
How Newcastle became Australia’s smartest city

The coastal city has been reinventing itself since the 1800s, but the latest iteration is attracting global attention.

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ihg hiex

The coastal city has been reinventing itself since the 1800s, but the latest iteration is attracting global attention.

Back then a convict camp called Kings Town was established for logging, and coal mine labourers weredespatched from Sydney’s penal colony. It was a time when rum was de facto currency and the infamousRum Rebellion led to the one and only time military forces overthrew the Australian government.As the abundance of black gold and its value as a resource became evident, the now renamed Coal Riversettlement benefited from a building boom, attracting entrepreneurs, farmers and miners, resulting inanother name change to today’s Newcastle.These days, the revitalised city on the banks of the Hunter River is shaking off its industrial dust andreinventing itself once more. This time, it’s transforming itself into a smart city, using leading edgetechnology to fast-track itself into becoming one of Australia’s most progressive cities.The evolution of smart citiesBut what is a smart city? Essentially, a smart city harnesses innovation and sustainability by integratingcommunication and information technologies to provide leading-edge services and facilities.Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes supports the city’s development as a smart city leader.“Our vision is to be a smart, liveable and sustainable global city by 2030,” she said. “While we talk a lotabout smart technology and infrastructure, smart cities are first and foremost about people.”It’s an exciting time for cities like Newcastle, which has an enviable coastal location less than two hoursfrom Sydney’s CBD, with infrastructure ripe for improvement and a residential population keen to embracenew opportunities. Having the Hunter Valley on its doorstep doesn’t hurt the city’s lofty ambitions either.The Australian Government developed the Smart Cities Plan in 2016 to cement a vision for productive andliveable cities that encourage innovation, support growth and create jobs. Not such a big ask you’d think.But behind that simple plan lies a complex strategy to develop Australian regional cities into desirabledestinations for both established and start-up business operators and investors.The Hunter Innovation Project is a case in point, establishing an innovation hub for researchers, industryand entrepreneurs to develop and promote economic development through smart city infrastructure.Future plans include designating greater Newcastle as an Urban Living Lab to test urban development ideasand prototype new technologies to improve efficiency and liveability.Newcastle’s biggest innovationsUnder the City of Newcastle’s Smart City vision, the council aims to aims to deliver more efficientinfrastructure for both residents and visitors.In reality, this means building an electric vehicle hub with chargers for electric cars and e-bikes and busstops with real-time updates showing when the next bus is due and how many seats are available. There willalso be smart light poles equipped with cameras to analyse cloud coverage and estimate solar energyproduction.A new light rail service is scheduled to carry its first passengers in early 2019.

NLMD-1234 | IHG HIEX | Newcastle | Article 1Free high-speed public wifi is also on the cards – something many international cities embraced long ago,leaving Australia for dead in a digital black spot. So too a smartphone app that not only shows whereavailable car parks are but allows users to pay (and recharge) online. Interactive smart screens around theCBD will help visitors and residents find out about activities and events.The CBD offers a fare free city bus zone as well as a free 110 Shuttle which loops through downtown streets,and the former David Jones building has reimagined as an upscale retail arcade showcasing the city’screative talent.The world is taking noticeEmbracing the smart city cue by offering free high-speed internet in all rooms since opening in early 2018,Holiday Inn Express is just one of many business operators attracted by Newcastle’s resurgence. Located inthe lively West End cultural hub blending history, character and urban chic, the 170-room hotel is typical ofa new breed of hotelier that really gets what leisure and business travellers want. Complimentary coffee inthe lobby and charging access points beside the bed are just two of their smart offerings.National Geographic has also recognised Newcastle as a smart city worth visiting, flagging handmadecraftsmanship and cutting-edge technology innovations.The evolution from “old-castle” to new sees programs such as Newcastle Now and Renew Newcastletransform industrial wastelands into dynamic arts and entertainment precincts. Historic Newcastle Station isone example, with the restored heritage-listed building turned into an attractive public space.Novocastrians enjoy an enviable outdoor coastal lifestyle with golden beaches and delightful treasures suchas Merewether Ocean Baths, an open-air seawater filled swimming pool, historic Ladies Rock Pool andheritage-listed Surf House. For food and wine buffs, the Hunter Valley wine district with its cellar door sales,bespoke guest houses and gourmet eateries is less than an hour’s scenic drive away.Treasuring its multifaceted history, Newcastle’s chameleon-like propensity to reinvent itself once morepromises a smart future.

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