
Firefighters monitor fires in East Gipplsland. Picture: Darrian Traynor/Getty Images
Firefighters monitor fires in East Gipplsland. Picture: Darrian Traynor/Getty Images

Bushfires: Australia sends thanks to brave firefighters across the nation

They’ve been nicknamed the Orange and Yellow Army — the thousands of firefighters who risked everything to save lives and property in the face of the fiercest bushfires this country has seen. These are messages of gratitude from our readers and some of the biggest celebrity names. Scroll to the end of this article to leave your own message by either filling out a submission or adding a comment.

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban: “We can think of no higher service than that provided by our firefighters, many of whom battled to save the homes of others while their own burned down. Their selfless actions reflect the indomitable spirit of Australia – a spirit that will inspire the recovery ahead.”

Eddie McGuire, broadcaster and Collingwood football club president: “One in, all in has always been the Australian way. Thank you to everyone who has been a part or is planning to contribute in some way to supporting our brothers and sisters directly impacted by the bushfires and in helping these wonderful communities.”

Stephanie Miller (nee Steph Claire Smith), model and co-CEO of Keep It Cleaner: “I, along with the entire nation, am absolutely heartbroken by the bushfires. What has given me hope, is how inspiring Australians are – in a time of such devastation we have all come together and united to offer as much support as possible. This leaves me feeling incredibly proud to be Australian. I cannot express my thanks enough to the volunteers and fireys who are putting their lives at risk to help those in need.”

Bec Judd, TV presenter and entrepreneur: “We run from the flames while you run towards them to keep us safe, taking the definition of ‘hero’ to a whole new level. Thank you.”

Sports stars' message for Victorians

Peter Waterhouse, Craigieburn: I was one of the many folk who had to evacuated from Mallacoota. Before that, I was bunkered down in a local church with about 35 young people, who were all quite anxious when the fires were licking the edge of the township. The local fire brigade provided such psychological comfort in precarious circumstances, ensuring us that until the time came to evacuate to the jetty, they would be hosing down the building and keeping the flames at bay. They certainly did.

Robyn Christiansen: Keep up the amazing work firefighters. Special thanks to strike teams who were at Mallacoota. Without your incredible efforts the outcome for us could have been very different.

Elyse Knowles, model: “Even in the darkest hour, finding one speck of positivity can help us to heal and find strength to carry on. Over the past few months it has been heart warming to watch communities around Australia rally together and fight these horrible fires. I am sincerely proud to call myself an Australian and I am even prouder of those around me. Thank you.”

Shane Delia, chef: “In the darkest of times the brightest of hearts shine to lead us and give hope. Words cannot express the gratitude and debt all Australians owe to the men and women who have risked there lives to protect and serve members of our community in there time of need. As a community we face countless challenges and differences, and at times pride isn’t the first emotion I feel when thinking of being Australian. But though the unity and compassion so many of our community have shown throughout this travesty, it is undeniable that all our differences are just petty squabbles. At our core we are a community who love and care for each other, no matter what may divide us.”

Firefighters prepare to roll out on January 6 in Cann River. Picture: Getty Images
Firefighters prepare to roll out on January 6 in Cann River. Picture: Getty Images

Wendy Maddocks, Traralgon: “Thank you to the amazing fireys for all you do! To the residents of the affected areas you have the whole of Australia’s support, condolences and love from here on in. All we can say is it can only get better from here.”

Julie Triffle, Leitchville: “To each and every person involved in fighting, on any fire front across this wonderful country of ours, you are true heroes! Words cannot express how proud I feel in the Aussie spirit being shown in this disastrous time period of our history. Thank you doesn’t seem enough.”

Linda Dessau, Governor of Victoria: “Like all Victorians, my husband Tony and I are saddened by the bushfires ravaging parts of our State, and the heavy losses caused by them. Loss of precious lives, of homes, businesses, livestock, bushland and wildlife.

We are also buoyed when we see the bravery and tireless work of all those fighting the fires, our emergency services personnel and the men and women of the ADF – whether in the field or in headquarters and control centres around the State.

We have the good fortune to be meeting and to be able to thank some of them.

We also see the spirit of collaboration and practical teamwork amongst the countless generous groups and individuals who are donating and volunteering, to provide help wherever, whenever and however it’s needed.

Thank you to everyone still fighting these fires, and to everyone supporting those affected as they embark upon rebuilding and recovery.”

The Governor of Victoria, Linda Dessau, visiting an emergency communications centre in Melbourne. Picture: Julian Smith
The Governor of Victoria, Linda Dessau, visiting an emergency communications centre in Melbourne. Picture: Julian Smith

Andrew McConnell, chef: “We are in awe of the incredible efforts of our firefighters, SES volunteers and everyone else who is working so hard to protect people, places and our precious wildlife. Their strength, resilience and dedication are inspirational, and we cannot thank them enough for all that they’ve done and will continue to do in the face of these devastating fires.”

