Tennis star Poo-poohs Latham’s claims of friendship
Mark Philippoussis has once again denied being friends with Mark Latham after the politician posted thanks on social media for a gift he claims the tennis star sent him.
Mark Philippoussis has once again denied being friends with Mark Latham after the politician posted thanks on social media for a gift he claims the tennis star sent him.
Trains over New Year’s Eve will run 46 hours straight to allow Sydneysiders to see the fireworks – despite uncertainty following the rail union’s bitter wage dispute with the Minns government.
Waverley’s new mayor is considering crowd restrictions and glass bans to control future Christmas Day celebrations at Bronte Beach.
In an astonishing eleventh hour backdown, the rail union has dropped eight of its major industrial bans which threatened to cripple Sydney’s New Year’s Eve celebrations next week.
The government has hit out at the rail union’s ‘childish games’ saying Sydney’s New Year’s Eve fireworks may still be cancelled if the union doesn’t agree to drop strike action as the union claims it has a ‘trust deficit’ with Premier Minns.
Sydney commuters are facing major disruptions on Sunday morning with more than 60 trains delayed amid the rail union’s industrial action.
Susan Marie Kiely disappeared from a town on the NSW north coast 35 years ago, never to see her two daughters again. Her family is still desperate to know what happened to her.
Essential Energy customers in regional NSW could face massive energy bill hikes if union wage demands are accepted during a cost of living crisis. Read how it could also hit the hip pocket of Sydneysiders.
If the power goes off, you’re on your own: that’s the message from Essential Energy workers threatening rolling strikes every week until Christmas unless the government caves to wage demands.
The Rail Tram and Bus Union has dropped the threat of weekend strikes but weekday commuters could be disrupted.
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