
The V Word: How to talk about veganism and avoid dinner tables being flipped this Christmas

More Australians are now living meat-free than ever but like politics or money, the v-word — vegan — can be just as explosive at the dinner table.

Has vegan activism gone too far?

A staggering number of vegans will be sitting down to Christmas dinner across Australia, as the demand for meat-free options is rising.

But those used to cooking traditional dinners should not panic and simply ask their vegan guests what their dietary requirements are.

Australia is the third fastest growing vegan population after the United Arab Emirates and China, according to a report from Euromonitor International.

Recent Roy Morgan data has also shown that more than two million Australians are now living meat-free.

By 2020, Australia’s vegan packaged food market is predicted to be worth $215 million.

This week, supermarket giant Woolworths introduced a Christmas soy-based loaf with breadcrumbs, sweet cranberries, chickpeas, green lentils, herbs and spices to meet vegans’ needs.

News Corp’s premium food and lifestyle site Delicious has found the demand for vegan options has grown steadily in the last 18 months, and it is becoming one of the site’s fastest growing online search terms.

Delicious Editor-In-Chief Kerrie McCallum said cooks should ask vegan guests what they can eat beforehand.

“Vegan Christmas ideas are important because it’s tricky in terms of all of the traditional foods such as pavlovas and big roasts, which are not ideal for vegans,” she said.

Ms McCallum said it was important for cooks with vegan guests to try to rethink the classics.

She suggested “veganised” Christmas favourites like rum balls, roasts and puddings to provide plenty of recipe options.

Christmas cheer can disappear if the V-word is mentioned at the table so say it with caution. Picture: iStock
Christmas cheer can disappear if the V-word is mentioned at the table so say it with caution. Picture: iStock
A completely vegan roast meal displayed for Christmas. Picture: The Cruelty Free Shop
A completely vegan roast meal displayed for Christmas. Picture: The Cruelty Free Shop

Australian celebrity chef Mike Ward, who now works in Canada, is releasing a cookbook next year that features fifty per cent of recipes which are meatless.

Mr Ward told News Corp there were three reasons veganism was becoming an increasingly popular lifestyle trend.

“Veganism used to be seen as very fringe, it also didn’t help that several vegan advocacy groups were overtly aggressive, often relying on shock to promote their cause. In recent years, however, there are more moderate organisations using education to lean people towards less animal product consumption,” Mr Ward said.

“Secondly, social media has emerged as a powerful tool for vegan voices. Until recent years, certain animal farming and harvesting practices were kept from the eyes of of meat loving consumers. Facebook and Instagram are now riddled with dramatic images and clips - alarming for even the most liberal meat consumers, and impossible to unsee!”

“Thirdly, many carnivores on the cusp of moving towards a plant based diet often share concerns over nutrient intake with B12, iron and protein high on the list.”

Australian celebrity chef Mike Ward. Picture: Supplied
Australian celebrity chef Mike Ward. Picture: Supplied

Mr Ward, who has also launched a plant-based superfood powder called PlantVital, said non-vegan cooks can try adding nutritional yeast to dishes.

“It’s a vegan magic dust, it can be put on anything, even cardboard (he joked) and it tastes beautiful,” he said.

He also suggested cooks try adding nuts to their roast vegetables and consider making a savoury granola.

“Granola is a breakfast item, but try doing it with herbs, oil, nuts and topping your roast veggies with it,” he said.

Now, some of Australia and the world’s long-term vegans have now weighed in on whether it’s worth addressing the V-word over the Christmas table, and if you do choose to go there, how to keep the peace.


One of the biggest difficulties vegans faced during Christmas (and other) dinner parties is navigating conversation when it turns to their veganism.

The couscous may go flying if the conversation turns aggressive so use your words wisely. Picture: News Corp Australia
The couscous may go flying if the conversation turns aggressive so use your words wisely. Picture: News Corp Australia

Organiser of Australia’s largest vegan market, the Sydney Vegan Market, Kate Jones said the V-word could definitely lead to a hostile Christmas dinner if not approached carefully.

“It’s a topic that can lead to tables being flipped. It’s a conversation that could lead to an argument so it’s up to you,” she said.

“Understand that people have different opinions and politics and everyone is entitled to it. Communicate some boundaries and let everyone know if it’s not a discussion you are up for.

“If it’s really too hard, if it is just going to be awful then I would recommend that they just don’t go and protect their energy.”

Grace Watson, founder of popular Sydney-based vegan eatery Verd said she tried not to draw attention to her veganism but she had an honesty policy if asked.

“Most of the time people change the subject because they don’t want to hear about it,” she said.

She said if you do come into trouble at the table and the conversation turns sour to “play it cool”.

