
Half of Australia's vets sickened by animals they treat

ALMOST one in two vets contract infections from animals they treat because of bad hygiene practices, a study has found.

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ALMOST one in two vets contract infections from animals they treat because of bad hygiene practices, a study has found.

Research by the University of Sydney's Veterinary Science department shows poor infection control has led to 44.9 per cent of vets contracting an infectious disease during their career.

More than 75 per cent of the 344 veterinarians questioned admitted they did not use masks, gowns, or gloves when performing surgery, dental procedures and post-mortems.

"Our profession appears to have a complacent attitude towards the use of personal protection," said the study's author, Dr Navneet Dhand.

"Not using appropriate protection when necessary is just like having unprotected sex with a stranger and thinking that it will be alright."

The study found almost 22 per cent of vets did not have eating areas separate from animals, and more than a third (34.8 per cent) did not isolate animals with contagious or known infectious diseases.

Dr Dhand said this was of particular concern since an increasing number of people had been affected by zoonotic or animal-borne diseases such as the Hendra virus and avian influenza.

"Vets are likely to be among the first people to encounter animals infected with these pathogens," said Dr Dhand.

"Their vigilance has implications not only for their own health but also the health and safety of the wider community."

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