

Your Stellar horoscope for the week is here: Feb 18-24

With Saturn’s proximity to the New Moon, new ventures can be turned into lasting success.

As Mardi Gras approaches and musicians in New Orleans warm up their instruments, Venus, moving this week into Aries, encourages us to express ourselves with passion. While most of us won’t be joining musical parades, there will be opportunities to step out of our comfort zones and have fun. And, with Saturn’s proximity to the New Moon, new ventures can be turned into lasting success. As long as we pace ourselves, the joy we experience this week can be integrated into our lives.

AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19)

If you’ve ever been told to “think outside the box”, the likelihood is that the person saying it has never followed their own advice. It’s rude to suggest, when asking someone to be creative, that their thinking might be unimaginative or constrained. What’s more, as an innovative Aquarian, it’s hard to imagine a box big enough to contain your imagination! This week, the cosmos encourages your generous, creative romantic side. Go ahead. If you do what you do best and apply it to a relationship, you’ll find yourself enjoying a dip in the ocean of emotion.

PISCES (February 20 - March 20)

There’s nothing like receiving an unexpected gift to make us feel appreciated. And, as we enter your birthday season, it’s worth considering what lies at the heart of gift giving (and gift receiving) that generates such good feelings. The gift itself doesn’t always matter. It’s more the idea that someone cares about us and has made an effort on our behalf. This new moon week gives you the opportunity to lift someone’s spirits. By offering them your time, and a listening ear, you’ll give them a gift beyond value. The surprising bonus is that it will be returned in a delightful way.

What do the stars hold for you this week? Picture: Shutterstock
What do the stars hold for you this week? Picture: Shutterstock

ARIES (March 21 - April 20)

It’s hard not to brag when something works out – especially when you’ve been advocating for a cause and have faced opposition along the way. With Venus entering your sign this week, expressing yourself with passion will be hard to resist. But you don’t want to revel in your victory at the expense of anyone. If you can find it in your heart to forgive (even if you can’t forget) you can affirm a connection that could lead to a meaningful friendship. Be as magnanimous as you can be. Being in good company is more important than proving that you’re right.

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21)

When we’re trying to help other people, we have to tread cautiously. If we’re not careful, we can say too much, or project our own feelings, and end up making things worse. Ruled by Venus, you’re adept at tip-toeing round delicate issues. And you’re highly conscious of the sensitivity of a situation, which looks like it might implode at any moment. Yet if the people involved aren’t ready to hear your wise words, you need to bide your time. Be as diplomatic as you can be this week. You’ll know when to speak and what to say. Trust that the right time will come.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 22)

The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you’ve come. These lyrics, from a song by the boy-band BTS, offer some perfect advice this week. You’re so close to success on a number of projects that to lose focus now would be a huge setback. And we’re not just talking about physical tasks. This applies to your emotional (and romantic) life, too. As Venus moves into a new celestial home, your usual charm is intensified. The best way to maximise your gifts is by staying focused on what’s unfolding in your world. Don’t bother looking back.

CANCER (June 23 - July 23)

Every home accumulates a selection of random keys. They’re usually tidied away into a drawer – which we ignore until we need to unlock an unusual door or have misplaced our usual set. Now, suppose we substitute the word “answer” for “key”, “problem” for “door” and “back of your mind” for “drawer”. This new moon week reveals the solution you’re looking for. You’ll realise that you already know what you need to know, and that you have the tools to work out a way to deal with a complex situation. Once you’ve done that, you’ll have the key to an exciting new chapter of your life.

LEO (July 24 - August 23)

Successful comedians create their own worlds; once we’re drawn into their mindset, we find ourselves laughing at absurdly intriguing events that make no sense in real life. New-age gurus talk about a similar experience: creating our own reality. You’re at a crossroads. If you could discern what you want, from what you think you want, what’s real from what’s pretend, it would help you to make a decision. The new moon brings a realisation. Once you’ve seen it, you can turn it into a reality in your world. And you can convince other people to join you.

VIRGO (August 24 - September 23)

What is compatibility? Online dating sites say it’s to do with shared interests and having things in common. But what about the adage of opposites attracting? It’s true for magnets! And it can be true for humans. Is there someone from a different world to yours who you can’t get out of your mind? There’s a cosmic reason for this kind of attraction and, rather than trying to dissect it, why not just enjoy the mystery? If you’re interested in finding out more about someone, but you can’t work out why, trust in the magic. You don’t need to be able to explain it.

LIBRA (September 24 - October 23)

The art of astrology, rather like a weather forecast, is to look for signals and share them. “There’s a high chance of rain.” Or, “Expect blue skies and sunshine.” But the clues are often open to interpretation: “cloudy, with sunny spells.” Hmmm. This week, with your ruler, Venus, entering your opposite sign there’s no ambiguity about the cosmic message: express yourself passionately. You’ve been holding back from sharing your feelings for fear of them being unwelcome. But if you speak from your heart, there’s every chance they’ll be reciprocated.

SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22)

It’s hard to argue with the words of your fellow Scorpio, author Bryant McGill: “A person who makes few mistakes makes little progress.” Constantly seeking perfection impedes our ability to achieve. This week, don’t let someone else’s very high standards influence the way you think and act. What you’re doing might not be “perfect” but you instinctively know that when you allow space for cosmic mystery and magic, it brings results beyond your imaginings. You might even convince other people that taking a more relaxed approach allows more room for fun!

Nedd Brockmann stars on the cover of today’s <i>Stellar </i>magazine. Picture: Damian Bennett for <i>Stellar</i>.
Nedd Brockmann stars on the cover of today’s Stellar magazine. Picture: Damian Bennett for Stellar.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21)

It might be hard to believe that the cosmos has your best interests at heart when you feel as if you’re consistently taking two steps forwards and one step back. You’re making progress, but it feels like you’re walking through treacle. Every step takes effort. But the cosmos is on your side. This process is enabling you to reflect so that you’ll know exactly what to do when the going gets easier. And you don’t need to make a big change to achieve a big result; just a slight alteration in your route (or attitude) will give momentum. And off you’ll go!

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20)

“I’d rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.” Great advice from Gerry Spence, one of the world’s best trial lawyers, and, of course, a Capricorn. Even though your ruler, Saturn, so close to the new moon, encourages you to look at the long-term picture and work towards building lasting commitments, you still need to be able to adapt. Other people are less sure of themselves than you. If you’re prepared to listen to their concerns, and clearly explain your ideas, your chance of deepening a meaningful relationship is strong.

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