
Conor Kikkert juggles to help raise money for the less fortunate

LOTS of kids like to juggle but very few master it in the way Conor has. He now impresses people with his mind-melting tricks to raise funds for those in need.

Conor Kikkert is an amazing juggler and does it to help others. Picture: Renae Droop
Conor Kikkert is an amazing juggler and does it to help others. Picture: Renae Droop

LOTS of kids like to juggle but very few master it in the way Conor has.

“I got juggling balls for my 10th birthday and I started with three balls, then four balls, then I moved onto clubs and knives and recently I’ve gotten fire torches!” the Brisbane schoolboy enthuses.

“Lately I learnt how to juggle five balls — which is extremely hard — and I’m going to do six balls.”

If that’s not enough Conor, now 12, has developed his own mind-melting trick: juggling two balls in one hand while solving a Rubik’s cube with the other.

“I just love a challenge!” he says.

And unlike most kids, Conor doesn’t pursue this hobby for just fun or to fill in time — he uses it to help those less fortunate. His altruism started when he had do a science project for school.

“I chose different ways to treat water,” he says.

“I did research into different countries and their water quality. That’s when I realised not everyone had clean water out of a tap like I do.”

Next Conor started looking into poverty in developing countries in Africa.

“It’s really sad,” he says. “I felt that with my skills I wanted to try and make a difference.”

Conor had earned money busking at the local Redcliff Markets and won $100 juggling in a talent quest.

Conor Kikkert juggling at the Redcliffe markets to raise money to build wells in Zimbabwe. Picture: Josh Woning
Conor Kikkert juggling at the Redcliffe markets to raise money to build wells in Zimbabwe. Picture: Josh Woning

“I decided to use it to help people in Africa improve their water,” he says.

He also set up a website to help raise the money to upgrade four wells in communities in Zimbabwe.

“That cost $2500 but in the end I’d made $3300 and with the extra $800 I bought goats, beehives and some chickens,” he says.

“I get incredible emotional joy out of it — especially when I saw videos of some of the chickens arriving and the wells being put in.

“It feels like the right thing to do because I know I’m so lucky to have been brought up in Australia where we have schools, education, water taps, food and shops. In other countries they have none of that stuff we take for granted.”

While that elusive sixth ball still beckons, Conor knows juggling won’t pay the bills long-term. “I‘d like to be a scientist, maybe a physicist or a chemist,” he says.

“But I’ll always juggle as a hobby and to raise money; I hope to do another juggle for charity soon — this time to help educate people in poor countries because education is the key to everything.”

CommBank has partnered with News Corp Australia to champion the Australian of the Day initiative which celebrates people in our neighbourhoods and communities who really make a difference to how we live and who we are. You can read all their stories at, where you can also nominate someone you know.

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