
My brother named my baby after his first car

"But the family wants me to change it for a very sad reason."

Mum's surprising place to find a baby name will shock you

When an uncle chose to name his niece after his first car, little did he know it was going to cause a rift amongst this blended family

The story starts innocently with the baby's mother wanting to honour her brother 'Jason' due to their close bond. She wanted to "give her son his middle name as a surprise. When I found out I was having a girl, I let him choose the name," she writes. 

The brother blurted out the first name he could think of, Scarlett, "after his first car. He absolutely loved that car."  

When the mum shared the baby name news with her father and stepmother-to-be, controversy ensued. 

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An honour gone wrong

"I had brought up the fact that my brother had chosen the baby name, to which my stepmum said, 'Oh, that's cool, but you know that's one of the twins' names.'" 

The mother's step-sister had given birth to twins over a year earlier, and sadly, both twins were stillborn. One of them was named Scarlett, with a different spelling. The mum admitted she didn't have "much memory of what happened, such as the twins' names."

She continued in her post: "Not too long after that, I found out that my other step-sister, *Tanya, with whom I have a close bond, was unhappy about the situation. I tried to reassure her that it was not my intention and I did not remember that that was one of their names."

Despite the innocent intentions, the step-family has said they aren't comfortable coming around because it was too painful, even after the mother suggested giving Scarlett a nickname.  

"She said that she didn't want to hear the name every time we were at a family function and wouldn't come around if I kept that as her name," she concludes her post. 

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Baby name sparks family drama. Source: iStock
Baby name sparks family drama. Source: iStock

"Multiple people in the family with the same name"

This baby's name drama had the comments lighting up.  

"My family has multiple people with the same name, dead or alive. Just name the baby Scarlett," one said, a sentiment which many agreed with.

But this woman saw things differently, writing, "I love the name, but honestly, I wouldn’t pick the name of my step-sibling’s deceased child for my new baby. It doesn’t necessarily make OP an asshole, especially since it was picked so innocently, but had her child lived would you pick differently?"

Would you change the baby's name in this situation? Tell us in the comments on Facebook! 

Originally published as My brother named my baby after his first car

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