Toni Maticevski, fashion designer: “Thank you to everyone who joined forces to help. I feel like we have all rallied our resources and our friendships in every way we could to show support and to help either through direct funding or donation.”

Pat Cash, former tennis player: “Thank you to the firefighters. They are absolute heroes. They throw the word ‘hero’ around a lot, especially in tennis. I think, ‘No, not really. We’re only tennis players. Sporting people play sport because we like it. These guys are saving lives. They’re the real heroes. I’m glad they’re getting the support and thanks they deserve.”

George Calombaris, chef: “Heroes. Simple. These amazing humans are heroes. So much respect for what they have done. So proud to be Victorian in a time of toughness, this is when people stand up. Thank you great humans for your care, love and protection.”

Emma Hawkins, WAG: “This bushfire crisis, whilst devastating beyond comprehension, has highlighted the Australian community for its compassion, generosity and tenacity in equal measure. To all the selfless individuals that have been fighting these fires on the front line, we are forever grateful.”

Matt Preston, food critic: “Nothing brings out the best in Australians than a crisis like this. whether it’s the firey on the frontline, the pensioner donating a few of their scarce dollars or the kids running a lemonade stall on the local high street to raise funds for our hard-pressed wildlife, heroes have come in all shapes and sizes during these fires.

Now we need to work on supporting the farms and businesses that have been so heinously affected. Support them with what you buy, support by where you visit … now and into the future.”

Matt Preston. Picture: Christian Gilles
Matt Preston. Picture: Christian Gilles
Pat Cash. Picture: Rob Leeson
Pat Cash. Picture: Rob Leeson

Victoria Emergency Management Commissioner Andrew Crisp: “The Victorian community and our emergency management personnel have faced tough conditions over the last few weeks and months. Our people have been working very hard since November on fires across the state, including significant fire activity in East Gippsland and the northeast. These fires have impacted Victorian communities. There has been significant property losses and that is devastating for those community members. We continue to do everything we can to support communities and our people during this time. My thoughts are with the families and friends of each one of those individuals who have lost their lives. We will always be grateful to those who have put themselves in harm’s way during difficult and dangerous situations, in the interests of their local communities. It is important to consider the risk Victorian firefighters take every time they step onto the fireground. Managing the response to our fires, as well as the immediate relief and recovery across the state has truly been a team effort and I have seen first hand the work between agencies, brigades, teams and colleagues, at all levels. As my colleagues CFA Chief Officer Steve Warrington and Forest Fire Management Victoria Chief Fire Officer Chris Hardman have said, we will, and are doing everything we can to keep our communities and our people safe. Thank you to everyone for their efforts so far, and the effort still to come. Take care.”

Antonella Mucciacito, Lalor: “Thank you to all our firefighters, ambulance and police for risking your lives every day to keep the community safe. You all are my heroes. It makes me proud to be Australian to see all Australians coming together to help each other during this disaster.”

Maureen Kealy, Bentleigh East: “Words cannot describe my admiration and thanks for all the firefighters. I watch the television and see how wearied they are but they fight on day after day. I do hope the donations go to the right people and quickly. Don’t make them suffer any more.”

Gary Mehigan, chef and food critic: “Anything I say seems shallow in the shadow of these bushfires. On our behalf there are strong selfless people shouldering the hard work, dealing with the devastation, the pain, the loss, the bereavement and tragedy. To these people we are indebted and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Beyond the fires we promise to do what we all can … not now or next week, but for as long as it takes …”

Tired CFA firefighters rest while they refuel during the Mallacoota fire fight. Picture: David Caird
Tired CFA firefighters rest while they refuel during the Mallacoota fire fight. Picture: David Caird

Molly Meldrum, music guru: “The biggest thank you to all the firefighters and volunteer firefighters who have done an amazing job. It’s been nothing short of inspiring. I’m from Orbost, so I’ve been watching in tears. I’ve been in contact with people there and in Bairnsdale and East Gippsland, I’m digging up a lot of my old memorabilia from over the years to raise money for them. Australia really comes together to help those in need, it’s wonderful.”

Dannii Minogue, singer: “I am in awe and so thankful to the many firefighters and SES crews that have fought so bravely to protect our precious homeland, wildlife, people and homes. The spirit of Australians working together makes me so proud.” 

Delta Goodrem, singer: “Watching our beautiful country suffer so much over the past few months has completely broken my heart. Sending all of my love and gratitude to the incredible firefighters, volunteers and to every single person who has been affected by the devastating fires. Thank you for all that you are doing and the sacrifices you’re making for our great country and its people and wildlife.”

