
Shipwrecked man Graham Anley saves dog Rosie before wife Sheryl off coast of South Africa

A SOUTH African man has saved his pet dog before his wife when their yacht was shipwrecked.

Man saves dog from shipwreck
Man saves dog from shipwreck

A SOUTH African man has saved his pet dog before his wife when their yacht was shipwrecked.

Graham and Sheryl Anley and their Jack Russell terrier Rosie ran aground off one of South Africa’s most dangerous stretches of ocean, at Cebe on the Transkei coast. They battled waves of up to seven metres and were swept onto a reef.

National Sea Rescue Institute North London station commander Georff McGregor said all three were wearing life jackets. The dog Rosie was wearing a specially tailored dog life-jacket with an emergency strobe light.

"As the incident happened Graham sent a Mayday radio distress call and activated the EPIRB (Global Positioning Distress beacon) but they were immediately forced to abandon ship," said Mr McGregor.

"He first swam Rosie ashore safely before returning for his wife, whose safety line had snagged on the steering gear," said Mr McGregor.

Once all three were safely on shore, Mr Anley - who is also a sea rescue volunteer - used his mobile phone to raise the alarm. Rosie and Sheryl Anley were airlifted to the East London sea rescue base, IOL News reports.

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