Asymptomatic: A person who has contracted the coronavirus usually has a fever, dry cough and sometimes breathing difficulties. But some remain asymptomatic, meaning they have no symptoms. The risk of contracting COVID-19 from an asymptomatic person is low, because the illness is mainly spread via droplets which collect in the air when someone coughs or sneezes. But it remains possible to catch the disease from someone with a light cough and does not feel ill.

Cluster: In medical terms, ‘cluster’ means several people infected in a specific place. In the case of an epidemic, a cluster is a disease hotspot.

Immunocompromised: Someone with a weakened immune system, making them more susceptible to contracting the virus. You can be immunocompromised by diseases like AIDS or taking some anti-cancer drugs, but you can also be immunocompromised by losing sleep, not drinking enough water and eating poorly.

WFH: Acronym for work from home.





Originally published as 51 new coronavirus cases confirmed in Victoria overnight, young people chided for not self-isolating properly

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