
Kevin Rudd is living in a dream world - building an imaginary empire nobody wants

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd's obsession to reshape the Asia-Pacific region has cost at least $1.25 million - despite lukewarm interest from key players.

Imaginary empire ... Kevin Rudd delivers the opening address of the Asia Pacific community conference / Pic: Renee Nowytarger
Imaginary empire ... Kevin Rudd delivers the opening address of the Asia Pacific community conference / Pic: Renee Nowytarger

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd's obsession to reshape the Asia-Pacific has cost $1.25 million - despite lukewarm interest from key players.

And, while the Budget is deep in the red, taxpayers forked out $800,000 to fly foreign government officials and boffins to Sydney for a two-day talkfest on the regional plan.

Former diplomat Richard Woolcott, hired as the Prime Minister's special envoy, has cost taxpayers $447,000 - including $125,000 in salary and $310,000 in travel and accommodation.

Mr Rudd floated the idea of an Asia-Pacific Community in 2008, catching his foreign policy officials and Asian neighbours off-guard.

The PM's vision was for a single organisation to reshape regional ties.

But the plan has been coolly received by regional players such as Singapore, Indonesia and China.

Malcolm Farr blog - How low can Rudd go?

Indonesia's Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa asked "what benefit would there be forming a new forum, having more meetings (and) more acronyms?"

Despite this, Mr Rudd is ploughing ahead with his foreign policy ambition and Foreign Minister Stephen Smith claims "a number of countries have expressed strong support".

But the costs to taxpayers continue to spiral. The three-day talkfest cost $800,000, including $623,533 flying more than 100 government officials and academics to Sydney.

Simon Benson blog: Rudd's legacy a dead weight

Another $111,108 was spent on accommodation while the foreign delegation ate and drank their way through $60,000 in catering.

The Prime Minister hosted drinks at Kirribilli for the 200 people who attended the three-day conference.

But many foreign delegates were concerned at the Australian push to build a new regional body.

Opposition foreign affairs spokeswoman Julie Bishop called on Mr Rudd "to admit the failure of his Asia Pacific Community folly".

"Mr Rudd could have saved more than $1 million of taxpayer funds by first consulting with other countries as to whether they wanted him to redesign the region," she said.

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