
Our Journalists

Joe Hildebrand
Joe HildebrandContributor

Joe Hildebrand is a columnist for and The Daily Telegraph and the host of Summer Afternoons on Radio 2GB. He is also a commentator on the Seven Network, Sky News, 2GB, 3AW and 2CC Canberra.Prior to this, he was co-host of the Channel Ten morning show Studio 10, co-host of the Triple M drive show The One Percenters, and the presenter of two ABC documentary series: Dumb, Drunk & Racist and Sh*tsville Express.He is also the author of the memoir An Average Joe: My Horribly Abnormal Life.


Country Liberal Party leader Lia Finocchiaro arrives to cheers after her party's 2024 Northern Territory election win. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin

NT election carnage a brutal lesson for Labor

The electoral carnage that was wrought on the Northern Territory government over the weekend carries a brutal lesson for Labor across the nation, and one the party ignores at its peril, writes Joe Hildebrand.

Liberal Party leader Mark Speakman, whose NSW division is currently in something far deeper than chaos, according to Joe Hilderbrand who compares the NSW Liberals to Derek Zoolander.

This is NSW Liberal’s Derek Zoolander moment

If you want a visual representation of NSW Liberal’s laughably appalling election omnishambles try picturing Derek Zoolander looking longingly at a puddle in a gutter and asking: “Who am I?”, writes Joe Hildebrand.

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