Embattled council’s suspension extended until elections
Suspended Wingecarribee councillors will remain out of action until the next local government elections in September.
Suspended Wingecarribee councillors will remain out of action until the next local government elections in September.
A planning panel has ruled on a proposal for a $500,000 wellness and health centre in the middle of Bowral’s industrial centre.
A Mittagong convent built in 1926 is set to be transformed into affordable housing with hopes of bringing to an end its troubled past.
One man is fighting for the future of a Southern Highlands attraction with a world-class collection of fairground mechanics gathered from around the world.
The troubled Wingecarribee council has been accused of acting ‘like Trump’ by pushing ahead with a major appointment.
The controversial Wingecarribee Animal Shelter has been dealt another blow of uncertainty after councils administrator proposed a plan to share the land.
A socialite turned fraudster has admitted to more dodgy dealings, after swindling a man on Gumtree and using a mate’s card to splurge on the finer things in life.
Original URL: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/journalists/adelaide-lang/page/159