
Why comedian Tim Ross left radio to chase a new dream

Once a successful stand-up comedian and one half of radio duo Merrick & Rosso, Tim Ross is now chasing a very different dream - and he thinks you should too.

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As a comedian, I pretty much came straight out of university and I was performing all the way through my mid-20s. I never had anything to fall back on. I don’t believe in having something to fall back on, because then you don’t do anything.

I was interested in architecture and design right from the beginning. It was quite a solo pursuit for me for many years. I didn’t really have any friends who were that interested in the things I was interested in.

”We give our day-to-day jobs so much that we don’t give the things we love the same respect.” (Picture: Supplied)
”We give our day-to-day jobs so much that we don’t give the things we love the same respect.” (Picture: Supplied)

So I met people along the way, and then social media – particularly Instagram – opened up a whole community of like-minded people, here and overseas. That was a great way to not only roll around in the passion, but to also let people know about things I wanted to do. It created a world where I could do what I wanted to do.

The concept of social media can be maligned, but it’s extraordinary from a creative point of view, and continues to be.

It’s nice to have a second act [after comedy and radio]. We live in a world in which the concept of side hustles is pretty established, so if there’s something you’d rather do, it’s quite easy to start it in small steps while you’re still on your existing pathway.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to dive right into it. You have to do it in baby steps. And then if you really want to do something, and you’re really passionate, invariably it will happen for you. I think people want to help people.

If your friends don’t encourage you to do something different, get new friends!

“I got to the point where I could do it, when my side hustle was too much for me.” (Picture: Supplied) <br eom-tag-name="br"/>
“I got to the point where I could do it, when my side hustle was too much for me.” (Picture: Supplied)

I remember this guy who was a cameraman. We were sitting having a sandwich together, and he’s saying how he’s a writer and he’s going to write a novel. And my God, did he write a novel – it was fantastic. It remains one of my favourite books.

All of those things come into play, you know – there are those who want to get it, and those who aren’t brave enough to take that risk. And it’s not always a risk by the time you’re ready to jump.

I got to the point where I could do it, when my side hustle was too much for me to maintain my normal job. That’s when you say goodbye.

If there’s something that excites me and is interesting to me, and there are a few other people who find it interesting, I firmly believe [in going for it] – no matter how nutty it is… If it doesn’t make sense to a bunch of people, I’m probably on the right track [laughs]. And then I just hope it works.

Nine times out of 10 it sort of works and if it doesn’t, it doesn’t matter, it’s not the end of the world.

Tim Ross features in this Sunday’s Stellar.
Tim Ross features in this Sunday’s Stellar.

There’s a quote I like by [US designer] Charles Eames, which is “Take your pleasure seriously.” Essentially he means that we give our normal day-to-day jobs so much that we don’t give the things we love the same respect.

I always meet people who say, “I used to play the piano” or “I used to ski” or “I used to paint”, then they just stop.

But they’ll give everything to their jobs. So I really live by that motto; I take the things that I’m passionate about and love very seriously, and I make those things part of my life.

Tim Ross’s documentary Designing A Legacy airs at 8.30pm on February 2 on ABC and ABC iview.


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