
Our Journalists

David Mills
David MillsNational environment reporter

David Mills is a senior reporter with the News Corp Australia Network, covering a wide range of areas including the environment, science, politics, health and lifestyle.


We need net zero by 2035: scientists

We need net zero by 2035: scientists

The Prime Minister has been inching his way towards a net zero emissions target for 2050, but scientists say the climate is in crisis and action needs to be drastic, and immediate.

Artist Impression renders of Suncorp One House concept with design and material selection that can dramatically increase the resilience of a home in natural disasters. Picture: Suncorp

Making Aussie homes disaster-proof

Natural disasters are hitting Aussie homes with more frequency and intensity than ever. But we’re more concerned with getting a nice new kitchen than making our houses more resilient.

lifestyle shot of happy woman carrying her luggages, laughing and feeling great in her istockescapeopinion4 april 2021

Call for more half price airfares

Aussie travellers are snapping up 800,000 half-price airfares – leading to calls for the government to offer more seats on more flights. Here’s how to grab the best deals.

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