Molly Meldrum is digging up a lot of his old memorabilia to raise money. Picture: Christian Gilles
Molly Meldrum is digging up a lot of his old memorabilia to raise money. Picture: Christian Gilles
Delta Goodrem.
Delta Goodrem.
Dannii Minogue.
Dannii Minogue.

Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria: “In recent weeks, we’ve seen the very best of Victoria. We’ve seen it in the courage and commitment of our firefighters as they put their lives on the line for us. We’ve seen it too in the first responders whose calm compassion in the face of danger has made all the difference. The wildlife carers and vets who have helped rescue and rehabilitate local animals. The volunteers who have come from every corner of the state to offer their time and skill. And the friends and neighbours and complete strangers who’ve helped and comforted and mourned together – because that’s what Victorians do.

We still have a long way to go towards recovery – and fires continue to burn across our state.

But to everyone who is giving everything they can, we offer our deepest gratitude.”

Gil McLachlan, AFL boss: “On behalf of the entire AFL community – including our clubs, players, officials and supporters – I wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who has been involved in fighting fires and supporting the communities that have been affected by these bushfires. Our firefighters, emergency services and defence personnel, support agencies and the thousands of volunteers who have given so freely of their time to protect our communities have inspired and united all of us. As an industry we are coming together to raise money through a number of initiatives but also to stage a double header on Friday 28 February where AFL and AFLW football supporters have an opportunity to show their respect and gratitude for everything you have done. The football industry will support you through this time and is fully committed to working together with you and your communities to rebuild over the longer term.”

Premier Daniel Andrews with Emergency Management Commissioner Andrew Crisp. Picture: Getty Images
Premier Daniel Andrews with Emergency Management Commissioner Andrew Crisp. Picture: Getty Images

Andrew Tierney, singer: “Being Aussies living overseas we can seriously feel the world is heartbroken for our beautiful country. Everyone is asking about our country’s safety and is genuinely rocked to the core for the devastating loss of our beloved wildlife in such unimaginable numbers. It’s amazing to see the relief efforts already underway from across the globe and our respect for the many firefighters, volunteers and officials who are at the front of all this devastation with the communities and animals.”

Carl Storey, Southport UK: “After watching these horrific bush fire images on national TV in UK, my heart and prayers are with the population of Victoria and NSW. The bravery and heroics of the emergency services in an effort to suppress this disaster in order to save lives, wildlife and property, has, and is continuing to be beyond the call of duty. I salute them all. It is also heartbreaking to see the wonderful city of Melbourne where my close family live, covered in clouds of thick smog.”

The Clayton family, Wantirna: “Our heartfelt and very sincere thanks to our bushfire heroes – our extremely brave firefighters. Thank you to all volunteers and all who have contributed to fighting our disastrous Australian bushfires – we are indebted to you. Love, gratitude and much admiration.”

Guy Sebastian, singer: “It’s been amazing to see Australia really come together over the past few months. Hearing about people opening up their homes to strangers, spending hours searching for injured animals, donating time, money, food and clothes has really highlighted how amazing our country really is. I have so much respect for the local heroes who have been putting their lives on the line to protect our country, my heart and prayers go out to everyone who has been affected by this awful tragedy.”

Tegan Martin, model: “How will we ever thank such brave, selfless souls? Sending so much gratitude to the amazing people who make up the Rural Fire Service and any affiliates.”

Luke Darcy, Channel 7 and Triple M broadcaster: “The Australian culture of supporting each other has been the silver lining in the toughest of times. Thank you to our amazing volunteers and everyone in the community who has donated their time and money.”

Christian O’Connell, Gold 104 broadcaster: “Whilst the scenes we’ve witnessed are horrific, the life affirming support that humble bushfire heroes have shown opens all our hearts. Reminding us how much we need each other and how good it feels to look out for one another. From grans knitting pouches for orphaned joeys to tradies offering their time for free to help the rebuild. We are in awe of you all.”

Jason Hawkins, KIIS FM broadcaster: “The hardest thing I’ve found to do is explain to my young boys why these fires have happened and continue to happen. The one thing I’ve truly loved doing is telling them all the stories of people coming together to do what they can to help. From the emergency crews, to neighbours with a hose to strangers packing supplies for people that will never meet. To my family and people around the world, they are true heroes.”

Polly ‘PJ’ Harding, KIIS FM broadcaster: “It’s so important to read and learn about the heroism and kindness on display from everyday citizens, firefighters and local services doing everything they can to help out. I think the true Aussie spirit has shone through and unexpectedly brought communities together through this unprecedented disaster. My heart goes out to anyone who has been affected through this devastating time and here’s hoping we continue to band together and help each other out, in crisis or no crisis.”