“It normally annoys people if you’re just relaxed about something that they’re getting riled up about. If you’re confident with your choice to be vegan, it should be easy to talk about. “Normally everyone has the same questions anyway, so you’ve probably heard them all before and can be prepared.”


Seth Tibbott, founder of one of the world’s first vegan food companies Tofurky, said the holidays can be a challenge with vegans and non-vegans sharing a table that’s often full of cooked animals.

Tofurky founder Seth Tibbott is the master vegan behind the world's most popular vegan meat products. Picture: Supplied
Tofurky founder Seth Tibbott is the master vegan behind the world's most popular vegan meat products. Picture: Supplied

“But it’s also a teachable moment,” he said. “Serving tasty vegan options at a meal can surprise and inspire your guests, possibly opening new ways of thinking about food.”

Tofurky has been around since 1980 and has been selling meat-free holiday roasts since 1995. Earlier this year, the company announced they had sold five million of them to date and the demand for them in Australia is rising.

Tofurky's BlackBerry and Turk'y Roast is glazed with balsamic vinegar, blackberries, and maple syrup is a great vegan roast option for the Christmas table. Picture: Tofurky
Tofurky's BlackBerry and Turk'y Roast is glazed with balsamic vinegar, blackberries, and maple syrup is a great vegan roast option for the Christmas table. Picture: Tofurky
Tofurky's Apple, Cabbage and Ham roast with rosemary scented sauce. Picture: Tofurky
Tofurky's Apple, Cabbage and Ham roast with rosemary scented sauce. Picture: Tofurky

Despite being a key figure of veganism, Mr Tibbott said he did not shy away from gatherings that weren’t strictly plant-based.

“With veganism being so hot right now, I have found there is great curiosity about plant-based foods. It’s all about being respectful and being able to deliver your message in a kind, loving manner. Nobody likes to be chastised, shamed and painted into a corner.

Another vegan roast with a lot of flavour is Field Roast's Hazelnut and Cranberry Roast En Court. It's available from the Cruelty Free Shop. Picture: Cruelty Free Shop
Another vegan roast with a lot of flavour is Field Roast's Hazelnut and Cranberry Roast En Court. It's available from the Cruelty Free Shop. Picture: Cruelty Free Shop

“I would say be positive and respectful and don’t escalate the tension. We are all in this together and with the current mainstreaming of plant-based foods, who is a carnivore today may be the meat reducer or vegan of tomorrow,” he said.

“Remember what Gandhi said: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win!” People who make it a point to be aggressive towards veganism are not ignoring you. They may be closer to making dietary changes than you realise. Fighting is one step away from winning.”

Vegan butcher SuzySpoon’s vegan Christmas roast is another option for the dinner table. Picture: John Appleyard
Vegan butcher SuzySpoon’s vegan Christmas roast is another option for the dinner table. Picture: John Appleyard


Owner of Australia’s vegan supermarket, The Cruelty Free Shop, Jessica Bailey said she avoided meat heavy dinner parties for two reasons.

Jessica Bailey is the owner of Australia’s vegan supermarket, The Cruelty Free Shop. Picture: Ric Frearson
Jessica Bailey is the owner of Australia’s vegan supermarket, The Cruelty Free Shop. Picture: Ric Frearson

“I find it too upsetting, I know what the animal has been through and also see people who are such lovely people who have their blinkers on to it. That’s the most upsetting thing, that I start to doubt my friends and family so I stay away from those situations,” she said.

Ms Bailey, who has been vegan for 16 years, recalled being caught off guard at a party once.

“I walked in, it had a pig on a spit and I just walked out. I didn’t say anything or make a fuss I just thought I can’t deal with this. It was just the shock, most meat is sanitised and in packaging so you can easily cut off from the fact that it is an animal, but that was so confronting. I was horrified,” she said.

Some vegans said they found Christmas lunches and dinners difficult to stomach with animals on the table. Istock
Some vegans said they found Christmas lunches and dinners difficult to stomach with animals on the table. Istock

Vegan Australia conducted a survey last month to find out how vegans navigate Christmas dinners.

Respondent Sue Moran told a similar story to Ms Bailey, but said she did her best to just block out the meat eating happening around her.

“My family eats prawns at Christmas. They sit at the dinner table pulling heads and tails from them … I can’t stand it, it makes me want to steer clear of the family get-togethers.

“The only thing to do is to try to ignore it. I don’t think it’s fair to ask them to desist from doing what they love, and I don’t want to avoid social events and become a hermit. But it does make me miserable,” she said.

