
The first morning of school is the wrong time to take photos and make memories

"Fellow parents, this year I got the perfect family shots by changing this one thing," writes mum of three Jordana.

Hack to save time for the morning routine!

After the longest summer break ever, getting back into routine is fun for no one.  It is a shock to the system. 

For both the parents and the kids.

But I've always been determined to do one thing in the inevitable chaos of that first school/daycare morning: take happy family photos to mark the occasion.

Of course, it's never easy. Last year for example, I almost forgot. As we finally got everyone in the car, my brain yelled, "What about the first-day photo?"

So the boys filed out of the car, even though it took me 10 minutes to get them in in the first place. To stand together and smile as if nothing had happened this morning...

You'd think that wouldn't be a big ask, but for two hyped up, nervous and over-excited boys, it was.

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"Stop touching your brother!"

Our neighbours were treated to yet another performance on the nature strip, which went like this:

"Smile, a nice smile."

"Stop touching your brother." 

"He's touching me!"

"Can you stand still? It's a photo." 

"Stand up, turn around, too far, stand up...stand up!!!" 

The result: one smiling like a serial killer while the other looks like his dog has been run over. 

I begrudgingly send it to the family WhatsApp with the caption, "So happy they're back to school!"

I'm left with a feeling of heaviness and guilt that I've sent them off on their first day of the school year in a rage. All because I wanted a nice photo. 

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Last year's photo. I can still hear myself saying, "just smile!". Source: supplied
Last year's photo. I can still hear myself saying, "just smile!". Source: supplied

If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten

This year, I took the initiative to change the result. Because I knew if I didn't, the morning wouldn't go any other way. 

It was the last day of the holidays; they'd had all the desired treats and screens. After their 987th request of, "What can we do now?" I had a lightbulb moment. 

"Let's get into your uniforms and pretend it's the first day - like a drill!" 

After some initial pushback, they were dressed. They looked proud. I couldn't believe it worked.

Feeling relaxed, the happily posed for their mum.

And I did it! I finally snapped a photo that is worth sharing. I finally had a first-day moment that didn't send my blood pressure through the roof. 

It's not that I'm trying to keep up appearances on socials; I'm not trying to portray perfection.

Instead, it’s for posterity - and for me.

I don't think the exact timing matters. I’m not going to look back in 10-20 years and say, 'Oh yeah, that’s the photo I took the night before.' I’m just going to have the flashbulb memory of them being happy on their first day of school, looking so sweet in their uniforms.

I didn't cover up my hack when I sent the photos to family; I wore my ingenuity like a badge of honour.

My husband was thrilled when I sent the pics over.

The other mums from school were shocked that I put them in their uniforms a day early. But secretly, they wish they'd thought of it themselves and will undoubtedly do it next year!  

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This years photo, no muss no fuss. Source: supplied
This years photo, no muss no fuss. Source: supplied

Captain's log, first day of school

So, how did our first morning run end up? 

As expected, pure and utter chaos. For some reason, my children wake up every morning like Dory (from Finding Nemo); they forget that every day they have to get dressed, have breakfast, brush their teeth, put on shoes, pack their backpacks and get their butts in the car. But every day, it's like brand new information for them.

So before getting ready, they usually ask for TV, iPad and a different water bottle (even though they chose it). You know, just to try it on.

This morning was no different. By 7:30, we were in the car. Everyone had their shoes on. There were plenty of complaints as we pulled out of the driveway, but I didn't care. I knew I had my ace in my pocket; the all-important first day photo had been done and dusted. 

Originally published as The first morning of school is the wrong time to take photos and make memories

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