Sonia Kruger, Channel 7 presenter: “I remember as a kid my dad, who was a long haul truckie, spent a lot of his life driving through rural Australia and would often tell us about his time in the bush, the stunning landscape of our country and the great people and friends he made along the way. It would have broken his heart as it did Australia and the World, to see the devastation of these fires on the people and animals caught up in the disaster. Dad would often regale us with stories of toughness and resilience of the mates he made throughout his trips. Those traits have been there for all to see as communities fought and now rally to recover and pay tribute to the heroic feats of our incredible firefighters who will never be forgotten.”

Ash Barty, tennis player: “Seeing so many people come together to support those affected by the fires makes me proud to be Australian. The devastation caused to people, animals and our land is heartbreaking and I think it has deeply affected us all. The heroes are the men and women fighting the fires and putting their lives on the line every day – thank you for your bravery and selflessness, we are all so grateful.”

Ash Barty thanks the firefighters for their bravery and selflessness. Picture: Michael Klein/Getty Images
Ash Barty thanks the firefighters for their bravery and selflessness. Picture: Michael Klein/Getty Images

Jess Origliasso, The Veronicas: “From our brave fire fighters, to neighbours near and far, people from all around the world have banded together in this devastating time to show what the true spirit of being Australian truly means. Thank you to all our brave fireys, and volunteers, people on the front lines. You are the true hero’s of this country.”

Sam Stosur, tennis player: “Thank you to all the fireys who are putting themselves on the front line to help keep our communities safe from all the devastation. You are doing an amazing job saving our beautiful land and we can’t thank you enough for all you have done and will continue to do!”

Joel Creasey, comedian: “My mate Janelle and her daughters have spent the school holidays getting very crafty knitting pouches, slings and bandages for our injured wildlife. Helping out our beautiful native animals and keeping the kids off the iPad – win!”

Frankie J Holden: “I have lived on The Sapphire Coast for 15 years, and have been a co-owner of Tathra Beachside, a holiday park at Tathra, for the last ten years. I have learnt much about the ingenuity and resilience of country people, particularly small business owners and operators in the regions. They put their balls on the line to provide for their families and employ others. They are self motivators and self sufficient. But they need help now, for sure. Tathra itself was badly damaged by fires in March 2018, less than two years ago, with the loss of over 80 homes, and we were just about recovered from that shock when this comes along. Tathra and The Sapphire Coast has escaped much of the direct fire damage in this current crisis, but the economic damages will be widespread and devastating unless action is taken very quickly. I am not talking about government action, although that will be welcome when it starts to flow. I am talking about people action. Right now. What The Sapphire Coast needs quickly, is people. We need Australians to cancel their trip to Bali, Thailand or the Pacific Islands, please do not enrich P&O shareholders by going cruising. Instead, please come to the fire affected areas as soon as you can and help your fellow Aussies by simply having a good time. If you haven’t been affected by the fires where you live, please come and help those who have. Bring an empty Esky and a full wallet. We need your dollars, and we also miss the sounds of families having fun in what remains a very beautiful part of Australia.”

Frankie J. Holden says if you haven’t been affected by the fires where you live, please come and help those who have. Picture: AAP
Frankie J. Holden says if you haven’t been affected by the fires where you live, please come and help those who have. Picture: AAP

Neale Whitaker, Foxtel’s Love It or List It Australia: “We live near Berry on the south coast of NSW, in a region that was mercifully unaffected by the bushfires. We know how incredibly lucky we are and our hearts go out to those who have lost loved ones, homes and livelihoods. I’m struggling to find the right words to express my gratitude and respect to the RFS and volunteers who have risked their lives in recent weeks. And to local radio stations for the up to the minute information we all depended on. I’ve been deeply moved by the resilience of people directly affected by the bushfires and the way in which Australians rallied so quickly and generously to raise funds and support. It feels like an exercise in humanity that has touched the world.”

Deborah Hutton, Foxtel’s Find Me a Beach House: “Like many others, I have sat, watched in horror and disbelief as our country burns, shedding tears for our fellow Aussies who have lost everything. My heart breaks witnessing the devastation of our unique, beautiful wildlife and innocent livestock. This unprecedented destruction that will forever change the face of our country. It’s a fact that victims of traumatic events need time to process their grief. The least we can do is offer comfort and empathy during this time. Offering financial assistance and donating essential items is a great starting point, I am just so grateful for Food Bank Australia and that I have been able to contribute in some way and hopefully inspire others to do the same. People are frightened and need good listeners to help problem solve. Animals are needing immediate care and assistance. It’s crucial to maintain and not lose momentum in our support for these communities. Victims need us today, tomorrow and well into the future, lets focus on stamina and strength for all to get through this together.”

