Victoria’s ambulance crisis is Dan’s fault
After seeing a sick mate wait an hour for paramedics, Steve Price is over Dan Andrews’ excuses for the state’s stressed ambulance system and says the Premier needs to be accountable.
After seeing a sick mate wait an hour for paramedics, Steve Price is over Dan Andrews’ excuses for the state’s stressed ambulance system and says the Premier needs to be accountable.
Members of some generations went to war, whether they liked it or not. Education and a good job was a privilege. It’s time entitled young Aussies realised their good fortune and quit complaining.
After catching Covid, triple-vaxxed Steve Price questions the merit of a fourth jab and wonders how we went from lockdowns to a packed MCG.
Voters are being duped by United Australia Party ads, with Clive Palmer and Craig Kelly making home loan promises they can’t possibly deliver on.
The next ‘gotcha’ questions to rugby-loving Sydneysiders Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese should be aimed at exposing their lack of knowledge about Victoria.
Premier Daniel Andrews is wrong to say young people don’t care about home ownership, but so is Scott Morrison in suggesting housing affordability is easily solved.
A small group of activists is seizing on the misery of thousands to try to make a loony political point. Welcome to Australia’s shameful new reality.
A left-dominated council determined to ban cars has turned our city into an inaccessible jumble of useless bike lanes and jumbo-sized tram stops.
Anthony Albanese thinks he’s the next Bob Hawke and ScoMo is an annoying uncle always putting his foot in it, leaving Aussies lacking in real leadership.
At election time, Premier Daniel Andrews should be judged on what he did to Victorians over the past two years, not allowed to pretend brutal Covid laws were never made.
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