

Attorney General Elise Archer resigns

The Tasmanian minority Liberal government has been plunged further into turmoil after Attorney-General Elise Archer resigned from state parliament amid a bullying scandal.

Minister Elise Archer. Question time in the Tasmanian parliament. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones
Minister Elise Archer. Question time in the Tasmanian parliament. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones

The Tasmanian minority Liberal government has been plunged further into turmoil after Attorney-General Elise Archer resigned from state parliament amid a bullying scandal.

Premier Jeremy Rockliff announced Ms Archer’s departure at a snap 3pm press conference in Launceston on Friday.

It came after allegations emerged that Ms Archer had bullied staff and sent online messages demeaning her colleagues.

“This morning I met with the Attorney-General Elise Archer MP,” Mr Rockliff said. “I requested and received her resignation from cabinet.

“Yesterday I was made aware of information in relation to remarks outside what has already been reported.

“Those remarks are unacceptable by any standard and unequivocally fall short of expectations for a minister of the Crown.

“As a consequence of this Ms Archer is no longer a member of my cabinet.”

Mr Rockliff said Ms Archer would resign from state parliament.

A recount will be held in the Hobart-based seat of Clark is likely to elevate Liberal Hobart City alderman Simon Behrakis.

Ms Archer sounded a defiant note in a farewell post on Facebook.

“It has been my deep honour and privilege to serve my constituents in Clark and the people of Tasmania as Attorney-General and in all my portfolios.

“It is clear to me that the leadership of the Liberal Party continues to fail to support ambitious women.

“It takes incredible strength and resilience to be a woman in a senior government role and to strive to be treated the same as male colleagues, despite many years of dedicated, hardworking service.”

Ms Archer was widely known to have been disappointed not to have been elevated to the role of Deputy Premier after the departure of former Premier Peter Gutwein.

Labor MP Shane Broad shared the news of Ms Archer’s resignation on social media, labelling it as “yet another Liberal political crisis in Tasmania”.

Mr Rockliff said Deputy Premier Michael Ferguson has been appointed Acting Attorney-General and Mr Rockliff will take over Ms Archer’s other cabinet responsibilities before a new minister is sworn in.

He said his request for Ms Archer’s resignation was nothing to do with her description of him in leaked text messages as “gutless”.

“I cannot accept culture of belittling and a culture whereby people are not valued and respected,” he said.

“As I said this week, if culture is to change in this state, it requires leadership and accountability, starting at the top.  And I intend to lead by example in doing exactly that.

“That accountability that starts at the top with myself.”

The events of Friday afternoon came after reports in the Australian newspaper of WhatsApp messages in which Ms Archer describes Mr Rockliff as “too gutless to be leader” and former Premier Peter Gutwein of having a “glass jaw” and prone to “knee-jerk reactions like a child”.

Mr Rockliff announced an independent investigation on Thursday.

Ms Archer’s departure creates a serious headache for the government, which will likely return to parliament in two weeks’ time with just nine MPs, plus Speaker Mark Shelton on the floor of the 25-seat House of Assembly, unless Mr Rockliff prorogues the House.

Recounts under the Hare-Clark electoral system in place in Tasmania include a two-week period for unsuccessful candidates from the previous election to nominate.

EARLIER: Tasmanian Attorney-General and Justice Minister Elise Archer has resigned, Premier Jeremy Rockliff says.

Speaking at a snap 3pm press conference in Launceston, Mr Rockliff said he had requested and received her resignation from cabinet.

He said he had become aware of comments she had made which were not befitting a member of his cabinet.

Deputy Premier Michael Ferguson has been appointed Acting Attorney General. Mr Rockliff will take over Ms Archer’s other cabinet responsibilities.

“I expect a very high standard,” Mr Rockliff said, citing his government’s ministerial code of conduct.

I said this week that culture and a changing of culture in Tasmania is absolutely paramount. If culture in this state is to change it requires leadership and accountability and I intend to demonstrate that.

“I intend to start from the top and demonstrate that accountability as Premier of Tasmania.”

He said a new minister would be announced within days.

Mr Rockliff referred to reports that Ms Archer had engaged in bullying and had sent text messages reflecting on her colleagues.

“I cannot accept culture of belittling and a culture whereby people are not valued and respected.”

Ms Archer has also resigned as the member for Clark and will leave Parliament.

Mr Rockliff said a recount would be held.

Based on the results of the 2021 election it is likely to see the elevation of Hobart council Alderman Simon Behrakis to the state parliament.

In a Facebook post on Friday afternoon, Ms Archer said it was her “deep honour and privilege to serve my constituents in Clark and the people of Tasmania as Attorney-General and in all my portfolios”.