Colin Fassnidge, chef and MKR judge: “Thanks to the fireys who have helped a lot of my farmer friends who supply us in the restaurants, not only do we buy from them but spend time together as friends so their pain is our pain. Let’s hope that this is the wakeup call. Also, that city folk now realise is not just a rural problem you see on the TV, it’s on our doorstep. Love to the firemen and women x”

Carla Zampatti, fashion designer: “What has happen to this beautiful country over the past few months with the loss of life, property, our forests and wildlife has been heartbreaking. I wish to send my gratitude to the brave volunteers who have been at the front line fighting these fires and all the people supporting them across our country and also to all the charity organisations that have and are still rallying their services. Australia is a wonderful country and the volunteering spirit is to be admired.”

CFA volunteers board HMAS Choules landing craft as they depart Mallacoota.
CFA volunteers board HMAS Choules landing craft as they depart Mallacoota.

Lisa Wilkinson, The Project presenter: “I don’t think I’ve ever been more proud to be an Australian than over this past month. At a time when we could have all felt helpless as an angry Mother Nature burnt our beautiful bush and beaches to a black crisp, lives were taken, and an unthinkable number of our wildlife were wiped out, Aussies have become one, and rallied with a purposeful passion we’ve simply never seen before. But at the centre of it, inspiring and humbling us all, have been our magnificent firefighters who have so selflessly, and consistently put themselves in harm’s way. I can’t begin to imagine the reality of what they’ve seen or experienced, or how, when this is all over, we can find the right way to show our enormous gratitude. But when we do, we must promise one thing: that as they have been there for us at the time of our greatest need, we must promise to always be there for them.”

Tara Dennis, Better Homes and Gardens: “My family all live down the coast so were very affected. It was a frantic week, as power and phone lines were down I couldn’t reach my Mum, dad or brother for days, they all live in different areas. My brother lives at Quamma near Cobargo, the fires came to his door. He defended his house and spent the night in the fire shed with many others, they fought the fires together. He also has a remote property and lost his truck to fire there but his home there survived, his neighbour lost everything. My elderly (and very stubborn) Dad stayed at his unit to fight ember attack – he’s near Malua Bay and managed to help save the complex after everyone else evacuated. My mum evacuated from Bermagui after few scary days without power. Her husband chose to stay and try and defend their home. Mum rescued a friend’s dogs and along with her own spent the night in her car in Bega. The next day was 43 degrees there and a very kind lady took her and the dogs in for a few days til she could get home safely. It was a really scary time but they’re all safe and very lucky. The communities and fire fighters rallied together and I’m so very grateful to them all.”

Osher Gunsberg, The Bachelor and The Masked Singer: “We’re constantly told what is “Australian” and what is “Un-Australian” – yet over the last few months we’ve seen the true essence of our country’s soul in the actions and efforts of our incredible volunteers who have selflessly come to help. From the heroic sacrifices of our Fire Fighters, to those who offered a stranger a safe place to sleep for the night – these actions are unbound by political or cultural backgrounds, just Australians helping Australians. It makes me proud to be a part of this wonderful country.”

CFA firefighter Lindsay McHugh from South Morang checks smoldering trees in East Gippsland. Picture: David Caird
CFA firefighter Lindsay McHugh from South Morang checks smoldering trees in East Gippsland. Picture: David Caird

Jonathan LaPaglia, Australian Survivor host: “It is absolutely heartbreaking to witness the scale of destruction these bushfires have inflicted upon our beautiful country. No words can adequately describe my gratitude to all the firefighters and wildlife carers working tirelessly on the front lines. I am confident their heroic work will prevail and Australia will survive this devastating crisis.”

Grant Denyer, Dancing With The Stars co-host: “Thank you fireys! I don’t know how you do it, but I’m so bloody thankful that you do. Whilst terrifyingly scary, it fills my heart with pride watching how courageous you men and women are, selflessly running into action to put yourselves between 50 metre flames and someone’s home to defend it. Your tenacity and sacrifice will never be forgotten and thanks for your heroic love of this country and everyone in it! We love you all!”

Rebecca Vallance, designer: “In times of crisis one of the great qualities of the Australian people is to work together to help one another overcome adversity. This has been hugely evident of late in the outstanding and heroic efforts of our firefighters who have battled courageously for months against these horrific and devastating fires. I personally wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every single firefighter for their courage, commitment and tireless efforts to save lives of not only humans, but our animals as well. You all make us so proud to be Australian.”

Michael ‘Wippa’ Wipfli, radio broadcaster: “Australia has shown the world what it means to unite. I have been moved and comforted by the power of the Aussie spirit. In the face of such devastation we found strength in knowing together, we will get through this. I take my hat off to all crews, volunteers and any individual that stood up because they knew they could make a difference. A special mention to Commissioner Fitzsimmons, my vote for Australian of the year.”

