
Chris Kenny: ‘Axis of Evil’ veteran’s secret At Home life

Political commentator Chris Kenny reveals what makes him tick and what, apart from politics, gets him really fired up.

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He’s part of a small group of Australians to have visited all three “axis of evil” countries, being Iraq, Iran and North Korea, so understandably political commentator, Chris Kenny, is much happier hanging out with his family in his terrace in Sydney’s eastern suburbs.

Having recently wrapped up renovations on the family home, Chris may be able to snatch some down time between anchoring The Kenny Report and Kenny On Media Fridays on Sky News and contributing to The Australian.

Chris’ other special project, Men In The Mirror: Rudd & Turnbull, can be seen on Foxtel On Demand.

Chris Kenny at home. Picture: John Appleyard
Chris Kenny at home. Picture: John Appleyard

“My weeknight show is going extremely well, we’ve really built up a strong audience that we didn’t really know would be there at that time of the day. And I have just broadcast my special investigation about the compelling parallel lives of Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull, which I’ve been working on for almost six months,” says Chris.

When time allows, he says relaxing with family and welcoming friends for raucous dinners, barbies and catch ups is always welcome at the Kenny residence. Not to mention, watching his beloved Adelaide Crows.

“I work pretty long hours and weekends are full of kids’ sport which I usually coach and/or umpire,” says Chris.

“One of my favourite times at home is watching the Adelaide Crows – it is my indispensable escape whenever the game is on but nothing beats a Friday night with fire, wine and footy.”

Chris Kenny loves a good coffee Picture: John Appleyard
Chris Kenny loves a good coffee Picture: John Appleyard


Who: Political commentator and Sky News anchor Chris Kenny.

Where: Terrace house, in Sydney’s eastern suburbs with wife Sunita and their sons Isaac, 9, and James, 7.

No more instant coffee

When my wife first bought me a coffee machine I wondered how often I would use it. But I haven’t drunk instant coffee since, and I make a beeline to my barista position first thing every morning. Our decor is lively, colourful and happy. Home is all about family and friends.

Creative kids

This was made by my second son Ryan when he was about nine years old. I have two adult sons and two little boys, and one of the things I love most about all of them is their creativity, so home is full of their drawings, photos, crafts and music.

A ceramic Crocodile made by Chris’ son Ryan when he was 7 years old. Picture: John Appleyard
A ceramic Crocodile made by Chris’ son Ryan when he was 7 years old. Picture: John Appleyard

Indigenous axe head

This indigenous hand axe was treasured by my Uncle Rod who found it on his farm and was like a grandfather to me. I love it for its own history and workmanship but also because it connects me to such a wonderful man – Uncle Rod was a Changi prisoner of war, soldier settler, and a strong and gentle man.

Indigenous axe head passed on by Chris's great Uncle Rod's from his property in western Victoria. Picture: John Appleyard
Indigenous axe head passed on by Chris's great Uncle Rod's from his property in western Victoria. Picture: John Appleyard

Adelaide Crows (mug)

I have my Adelaide Crows mug on set with me every night when I broadcast – even though Sky News publicists have tried to swap it for a company mug. Footy is more than a sport, it has nurtured friendships and family bonds all of my life.

Chris’ beloved Adelaide Crows (mug) Picture: John Appleyard
Chris’ beloved Adelaide Crows (mug) Picture: John Appleyard

Passport collection

From a young age I was fascinated by global affairs so when I started working for then foreign minister Alexander Downer in 2002, it was a dream come true. Over the next five years I churned through passports, visiting more than 50 different countries.

Collection of passports from Chris's many travels. Picture: John Appleyard
Collection of passports from Chris's many travels. Picture: John Appleyard

Wedding day memory

So many great memories are captured in photos and this is a favourite of our wedding day in 2009. We are walking from our photo-shoot to the reception at Jolley’s Boathouse, on the Torrens River in Adelaide, and my wife Sunita is looking down at all our friends and family already getting the party started.

A photo from Chris and Sunita’s wedding day. Picture: John Appleyard
A photo from Chris and Sunita’s wedding day. Picture: John Appleyard

Australia II wall hanging

The Australian made some of its famous front pages into wall hangings for its 50th anniversary celebrations a few years back. I had to keep this one reporting Australia winning the America’s Cup, which was such a triumph of innovation and audacity – and this was published on my 21st birthday.

A large wall print of The Australian commemorating Australia's America's Cup win on September 26, 1983, which also happened to be Chris' 21st birthday. Picture: John Appleyard
A large wall print of The Australian commemorating Australia's America's Cup win on September 26, 1983, which also happened to be Chris' 21st birthday. Picture: John Appleyard

Iraq’s Most Wanted

These US Defence cards were used to identify key members of Saddam Hussein’s regime and are one of my keepsakes from that period. I went into Iraq with (Alexander) Downer in 2003 and 2005.

Iraqi Most Wanted Playing Cards issued to US Soldiers in the Iraq War to identify fugitives of the Saddam Hussein regime. Picture: John Appleyard
Iraqi Most Wanted Playing Cards issued to US Soldiers in the Iraq War to identify fugitives of the Saddam Hussein regime. Picture: John Appleyard

Long live friendship

I drank this bottle of wine with my late, great friend and mentor Christopher Pearson to celebrate the completion of my second book, Women’s Business (about the Hindmarsh Island Bridge controversy) in 1996.

The empty bottle of "The Custodian" Grenache, polished off by Chris and his book editor Christopher Pearson when Chris finished his second book, "Women's Business". Picture: John Appleyard
The empty bottle of "The Custodian" Grenache, polished off by Chris and his book editor Christopher Pearson when Chris finished his second book, "Women's Business". Picture: John Appleyard

We signed the label and it is a wonderful reminder of our friendship and Pearson’s professional encouragement.

At Home magazine cover May 8, 2021.
At Home magazine cover May 8, 2021.

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