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CAREERS FOR DECEMBER: Pretty blonde student in university working on her futuristic tablet analysing graphs.

Unis move to future-proof students

With 85 per cent of the jobs that will exist in 2030 still yet to be invented, universities have a new focus on transferable skills and preparing students for rapid change.

RendezView. Group of college students in the university amphitheatre, they are sitting and doing an exam. (Pic: iStock)

One in four say uni was a mistake

Widespread dissatisfaction with universities has been laid bare in a new survey, with graduates saying they are not being taught the right skills and they should have chosen vocational training instead.

ExclusiveQLD News
Sunday Mail: apprentice Bradley Weyman .  A new survey of about 1000 tradies has found 75 per cent of tradies feel their school didnÕt support them in doing a trade. We are after some pics of experienced tradie Matt Neave with one of his apprentices, who will be talking about their experiences in the story. Pic Jamie Hanson

It’s time to stop thinking uni is for everyone

The Federal Government will work to end a decades-long push to get more students into university at the expense of vocational education and trades, amid a gaping shortage of workers in traditional blue collar occupations.

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