“Today, I have resigned as a Minister of the Crown and from the Liberal Party. It is also my intention to notify Her Excellency of my resignation from the Parliament of Tasmania as a Member for Clark,” she wrote.

In a scathing hit at the Liberal Party, Ms Archer wrote that it was “clear” leadership in the Liberal Party “continues to fail to support ambitious women”.

“It takes incredible strength and resilience to be a woman in a senior government role and to strive to be treated the same as male colleagues, despite many years of dedicated, hardworking service.

“I am particularly proud of my achievements as the first female Speaker in the House of Assembly, and significantly in law reform over the last five years. It has taken a personal toll at times, however, I depart knowing that despite the events of recent days, this law reform will hopefully endure as my legacy for the people of Tasmania and my community, who I have loved serving over the last 13 years.”

More to come.

Attorney-General Elise Archer and Premier Jeremy Rockliff. Picture: Chris Kidd
Attorney-General Elise Archer and Premier Jeremy Rockliff. Picture: Chris Kidd

EARLIER: Labor is demanding Premier Jeremy Rockliff explain how long he has known about allegations of workplace bullying against Attorney-General Elise Archer and says it is “untenable” for her to remain in her ministerial portfolios.

Mr Rockliff has confirmed there is an independent review into allegations of bullying in Ms Archer’s office which Labor says has seen 18 staff leave in three years.

Labor’s leader of Opposition business Dean Winter said the allegations were “incredibly serious” and there was a “serious cloud” over her.

“This is the first law officer of Tasmania and also the Workplace Relations Minister who’s under a serious cloud about her workplace practices and whether or not she herself has adhered to the workplace relations law of this state,” he said.

.“We need to understand how long he’s (Mr Rockliff) known about these allegations, and what he’s done about them and what he’s going to do now.

“It’s clearly not appropriate for the Attorney General portfolio, and should have been stood down already.

“It’s not tenable for Elise Archer to sit in the Cabinet room with a premier and declare her loyalty to this premier when she’s also calling him gutless.”

Mr Winter said there had been a “massive turnover of staff” in her office.

The Australian newspaper on Friday reported details of WhatsApp messages in which Ms Archer describes Mr Rockliff as “too gutless to be leader” and former Premier Peter Gutwein of having a “glass jaw” and prone to “knee jerk reactions like a child”.

Ms Archer told the Australian she was not aware of the specific details of the allegations against her but was “taking them extremely seriously”.

“Therefore, I welcome an independent investigation,” she said.

“I always strive to provide my team with a healthy and happy workplace.

“I deeply value the exceptional work of my team, many of whom come to me for short periods of time from departments and who have diligently performed the challenging work required of ministerial staff.”

Greens leader Rosalie Woodruff said she would not comment before the findings of the investigation.

“It’s very serious and I would expect the investigation to look very, very closely at it,” Dr Woodruff said. “There have been comments and speculation but they need to be investigated thoroughly.”

INITIAL: Stand Down: Labor calls for Elise Archer to step aside

Premier Jeremy Rockliff is under pressure from Labor to stand down Attorney-General Elise Archer while allegations of workplace bullying are investigated.

Mr Rockliff has confirmed an independent review into the allegations “raised through a third party”.

It comes after reports in the Australian newspaper on Friday of WhatsApp messages in which Ms Archer describes Mr Rockliff as “too gutless to be leader” and former Premier Peter Gutwein of having a “glass jaw” and prone to “knee jerk reactions like a child”.

Labor’s leader of Opposition business Dean Winter says Mr Rockliff has no choice but to stand Ms Archer down pending the investigation.

“Last year the Premier pledged a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to bullying after the release of Anti-Discrimination Commissioner Sarah Bolt’s Motion for Respect report,” Mr Winter said.

“Given the seriousness of these allegations, Jeremy Rockliff can’t guarantee the safety of staff in the Attorney’s office while Archer is still there.

“Regardless of allegations that Jeremy Rockliff has known about this behavior for years, today is the day for him to finally put his words into action.”

Mr Rockliff said on Thursday it was not appropriate for him to comment.

“A matter has been raised with me through a third party – I have set in train a process where that matter will be independently reviewed,” he told The Australian.

“In the interests of procedural fairness, it is inappropriate to provide any further comment.”

Ms Archer told the Australian she was not aware of the specific details of the allegations against her but was “taking them extremely seriously”.

“Therefore, I welcome an independent investigation,” she said.

“I always strive to provide my team with a healthy and happy workplace.

“I deeply value the exceptional work of my team, many of whom come to me for short periods of time from departments and who have diligently performed the challenging work required of ministerial staff.”

Mr Winter will speak to the media at lunchtime.

Originally published as Attorney General Elise Archer resigns

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