Michala Banas, actor: “Recently, we have seen some of the worst bushfires in the history of this beautiful country. The thing is, as I’ve watched on in horror, I’ve also discovered that this has brought out the best in some of us. I’m so touched by the humanity shown by so many Australians in the face of this heartbreak. I have the utmost respect for our fireys, and want to send each and every one of them my deepest gratitude for facing the terror of these fires head-on. I’ve got so much love for everyone here and abroad who have given what they can, and proud that we have all banded together to support those who have lost so much. Let’s make sure that we all get out and spend time in those affected communities as they rebuild. That’s imperative.”

Matt Shirvington, Fox Sports presenter: “To our Aussie heroes your efforts will always be remembered … to our fireys fighting these blazes head on for days, weeks, months. Thank you. To those battling the heartbreaking loss of loved ones, animals, homes … we’re thinking of you. To our community champions, for responding, lending a hand, picking up the pieces … We are so grateful. To those driving the recovery, the fundraising, the special people rebuilding homes and rehabilitating our wildlife … you’re amazing. To all of you, you make us proud to be Australian. Thank you!”

Victoria Lee, David Jones ambassador: “Dear firefighters and volunteers, there aren’t words to fully express my gratitude for those of you fighting the bushfires. Thank you so much for your incredible efforts in saving countless homes, loved ones and native animals. In the face of this crisis, I’m awed by your courage and by how our country is rallying to help those in need. I’m sure there must be times when this feels like an insurmountable challenge, but please know how proud we are and that our hearts and thoughts are with you.”

Guillaume Brahimi, chef: “I have been digesting the horror of the last few weeks in our beautiful country- a billion beautiful animals killed, thousands of homes gone, nearly 30 people killed. I have been thinking about what I can do, as a chef, to help get the message out there to friends and colleagues, about what we can all do to help. What we really need is to keep buying, visiting and supporting our suppliers, to keep travelling! Please- although so much is burnt and damaged, there is still so much beauty here and we need you to support our producers, our hospitality and our tourism industries more than ever. And as a chef – please buy the produce of our amazing producers, especially those in affected areas. Buy the wines of South Australia and Victoria especially- some of the best vineyards in the country have been damaged. Lastly and most importantly – thank you so much to our brave fireys! Stay safe everyone ….

Pia Miranda, actor: “This Summer has been so tragic for so many people, communities and wildlife and like most Australians I have watched the bushfire crisis with a mixture of sadness, helplessness and horror. I was staying near the NSW south coast over New Years and had to leave quickly as the fires were escalating. Although we weren’t in imminent danger, it was still a scary time travelling through smoke and trying to get the family to safety, so I can’t imagine what the people under threat and those fighting the fires have been going through. I have been overwhelmed watching the country band together to support the firefighters and all of the victims of the fires and even though I have donated to various causes, like most people I keep wondering what more I can do. My cousin owns the Boorhaman Brewery in Wangaratta and she opened her beer garden to any evacuees who wanted to camp there and there have been so many stories of generosity and community spirit it is a great reminder of how we as Australians are amazing at banding together when times are tough. Honestly, when this ends I think we need to find some way to thank and honour the firefighters because they are the true heroes.”

Jamie Durie, House Rules host: “Australia’s loss of over 18.6 million hectares through these catastrophic fires, is simply hard to comprehend. My heart goes out to the families of those affected through the loss of life, their homes, livelihoods and of course the surrounding habitat. Our environment will suffer the consequences of these fires for at least the next 2 decades. Our flowering gums could take up to 20 years to recover and the loss of over a billion of our Australian native animals is catastrophic. Bees in particular play such a pivotal role in nature and the loss of millions of these precious pollinators is devastating. Aside from the regeneration of our precious native environment, there are industries like honey that may take a decade to recover. There are many more like almonds who rely completely on bees for production. Let’s do all we can in our own backyards to plant more Polysteminous plants (Bottle Brush, Grevillia’s etc). These are plants with multiple stamens that will offer the most amount of pollen that in turn will help support the critical rebuild of our vital bee population.”

Jesinta Franklin, model: “I don’t think there was a single heart that wasn’t broken watching the Devastation of the fires unfold. Nothing has made me prouder to be Australian than to see the way everyone has pulled together to help each other out. We are so lucky to have so many incredible men and women on the frontline fighting the blazes, the true heroes and legends of this country.”

Miranda Tapsell, actor: “Thank you to the firefighters that have fought so hard to keep everyone out of harms way, despite a lack of support and no resources from our Government. There are so many Australians that have lost their homes and many Aboriginal communities have been affected. Let’s hope more rain comes along soon.”

Stefan Dennis, Neighbours star: “In a world obsessed with Oscars, Emmy’s and Logies, the biggest awards and recognition should be given to the fireys and Emergency Service workers who courageously risk their lives to save and protect ordinary folk and wildlife. I would like to say the biggest thank you to them, from the bottom of my heart.”

