
Fair Go For The West: Recycling toxic trash leads field

LIVERPOOL Council leading Sydney environmentally with more than 125 tonnes of waste material dropped at the city’s new Community Recycling ­Centre.

Michael Kellan and Gavin Singleton workers at the Liverpool Community Recycling Centre. Residents can drop off their waste products that are difficult to dispose of such as TV's, computer, paints etc for free.
Michael Kellan and Gavin Singleton workers at the Liverpool Community Recycling Centre. Residents can drop off their waste products that are difficult to dispose of such as TV's, computer, paints etc for free.

LIVERPOOL Council is leading Sydney environmentally with more than 125 tonnes of waste material dropped at the city’s new Community Recycling ­Centre in its first six months.

The facility, set up last July, enables residents to safely dispose of waste items that would otherwise end up in landfill such as paints, ­batteries, gas cylinders, old televisions and computers.

Liverpool mayor Ned Mannoun said he hoped his council would lead the way to promote more of these ­facilities throughout Sydney and the state.

“The residents are the real champs,” Mr Mannoun said.

“They’re the ones who have embraced the new centre. But the facility is not just for the residents of Liverpool. We have people coming from around Sydney to dispose of their waste.”

The recycling centre stemmed from a study tour the mayor undertook in the US that took the group to Boulder, Colorado, reputed to be the most sustainable city in the US. The centre in Liverpool was built with the aid of a $250,000 grant from the ­Environmental Protection Authority.

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