
Our Journalists

Tim Blair
Tim BlairJournalist

Read the latest Tim Blair blog. Tim is a columnist and blogger for the Daily Telegraph.


As depicted on Pauline Hanson’s popular Please Explain YouTube cartoon channel, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is a cheerful, always-optimistic fellow who is always wrecking everything. Image: Stepmates Studios

Blundering Albo turns out to be Labor’s ace

By any rational reckoning, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his Labor government ought to be collapsing like Joe Biden on a bicycle. But Albanese and Labor are cruising, despite debacle after self-caused debacle, writes Tim Blair.

Blog Post
His bandana is on top and he’s ready to bop

Fitzy Visits the Dark Emu Disco

Peter FitzSimons and his fellow Voice advocates argued throughout 2023 that Aboriginal primacy demanded constitutional change and an additional parliamentary wing.


Thursday Noticeboard

Today’s noticeboard is brought to you by The Almighty’s divine climate justice – for He bore witness to a solar farm that displeased Him, and righteously struck down upon it with great vengeance and furious anger.

Blog Post
Just look at this pair of clowns

News Roundup

Let’s have ourselves an old-fashioned roundup of the newsworthy, newsy and newsable.

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Last laugh may still go to comedy king Trump

Leftists long ago lost their ability to laugh. Sure, they applaud and make a kind of forced laugh-like noise when watching social justice stand-up, but that’s more an indication of approval than amusement, writes Tim Blair.

Blog Post
Williams is waiting for ABC staff to make spectacles of themselves

Monday Noticeboard

Today’s noticeboard is brought to you by newly-appointed ABC chairman Kim Williams’s warning to the ABC’s activist staff. Which would be all of them.

Blog Post
He's always thought himself the smartest man in the room, and this time Kevin Rudd was right

Thursday Noticeboard

Today’s noticeboard is brought to you by Kevin Rudd, whose big mouth may yet threaten his tenure as Australia’s ambassador to the US.

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