
‘They annoy our diners’: Pub's unapologetic list on why kids are not welcome

To be fair they raise some pretty decent points. What do you think?

"If you don't discipline your kids, don't bring them to a cafe"

Going out for a family meal might be a thing of the past at this pub after management posted a statement on social media that children were not welcome to dine in.

The pub in the UK caused a stir after sharing a list of lengthy rules on social media that they did not want children: “getting into mischief”, “picking up the cutlery”, “running about annoying other diners" or "using the table as a drum" - to name just a few.

The Eriswell Chequers pub went on to state that it is not a ‘child friendly’ venue as it does not have a kids menu, play area or baby change facilities. The statement then ends by asking that diners "please take their children to an establishment which accommodates children".


While the post has since been deleted, its list of very direct rules went viral and started numerous heated discussions online about kids in traditionally adult spaces.

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"Is there a kids menu?"

On TV show This Morning, the hosts discussed the “forcefully” worded statement and its impact on families. 

Guest panellist, writer and aunty to two kids under five, Sonia Sodha said that she believed venues absolutely had the right to ban kids and that it was up to parents to do their research.

“We think about what sort of pub we want to go to,” Sonia told hosts Cat Deeley and Ben Shephard about booking a meal when she has her sister’s young family in tow.

“We think about if there is a kids menu? An outdoor space? Because when you're going out for lunch, with a five-year-old and a three-year-old, they are going to run around, they are going to make a noise. That is what being a kid is about. You can't control children of that age.” 

She continues by saying that while older kids might be fine in an environment like this, pubs should be able to say if kids are not welcome but that maybe it is more about, how they say it that matters.

“Maybe some of the language that they (The Chequers) used is a bit out there, but I think it's okay to be clear about that and I think parents can't expect every single establishment to be right for kids.”

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"There should be kid-free pubs"

While the pub’s management have apparently since changed their tune by deleting the statement and saying they welcomed "well-behaved children",  the comments online mostly came out in support of the owners' rules.

“There should be pubs and restaurants that are free from children,” said one user on Instagram after This Morning shared the story.

“I personally don’t want kids running around when I’m out. I'm out to enjoy myself and should not be forced to accept the behaviour of other people’s children .

“There are plenty of family oriented establishments for everyone to go to so I see no harm in an option for those of us who don’t want to have kids forced on us.”

Many of those responding to the post agreed with this sentiment - even those with kids.

“I think it's fair enough to have a 'no kids ' pub,” said one mum.

“I've brought my kids up , they're now adults and I'm a childcare provider, so I like no kids zones when I'm not working!”

Some people felt a cut off time might be the best way to keep everyone happy. 

“At weekends there could be a special time and menu for children though if pub owners want families [to keep dining in],” said one commenter. 

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"Health and safety has to be a priority"

Another added the fair point that little kids running around can be a hazard for hard working staff.

“If a child is injured or a member of staff by hot food or drinks being spilled with small children running around, people will complain. Health and safety has to be priority!”

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"Depends on the clientele"

Others felt that if pubs banned kids and therefore families, they would likely lose a lot of money as it’s a big share of the customer base and therefore might not make much practical sense for a business.

They wrote: “Most 'pubs' wouldn't survive without families eating/drinking there. It all depends on your clientèle really!”

With a final commenter adding that it is not always the children who create the issues for restauranteurs..

“I think the adults probably cause more bother than the kids,” they remarked.

Originally published as ‘They annoy our diners’: Pub's unapologetic list on why kids are not welcome

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