Miranda Tapsell.
Miranda Tapsell.
Rodger Corser.
Rodger Corser.

Steve Price, broadcaster: “These destructive fires have given us proof if we ever needed it that Australians are the greatest volunteers on the planet. Where else would you find men and women giving up their regular jobs their family Christmas and put their lives at risk to help others. We should also praise the full time NSW Fire and Rescue members who are increasingly being called up to help including a mate of mine from the Northern beaches who took an eight hour bus ride south to Eden to join the fight. Spending a short time off shore during the worst of the damage everyone once they realised we were Australian expressed shock sympathy and shared grief over the natural disaster consuming Australia. People in Chile and Argentina couldn’t believe the destruction.”

Jodi Anasta, actor: “Thank you for showing us what true courage & heroism is. Thank you for fighting so hard for our beautiful country and putting yourselves on the line every day and night. My daughter and I will forever be inspired what you have done for Australia.”

Conrad Sewell, singer: “This has been such a devastating time for our country but it’s also been so incredible to see the Aussie Spirit truly come to life during such a hard time. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all of the fire fighters and volunteers, thank you to everyone who has donated or helped in anyway, and to all of the people who have sadly been effected during this time, we love you and we have you in our prayers.”

Kestie Morassi, Home and Away star: “There are really no words that can fully convey the gratitude I know our country is feeling. Those who have been and will continue to be on the frontline, risking themselves to save lives, homes, our beloved land and wildlife. I am truly humbled by their heroism. Thank you.”

Lukas Radovich, Home and Away star: “The local RFS have kept my parents and other residents highly informed during the threat of the Blue Mountains fires and I can’t thank them enough for the support. Not only have they held the containment line, they’ve held regular resident meetings which have been overflowing and everyone was accommodated for. There’s been a lot of anxiety up there and the RFS have provided exactly was has been needed. That’s what’s going on at the moment at home, I’m up here now with helicopters flying overhead carrying water.”

Fire trucks in Buchan. Picture: David Crosling
Fire trucks in Buchan. Picture: David Crosling

Georgia Love, TV personality: “Thank you.

To those who left their families for days and weeks.

To those who gave up food and sleep.

To those who fought while we simply stood and watched.

For the sacrifices made that can never be repaid.

We thank you.”

Charlee Fraser, model: “To all of the incredibly brave firefighters here in Australia, from far and wide and our local services, thank you beyond words for leaving your homes, your family and friends and risking your lives for those in danger and in need. And to those who we’ve lost, we honour you! May you rest in peace and live on within our hearts.”

Jackie O, radio announcer: “Thank you to all our wonderful firefighters. There’s been so much noise, politics, despair and even blame being thrown around during this dark time – and amongst it all they really have been our symbol of hope. The sacrifices they make to keep our country safe is what makes them Australia’s true heroes.”

Kerri-Anne Kennerley, TV presenter: “I thankfully don’t have any personal experience but I do know the general demeanour and attitude of the fire people and I am just in admiration.”

Ryan ‘Fitzy’ Fitzgerald, radio announcer: “The devastation of our sunburnt country has rocked us to our core but the one thing I have been teaching my two boys throughout this whole ordeal when they have been witnessing it on television is how proud we all should be of the support. In the face of tragedy, how Australians lift. The voice of climate change is getting louder, I just hope and pray that my boys and their children get to experience this beautiful country before we do something serious about it or risk losing it.”

Kyly Clarke, House Rules judge: “To all the fireys who risked their lives for the livelihood of others, THANK YOU. To every single person around the world who has donated to helping our country and the lives of our people and land, we THANK YOU.”

Adam Harvey, country singer: “When I see the amazing work our volunteers are doing it makes me proud to be an Aussie. That’s the Australian spirit right there … people risking their lives to help other people, often strangers, in need. Our volunteers are extraordinary.”

To everyone who has fought the fires, donated funds or supplies, opened their houses or simply held the hand of someone suffering – thank you. Thank you for encouraging me to do the same. Thank you for reminding the world what courage & kindness looks like. Thank you for being brave, humble and selfless. These horrifying few months have been truly devastating but we will rebuild what HAS been lost. Be strong, stay safe & be kind.”

Toni Maticevski, fashion designer: “Thank you to everyone who joined forces to help. I feel like we have all rallied our resources and our friendships in every way we could to show support and to help either through direct funding or donation.”

Annabel Crabb, ABC political writer: “Century after the ANZACs first came into being, you are our generation’s modern equivalent. Facing an adversary that is fearsome, not to mention often both faster and better-placed, you’ve responded with courage, loyalty and selflessness, finding new reserves of stamina week after gruelling week. You astound us all. Thank you for your work, your generosity, and your powerful demonstration that when a catastrophe approaches, it is better to fight united than divided.”