A vegan dish: Roasted pumpkin salad with spinach and walnut. Picture: istock
A vegan dish: Roasted pumpkin salad with spinach and walnut. Picture: istock


Another respondent, Kylie Lewis said she was a newer vegan, only making the switch two years ago, she said she found it challenging at family dinners as she felt “on the outer.”

“It got easier with a bit of planning,” she said.

‘The following Christmas, I made my own salads, sushi and garlic bread. I also made some chocolate cherry, coconut balls and vegan cheesecake. If I didn’t mention anything and just filled my plate, no one really noticed or cared about what I was choosing to eat.”


Despite the risk of tears and fights across the tablecloth, Jessica Bailey said any opportunity to talk about veganism with loved ones was a good one.

“If you don’t talk no one is going to learn anything. It’s always good to have conversations and let people know why you’ve made the decision,” she said.

“Even if someone seems aggressive or negative, they may just take some information to think about later on. Being defensive doesn’t get you anywhere it just adds to the stereotype of being anti-social and aggressive. If you’re kind and approachable I think you can make a difference.

Peppers staffed with couscous and vegetables. Picture: Supplied
Peppers staffed with couscous and vegetables. Picture: Supplied

“If you refuse to eat with people who eat meat then you lose the opportunity to influence them. You can influence without saying anything … by just enjoying a delicious vegan meal that some might want to try.”

Mr Tibbott said the dinner table was an obvious time to speak about what you are eating. He said the V-word shouldn’t be avoided “just don’t make it toxic.”


Vegan Australia Director Greg McFarlane, who has been vegan 25 years, said he found the holidays particularly difficult due to the social pressure.

“The problem is not getting enough food. That’s easy. The problem is the social aspect. It’s quite difficult for vegans who are eating with dead animals right in front of them, on top of some of the attitudes of people they’re eating with,” he said.

Vegans and non-vegans may go head to head at the dinner table over the holidays, some say silence is best when it comes up. Picture: News Corp Australia
Vegans and non-vegans may go head to head at the dinner table over the holidays, some say silence is best when it comes up. Picture: News Corp Australia

“The wrong time to discuss veganism is when someone is eating meat in front of you. It can be divisive at the dinner table.

“Everyone has an uncle (or aunt) who says “you’re looking sick” or “not eating meat is unnatural” or “god made animals for us to eat”.

“If you go to a table and there’s a dead turkey there it’s a very visual thing, to have an understanding of the living animal and see the dead one in the middle of the table it puts you off but there’s no easy answer. The answer would be a vegan world where there’s no turkey, ham or lamb on the table,” he said.


On top of this he said the holiday season was a time where there was lots of advertising and celebration of meat and dairy products.

Despite having some awkward conversations and enduring the onslaught of advertising in the past, he said it was easy to get through as he knew why he was vegan.

“Any of the problems that might come up while being vegan go away when you put it into perspective, if you know the reason why you are doing it is to avoid the suffering of animals,” he said.

“I think a lot of vegans feel the reaction of wanting to get away from it and not wanting to be there (at Christmas). The equivalent is going through a family fight that you cannot help or stop. It’s the same emotional feeling. The main thing I’d advise is to not get into heated arguments about veganism at the dinner table.”


Mr McFarlane's sister-in-law Yvonneh McFarlane did hear him talk at the dinner table though.

The 70-year-old said she turned vegan at 60, after learning about the lifestyle from him.

Flash forward ten years and Ms McFarlane mostly eats a raw plant diet and loves the challenge of vegan cooking, she even took up lessons so she could cook a vegan Christmas feast with Greg in mind.

Yvonneh McFarlane (not pictured) said her family’s Christmas dinner would be a mix of vegan and non-vegan this year, to minimise whingeing. Picture: News Corp Australia
Yvonneh McFarlane (not pictured) said her family’s Christmas dinner would be a mix of vegan and non-vegan this year, to minimise whingeing. Picture: News Corp Australia

“It was hard work but it was absolutely wonderful, she said.

“I did the roast, falafel, a hot salad and lots of veggies and the whole family ate it. I did it because I thought Greg was always missing out every year.

This year she’s hosting her family Christmas again but it won’t be entirely vegan as she said there was “too much whingeing” from her non-vegan family members.

“It’s difficult when they’re so set in their ways and say ‘there must be ham and turkey’ at the table … I’m not very happy about it though.”

Ms McFarlane said her veganism made her feel empowered.

“You walk with a spring …” she said.

“People say you don’t get enough goodness … I get plenty in me, that’s for sure.”

Delicious Editor-In-Chief Kerrie McCallum said it was important for Christmas cooks to ask their guests what their dietary requirements are ahead of time as it was likely one or two of them will be vegan.

If you’re serious about keeping the peace these holidays, that’s a great start.

To prepare, check out’s vegan recipe ideas.

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