

Melissa Leong: ‘I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to win the Gold Logie’

The Masterchef Australia host and Gold Logie nominee sheds light on what the win would mean for her younger self, and ‘laying the foundations’ for the next generation.

What dishes around the world Melissa Leong will travel for

The craziest thing happened to me recently. In the middle of a week that can only be described by television’s own Andy Allen as “a doozy”,

I received a phone call at the end of a 14-hour day. It was our show’s publicist at Network 10, calling to tell me that I’d been nominated for a Gold Logie.

That might sound plausible for others… but for me? Never in a million years did I consider that such a nomination would land in my lap. I’ll tell you why.

You see, I don’t know that I was ever meant to be on television.

In my mind, I’m many things: chronic overthinker, connector of people, collector of experiences. But one thing I can say I am for sure… is a lady with a serious case of imposter syndrome.

I’ve been a writer for many years, but even this week, while overseas on assignment for the many-th time, I felt like I was lying on my immigration form when I filled in the job-title box.

If I feel this way about writing, how the hell do you think I feel about what I do on TV?

Melissa Leong: “I really want to win for anyone who might see somethibg of themselves - or who they could be - in me.” Picture: Steven Chee.
Melissa Leong: “I really want to win for anyone who might see somethibg of themselves - or who they could be - in me.” Picture: Steven Chee.

What happened between finishing high school and now seems like a collection of “yesses” strung together.

I love travelling to places that seem unlikely destinations for a woman. I love defying expectations in general. I love sharing what I discover about cuisines from around the world… and I still love the fact that my parents can’t say for sure what I do for work.

When I said yes to trying my hand at television not that long ago, I admit I did it for a lark, to add to my collection of life experiences.

It’s not that I don’t take it seriously, I just didn’t think I’d get the gig, so I had some fun with the experience of chemistry tests and seeing how the sausage is made, so to speak.

Another factor in why I feel like an imposter is to do with that saying: “If you can see it, you can be it.” I never really considered TV roles to be legitimate job options because I saw so few people like me in this country doing them.

So here I am, a first-time nominee for Best Presenter and the coveted Gold Logie. If (and I do say IF) I win the gold, I’ll be the first woman of colour in the award’s 62-year history

to do so. Isn’t that crazy?

And while I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to win for myself, I think now I really want to win for anyone who might see something of themselves – or who they could be – in me.

Melissa Leong features in this Sunday’s <i>Stellar</i>. Picture: Duncan Killick.
Melissa Leong features in this Sunday’s Stellar. Picture: Duncan Killick.

Life can be hard when the road map is sketchy or non-existent. But there’s something wonderful about helping to lay the foundations for someone to come along and build something extraordinary on top. Now that would really be a win.

Melissa Leong co-hosts MasterChef Australia: Fans & Favourites, airing Sunday through Thursday at 7.30pm on Network 10.

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