
Muddying the water on vaccination

One-eyed critics of vaccination don't let the truth get in the way of the frightening tales they spin to concerned parents about what's best for their baby.

THE rosy-cheeked baby won't sleep in her pram; she's over-tired and wants to play.

She's throwing smiles at anyone who looks in her direction. All blonde and blue-eyed, she's clearly the apple of her young parents' eyes and they have come to the information evening of the Australian Vaccination Network. They want to know if they should vaccinate her or not.

They are travelling to India in three months time and everyone has recommended the baby should be vaccinated against the childhood diseases that still exist over there, but they really fear the damage vaccines can do.

A local dentist in the audience pipes up and suggests the baby take "shitloads of vitamin C". Meryl Dorey, the outspoken founder of the AVN suggests homeopathic vaccination. This is "information" Byron Bay-style and decisions are being made for a child who has no say. They all care about her and love her, but are they right?

They've set out 60 chairs in the back function room of Byron Bay Services Club, but only 14 people have shown up and paid their $15 for the "truth". The poker game in the room next door has more participants, but in some ways, the AVN has done its job in this shire, which has the highest rate of vaccination conscientious objectors in the state, and the country.The evening starts out with an explanation that no doctor or health care worker would attend the evening, despite the invite to put the case for immunisation. The imputation is clear. Doctors are bad and have something to hide. In the absence of a balanced debate, anti-vaccination author Greg Beattie says he is going to try to convince everyone that vaccinations are great. He confesses he did a 15-minute Google search on the benefits. "We see these recurring themes 'vaccines saves lives, medical miracles, diseases used to kill children'," he says, but his tone is dripping in irony.

He pulls up graphs of smallpox, whooping cough, diphtheria, all from the 1800s, showing the incidence of these kid-killer diseases was on the decline before vaccinations were introduced. There is a kernel of truth of course. Good sanitation, less crowding and better nutrition certainly improved the statistics. It looks impressive. Before long, we're in the midst of a giant conspiracy theory that started with Charles Darwin - where doctors, scientists, historians, journalists and the dreaded mainstream have joined together to hold kids down for the purpose of harming them, not saving them. He's done a lousy job of explaining the benefits of immunisation. We did not hear, for example, that diphtheria - the biggest killer of Australians in the early 1900s - has virtually vanished. Or that the 150 deaths in Australia in 1963-64 became zero by 1998, or that the only recorded death recently was that of young woman from Queensland who was not immunised as a child. Her immunised boyfriend carried the disease back from an overseas trip. She died, at 20.

Meryl Dorey comes on now to give the other side of the story. Vaccines have never been subjected to double blind studies, therefore they are based on bad science. Then she says a child dies of asthma in Australia every day and it's due to vaccinations. Scary stuff, except there were only 17 asthma-related deaths of children under 15 in 2009-10. "Have we exchanged diptheria, whooping cough and tetanus for autism, asthma and eczema?" she asks. "Autism rates used to be one in 1000, now it's one in 88," she says, again blaming the vaccines.

The autism-vaccine link has been exhaustively put to the test in several large epidemiological studies only to be found baseless. Japan never had the MMR vaccine, the vaccine that was the basis of the now discredited 1998 paper by Andrew Wakefield, but their autism rates have climbed at the same rate. General consensus by psychiatrists and other medicos is that the diagnostic tool called the DSM-4 broadened the autism spectrum to include other issues like pervasive development disorder. In other words, the goal posts were changed and more cases were included on the spectrum, explaining the so called epidemic.

Doctors have admitted that kids with quirky natures or difficult behaviour or other learning difficulties have been squeezed on to the spectrum too because insurance funds in the US are attached to a diagnosis. No diagnosis, no help. Doctors in Australia have admitted the same problem because educational funding has been attached to a diagnosis of autism, so kids who would otherwise slip through the net due to some other learning difficulty have also been "stretched" on to the spectrum. It has been such a blatant exploitation of the diagnostic tool, the new edition DSM-5 is culling the criteria back. But in AVN world, this is more proof that medicos are conspiring to hide the "true" autism explosion.

Of course "parents are to be kept in the dark" she says, and everything in medical journals is paid for by pharmaceutical companies. Except the giant contradiction in this is that the Andrew Wakefield paper the AVN stands by was published and later retracted from the Lancet because he failed to disclose he accepted money from lawyers acting on behalf of the autistic children they represented - a clear conflict of interest. The concerned parents in this room will not hear about that either. Then there's the spin, from doctors. That community immunity, or herd immunity (which underpins a successful immunisation program) is "a crock". It doesn't exist. Then Dorey mocks the idea of "cocooning". "Such a sweet little name cocooning - cocooning is a rort," she says disdainfully.

Cocooning is a concept that came after the whooping cough death of four-week-old Dana McCaffery in 2009. She was too young to be immunised. When her parents Toni and David brought a new baby into the world last year, they decided to cocoon her on advice from doctors, meaning she would be kept safe at home away from whooping cough, which persists. There is no compassion for Dana, or the McCafferys.

Toni McCAffery found out on the day of her daughter's funeral that Meryl Dorey was requesting autopsy results to prove the baby died of something other than whooping cough. The people in this room won't hear about that.

"The media is not doing anything to inform you either," she tells the room. She then says the Healthy Kids Check announced by the government is about putting three-year-olds on psychotropic drugs. Then it's question time and the parents of that little baby are after advice on what to do for that trip to India. Dorey mentions homeopathic vaccination. She does say they should do their research. They best cross their fingers as well.

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