Your Stellar horoscope for the week is here: Feb 4-10
As Mercury (intellect) enters free-thinking Aquarius, innovative ideas bring positive surprises.
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It’s good news, as we head towards Valentine’s Day. As Mercury (intellect) enters free-thinking Aquarius, innovative ideas bring positive surprises; and, with Venus (love and luxury) converging with dreamy Neptune, romance is in the air. Add the Sun/Saturn link and we have the insight to make relationships last. Rihanna, who performs at this weekend’s Super Bowl won’t be the only one putting on a great show. We can all find ways to shine brightly… and be applauded for being who we are.
ARIES (March 21 - April 20)
They say “what goes around comes around” – and it’s true. Even those fashions, which we look back on with horror, eventually make a reappearance to remind us of our past (ghastly) choices. You’d like to think that you’ve seen the back of a silly situation. Maybe you have. But eventually, you’ll be presented with it again (albeit with a slightly different twist). Take this week’s opportunity to learn everything you can from this experience. Next time, you’ll be able to smile and simply move it to the back of your “wardrobe”.
TAURUS (April 21 - May 21)
We don’t need to be perfect in order to feel good. Nor do we need to live perfect lives. Unhappiness doesn’t grow from the absence of personal perfection. Nor is it the by-product of less-than-ideal situations. It’s the upshot of believing that things should be better than they are. High expectations, based on superficial comparisons, result in pain. Conversely, high levels of acceptance, based on tolerance, lead to joyfulness. This week, the full moon encourages you to appreciate and celebrate what you have. Enjoy!
GEMINI (May 22 - June 22)
You’re not obliged to be the person you used to be. No-one’s forcing you to play by the same rules, but old habits die hard. When we’re under pressure, we tend to fall back into familiar behaviour patterns. Even if they’re not entirely appropriate, they feel easier. This full moon week brings a chance to break with tradition. It’s going to require courage, faith and self-assurance. You’ve got to be able to stop yourself in your tracks and give yourself permission to do things differently. The results will be empowering.
CANCER (June 23 - July 23)
The cosmetic industry promotes thousands of products designed to make us look younger. There’s a similarly bewildering selection of chemicals to purchase that will make our homes look brighter and better. The world is full of instant miracles that will improve our lives, but how reliable are they? If you’re searching for something that makes you look and feel good, there’s only one option that’s guaranteed to work: it’s happiness. With the full moon bringing a chance to sort out a source of stress, that happiness will be attainable this week.
LEO (July 24 - August 23)
Having the full moon in your sign is exciting. This annual event brings an extra boost of energy and enthuses your attitude towards the future. With your outgoing personality at its most sparkly, this is a week to get out and about and to share your passions. With a positive mindset, you can be confident that you’ll find creative ways to resolve routine issues and discover that even surprising challenges will be relatively simple to sort out. Just don’t be so busy that you discount an idea that could take you on a fast track towards success.
VIRGO (August 24 - September 23)
Sometimes we find ourselves in backpacker mode. We look around for useful or meaningful items, which we then add to the load we’re carrying. Wherever we go, we find tempting trinkets and souvenirs of our journey and add them to the bag. In your world now, you’re carrying a lot of weight on your shoulders. Your care and consideration for others has resulted in you holding so many people’s problems that you’re struggling to keep moving. The full moon brings a chance to lighten the burden and take a well-deserved break.
LIBRA (September 24 - October 23)
Alien invasions are a common blockbuster movie theme. The idea of strange beings taking over our planet fascinates us. But the reality is that we have nothing to fear from the other inhabitants of our galaxy. Actually, they’re more nervous of us! It’s our tendency to overcomplicate the simple things that they find most bewildering. This week, you can overcome this habit. As something simple unfolds, trust it. If you imagine the best, it’s what you’ll get.
SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22)
It’s mind-boggling to think we can buy lactose-free milk and alcohol-free beer. The fact that these items taste good – despite their defining ingredients having been removed – verges on miraculous. If only we could adapt our approach to life so that we were happy with destination-free journeys and outcome-free experiences. This week, you need to reset your expectations if you want a specific result. The full moon enables you to accept a surprisingly different outcome, which has extremely positive possibilities.
SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21)
Some experts believe we teach our kids to read too early. That they grow up believing the printed word is all-important and can be treated as truth. Our insistence on teaching them time-watching is another issue. When we’re so used to living by the clock, we lose sight of time’s flexibility. In your world now, you’re having to deal with a situation that feels right and proper. It’s forcing you to compromise your natural exuberance. The full moon reveals a crack in that respectability. It frees you to be yourself.
CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20)
Don’t waste this full moon week’s chance to take a big step forward. Why would a diligent, hard-working Capricorn do that? Well, maybe because you’re so conscientious. You’re caught up in a drama that isn’t particularly relevant to you or your goals. And if an opportunity to improve your outlook comes along, it might be easy to overlook your needs and focus on the immediacy of the crisis. But that would be a waste. No matter how obliged you feel to be helpful, don’t negate a chance to make a difference to your future.
AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19)
Have you ever had one of those weird dreams where you dream that you’re waking up from a dream? It’s a bewildering experience. With the full moon in your opposite sign energising your ruler, Uranus, you need to be aware of a similarly odd sensation. You have a rare opportunity to satisfy a long-held desire. But with so many great ideas to get excited about, suppose you get confused and focus on the wrong one? Of all your secret ambitions, one is worth fulfilling. Find that and the week will be dreamily successful.
PISCES (February 20 - March 20)
What can you do with a little bit of luck? It depends on the effectiveness of your luck-to-success conversion ratio. Some cars go for miles on a litre of fuel, while others struggle to get to the end of the road. We all have different needs and guzzle opportunities at different rates. You’re not a greedy consumer of chances. When a strong possibility opens up, you make the most of it. The full moon brings a positive proposition. You can take hold of it and use it to improve your chance of success.