Cancer treatment and surgeries delayed as nurses strike
There are longer waits across emergency departments and chemotherapy and elective surgeries are cancelled as NSW nurses and midwives walk off the job for 24 hours in pay dispute.
There are longer waits across emergency departments and chemotherapy and elective surgeries are cancelled as NSW nurses and midwives walk off the job for 24 hours in pay dispute.
Landlords and real estate agents will no longer be able to charge renters extra fees when they pay their weekly rent or refuse pets without a good reason under proposed new laws.
Trains at Bondi Junction were stranded with no drivers on Friday evening. It comes ahead of the Minns government making all trains across Sydney free this weekend in the face of mass disruptions due to industrial action.
Police Minister Yasmin Catley has taken an extraordinary swipe at Australian Border Force, blaming it for the huge prevalence of cocaine in Sydney.
NSW has an insatiable appetite for cocaine, with enough of the drug consumed to give every single person in the state more than two bags of the drug a year on average.
All trains services along the T3 line will be cancelled from next weekend should negotiations fail between the rail union and the Minns government.
Millions of voters will go to the polls in 128 different councils today. Some will have no Liberal candidates to vote; while in Sydney, Clover Moore is seeking a record sixth term as mayor.
Angry drivers hurling abuse and tailgating other motorists have increased across NSW, with 21 per cent of the incidents witnessed by children.
The Premier has shot down a landmark report suggesting he put public projects like the Metro, school and hospitals on ice in order to build more houses, saying he doesn’t “have a choice” but to continue.
An “exhausted” nurse called 2GB to challenge NSW Premier Chris Minns, explaining why nurses have staged a walkout as hundreds shouted ‘shame, shame, shame’ outside his Kogarah office.
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