Bambi Northwood-Blyth, model: “I returned to Australia in the midst of the frightening bushfires and I have been heartbroken by the damage done to people’s lives, our wildlife and our land. However, I am also encouraged and inspired by the dedication and endless work of the firefighters and volunteers, and also by the contributions so many people have made to help save our beautiful country. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to these selfless individuals who are working to repair and unite devastated communities.”

Tahnee Atkinson, model: “During such a horrific time for Australia, I have been overwhelmed by the bravery and resilience of our fire fighters and volunteers. They are saving lives, homes, animals and the land we live on, at their own risk. How could we ever thank them enough? My heart goes out to those who were affected by the fires. As a nation we will continue to come together and help save our island home. It’s times like these I couldn’t be more proud to be Australian.”

Paul Murray, Sky News anchor of Paul Murray LIVE: “This brave army of quiet Australians defend strangers homes as if they were their own. You are special people who give not just at times of disaster but all year round to make this the amazing country we all love.”

A tired firefighter rests outside a cafe in Cann River. Picture: Getty Images
A tired firefighter rests outside a cafe in Cann River. Picture: Getty Images

Jennifer Hansen, smoothfm broadcaster: “It’s been a traumatic time for Victoria but incredible to see such acts of heroism and bravery from our firefighters. It’s also been inspiring to see so many heartwarming stories of humanity emerging from these difficult circumstances. A huge thank you to all our incredible emergency services workers and volunteers, as well as to those in locally-affected communities who have opened their hearts and homes to help those in need.”

Michael Clarke, former Australian cricket captain: “To all the fire fighters, volunteers and anybody that has contributed even in the smallest way during this devastating time, Thank you! We are such a strong country and there is no greater example of that than right now. The way we band together as one, stick by each other and find a way to get through the tough times makes me so proud to call myself an Aussie. Let’s all continue to pray for rain.”

Justin Langer, Australian cricket coach: “Bravery takes many forms, but I can’t think of any more noble than that displayed by the women and men of our fire brigades. These people put their lives on the line day in, day out to keep people, animals, homes and businesses safe. Every Australian owes them an enormous debt of gratitude. They are the very best of us. “Our hearts go out to the families and friends of those who made the ultimate sacrifice. I can’t begin to fathom the enormity of their loss. The memories of their loved ones will never fade. “But even in some of our darkest days, the true Australian spirit has shone through. It has been heartening to see communities rallying together and people supporting each other in the face of these terrible fires. I pray that conditions improve, the rains come soon and the recovery process can begin.”

Justin Langer says the firefighters put their lives on the line day in, day out. Picture: AAP
Justin Langer says the firefighters put their lives on the line day in, day out. Picture: AAP

Jock Zonfrillo, MasterChef Australia Judge: “This will be a time in history that will never be forgotten. Such extraordinary loss and helplessness all around us, and such compassion and generosity from every corner of the world. Once all the fires have eventually gone out, when all the firefighters and volunteers go home to their families, the healing and regeneration can start. And I hope that we can all be that little bit more grateful for the country we live in.”

Neil Mitchell, broadcaster: “Recently I called in a potentially dangerous fire in regional Victoria just after midnight. Five CFA trucks turned up. They were friendly, focused, professional and dedicated. They stayed until after 3am making it safe. Then many of them got up in the morning and went to work.I wasn’t surprised: that is the ethos of the volunteer spirit. As recent weeks have proved, without them we are stuffed. They are uncomfortable and embarrassed by praise. So thank them quietly, and often. But please, thank them.”

Ross Stevenson, broadcaster: “The provision of support – not just from Australians, but from all over the world – has been a phenomenal thing to witness. From individuals volunteering their time sorting donated goods, to the fireys on the front line and the health professionals doing all they can. From those fielding calls from concerned residents and family members, to the reporters bringing us the news directly from the affected areas. From the little kids selling lemonade out the front of their houses, to those who have helped raise millions. From the family who has donated a slab of water, to those who have donated hundreds of bales of hay. No contribution should go unnoticed and without thanks. And you do it not for praise but simply to help. Thank you.”

Mike Perso, Smooth FM broadcaster: “I’d like to say thanks to the CFA volunteers. One of my best mates, a bloke I went to school with and have known for more than 40 years was one of the incident controllers on the Corryong fire and a few days later working out of Seymour when a surprise outbreak briefly closed the Hume Highway. He’s a builder by trade with a business to run and commitments to customers and family but, like all CFA volunteers, when he gets the call it all goes on hold and he’s off. The pressures guys like him face are enormous, the responsibilities huge and the risks while measured are very real. You’ll never know his name (and he wouldn’t want me to mention it here) he’d say he’s just another CFA volunteer … and I’d like to say thank you.”




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