
How to quit sugar based on your personality traits

Swap your one-size-fits-all approach to ditching the sweet stuff for a more targeted attack and you’ll never be tempted again. Our expert plan will show you how to quit the sweet stuff based on your personality traits.

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One minute you’re breaking up with sugar for good, the next you’re scoffing down a block of chocolate while eyeing off the ice cream in the freezer.

You know the sweet stuff is bad for you (it has a starring role in impacting diabetes, obesity and heart disease, after all), but you just can’t give it up — and you’re certainly not alone.

“Sugar is a highly addictive substance,” says nutritionist and mindset coach Stephanie Malouf.

“It lights up the same region of the brain associated with drug and alcohol addictions, and the more you eat it, the more you crave it.”

Experts have revealed how you can control your sugar cravings based on your personality.
Experts have revealed how you can control your sugar cravings based on your personality.

Although sugar comes with a long list of cons, it’s important to note that in small doses, it’s not that bad for you.

“Sugar eaten as part of a balanced diet won’t kill you,” assures Malouf.


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In fact, your body relies on sugar for energy, but eating excess amounts of added sugar — like the stuff found in chocolate, cakes and lollies — can get you into trouble.

While ditching these treats can seem like mission impossible, it doesn’t have to be that way. By tailoring your sugar detox to your personality, you can pinpoint your weaknesses and use your strengths to overcome them. Here’s how …


Curbing your sweet tooth can feel overwhelming at the best of times, but if you’re prone to over-thinking and over-analysing, it can seem even harder.

“Over-thinkers are most at risk of becoming obsessive and this can make it harder to quit sugar — because it’s constantly on your mind,” notes Malouf.

Sugar is highly addictive.
Sugar is highly addictive.

To help you stay on top of your cravings, tap into your planning tendencies by prepping some protein-rich snacks — like nuts, yoghurt and hard-boiled eggs — for the week ahead.

This way, when a craving hits, you’ll have a healthy alternative within easy reach.

“It’s also important to give yourself allowances so you don’t spiral into a sugar binge,” Malouf adds.

“Redirect your attention to all the delicious foods you can enjoy instead of focusing on what you should or shouldn’t have.”


“If you’re a highly social person, it’s likely you eat out a lot, and since sugar is added to most restaurant or takeaway dishes to make them taste better, it can be difficult to monitor the amount of sugar in your meals,” Malouf explains.

To help you take back control, Malouf suggests tweaking your social calendar to support — not hinder — your efforts.

For example, instead of meeting up for dinner and cocktails at a restaurant, trying catching up over a walk or invite them over for a home-cooked meal.

If you’ve got a party or special event on, use your friendships to your advantage and ask a pal to ditch sugar with you.

Having a friend who’s committed to the same cause will keep you both motivated and accountable, not to mention making eating out a whole lot easier.

Sugar in moderation is good for you.
Sugar in moderation is good for you.


According to Malouf, people usually fall off the sugar wagon when they feel overwhelmed or when their eating becomes too restrictive, so if it seems like you’re stuck in a cycle of quitting sweets then binge-eating them, you may need to loosen the reins a bit.

“Over-restriction can increase your sugar cravings because you’re focused on what you can’t have,” Malouf explains.

“Naturally, you want what you can’t have, so allow yourself to indulge 20 per cent of the time.”

By giving in to your sweet tooth once or twice a week, you’ll achieve a healthy balance without feeling deprived, and this will help keep you on track for the long-term.


“Impulsive people act fast and in the moment, so going cold turkey can be the best way for you to kick your sugar habit,” tips Malouf.

On the other hand, having impulsive tendencies can also mean you reach for a sugar fix as soon as a craving appears instead of asking yourself if you really want it.

“Because of this, mindful eating is also key for impulsive personalities,” Malouf says.

“Instead of reacting to your cravings, stop and think about why you’re having them. Cravings are often linked to dehydration, boredom, lack of protein or low mood, so by assessing your why, you may realise you aren’t hungry after all,” she adds.

It is difficult to stop craving sugary sweets but it can be done.
It is difficult to stop craving sugary sweets but it can be done.

Next time you crave chocolate, ask yourself if you’d eat a piece of fruit. If the answer is yes, you’re hungry; if it’s a no, go for a quick walk or sip on some water until the craving passes.


While being relaxed with your eating can be a good thing, being too relaxed can make it difficult to find balance.

Without setting yourself a goal or coming up with a plan, it can be tempting to give up halfway through the day or write off the entire week after one or two slip-ups.

“Easygoing personalities can also run the risk of eating in the moment, and convenient foods are often high in sugar,” notes Malouf.

“This means that meal planning and having nourishing foods on hand is key.”

By prepping your meals and snacks ahead of time, it’ll be easier to make healthy choices when cravings strike, and you’ll also be less likely to stray if you have a clear plan in place.

* Take our sugar personality quiz at

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