
Our Journalists


WEEKEND TELEGRAPHS, SEE PIC EDITOR BEFORE USE. Horologist Andrew Markerink is a clockmaker whoÕs job it is to manually adjust SydneyÕs old clocks for for Daylight savings. This weekend HeÕll be doing a 36 hour shift to get them all done. Pic shows Andrew working on the clock mechanism at Sydney Town Hall. 29/09/2023. Pic by Max Mason-Hubers

Meet the man fixing Sydney’s oldest clocks

At 2am on Sunday our phones will automatically jump forward an hour for daylight saving — but this man will be behind the cogs turning the hands himself. Meet Sydney’s go-to clockmaker.

Mayors Ned Mannoun and Clover Moore.

Sydney councils divided over Voice stance

Look at any Voice poll and you’ll see a community divided. Now Sydney’s councils have weighed in, with plenty voting Yes and others vowing to stick to rubbish collections. Which way is your council leaning?

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