JobKeeper subsidy could halve unemployment increase
The new wage subsidy could limit the jobless rate rise to less than five per cent instead of 10. But future income tax cuts are under threat.
The new wage subsidy could limit the jobless rate rise to less than five per cent instead of 10. But future income tax cuts are under threat.
Exporting face masks or hand sanitiser will be punished with up to five years’ jail, as will price-gouging of these or other “essential goods”.
Desperate landlords are asking CBA to defer their mortgage debts in response to a ban on evicting tenants behind on their rent. It comes as an expert warns against freezing repayments.
The child care industry says its 200,000 workers will be out of a job inside two weeks, decimating Scott Morrison’s plans to “resuscitate” the economy once the coronavirus crisis passes.
The first details have emerged over the flagged NSW tenant evictions ban with revelations it’s not a straight six-month prohibition as first expected.
While renters fear losing their home during the coronavirus crisis, landlords fear they will be forced to sell their properties and be “financially ruined” by an eviction ban that potentially allows tenants to squat for six months.
The head of the ABF says NSW Health’s decision not to send medical staff aboard the vessel caused the debacle, as lawyers say both the government and cruise line could face legal action.
Vets have offered 100 ventilators to help humans while hard-to-get parts will be 3D-printed as Australia desperately attempts to double breathing machine numbers in intensive care units.
The nation’s top competition cop has indicated a plan to regulate petrol prices to combat “outrageous profiteering” in “this time of crisis” as The Daily Telegraph reveals some suburbs are charging 80 cents more per litre than others. FIND OUT WHERE
Small businesses will start to receive cash refunds from as early as next week after Daniel Andrews unvielied a survival package for employers doing it tough during the coronavirus crisis. Here’s what else you need to know.
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