
Young Rock: Sydney’s Lexie Duncan stunned by role in Dwayne Johnson show

With colleagues calling her the next Margot Robbie, rising star Lexie Duncan is making the most of her lucky break after earning a role in Young Rock.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson shares the first trailer for Young Rock

You probably haven’t heard of Lexie Duncan, but when acting colleagues describe her as the next Margot Robbie, no doubt you soon will.

The Sydney 21-year-old stars in Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s new Foxtel TV hit Young Rock, playing Karen, The Rock’s love interest in his teenage years.

One of the most popular actors in the world, The Rock has more than 240 million followers on Instagram, and Young Rock is proving its worth with Aussie fans since it started airing locally in May.

And Duncan still can’t believe her luck.

“It was insane – honestly I didn’t really even comprehend it until it was all in front of me in writing because I had gotten close to roles where I really thought I was going to get it, and Young Rock was so big – I mean it’s Dwayne Johnson – I just couldn’t believe it,” she says.

Australian actor Lexie Duncan landed a role in Young Rock. Picture: Tim Hunter
Australian actor Lexie Duncan landed a role in Young Rock. Picture: Tim Hunter

The niece of renowned local stars Paula Duncan of Cop Shop fame and Harlequin’s Carmen Duncan, who died of breast cancer two years ago, acting is in Duncan’s blood.

“From a young age I always saw it could be a career and I would always sing at family events and get up on the table – I was that kid,” she laughs.

“Then a couple of school musicals came up and I did those, and in year 6 I auditioned for Mary Poppins and I got to play the part of Jane Banks for a year at the Capitol Theatre, which was amazing.

“That was the moment I realised I did want to make this more of a career than a hobby.”

After going back to high school for a year, she left to do Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, again at the Capitol, before guest starring on Seven’s 2016 drama The Secret Daughter.

“Then I finished school and did musical theatre full-time for a year at NIDA, which was amazing, and probably a year that I needed before I moved to LA, just to grow up a little bit – it was a good bridging year for me. Then I decided to go to America.”

Lexie Duncan stars as the girlfriend of the teenage Rock, played by Bradley Constant.
Lexie Duncan stars as the girlfriend of the teenage Rock, played by Bradley Constant.

Duncan made the move to Hollywood to try her hand at film and TV after her stint with local musical theatre – and was just gaining momentum, when Covid hit last year.

“So I ended up going to America and having a year on my own, being very independent,” she says.

“Everything happened in that year – it was a very foundational year for me. I was always quite a homesick child but I think I knew … it was Hollywood and I just had to be there.

“I was definitely nervous going over there but there was never a question of I can’t do it – it was I had to do it. I learned so much and met so many like-minded people – it feels like everyone in LA is either in the industry – they are a writer, your barista is an actor, everyone is somehow interconnected, which is very different to Australia – we are a very small population – it was great, I just learned so much.”

After coming home for a holiday, the Loreto Kirribilli graduate was back in the States to embark on a second year abroad when a split decision to return to Sydney in case Covid worsened, paid off.

“I got home right before hotel quarantine started – so I did quarantine at home – and then I honestly thought I’d be back in America in like two months … but that was not the case and I’m still here,” she says.

Young Rock is based on the life of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. Picture: Chris Delmas/AFP
Young Rock is based on the life of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. Picture: Chris Delmas/AFP

Ironically, it was while in Sydney that she booked US production Young Rock – fortuitously shot in Brisbane.

“It was so exciting – and ironic that I had gone to America to book a US show, to come back to Australia because of a pandemic and book a US show that was filming in Australia,” she says.

“Nothing is (done) in rooms anymore, it’s either a Zoom audition or you put yourself on tape with a reader, so I did a self take with my mum reading.

“I have met Dwayne, although he filmed his portion of the show in Atlanta, Georgia. He was on all our Zoom table reads, was on set on all our Zoom calls. He would reach out to cast – he was very involved even though he wasn’t physically in Australia.

“He is so down to earth and lovely and personable. I couldn’t speak more highly of him, he’s just a really cool guy.”

Lexie Duncan, 21, said her role in Young Rock is surreal. Picture: Tim Hunter
Lexie Duncan, 21, said her role in Young Rock is surreal. Picture: Tim Hunter

She says there is something for everyone in the show, which has just been green-lighted for a second season.

“You’ve got these three timelines so you see him at 10 with the wrestling so if anyone’s a wrestling fan they can relive the WWE phase. Then you’ve got the high school rebellious girl-crazy 15-year-old in Pennsylvania which I think everyone can relate to,” she says.

“Then you’ve got him in college football years, which has such a huge following, especially in the States, and there’s the nostalgia factor as well of going back to the 80s and 90s and the clothing and funky music – people love that.

“It’s funny and light but doesn’t shy away from the realities of life … and then it’s Dwayne Johnson – I think he’s the most followed man on Instagram now.

“There’s just something so captivating about him, and so interesting that he came from such a humble background to where he is now is very inspiring to people.”

Lexie with her aunt Carmen Duncan.
Lexie with her aunt Carmen Duncan.

When she’s not shooting or auditioning, Duncan teaches young Sydney hopefuls to sing, and works at The Cosmopolitan in Double Bay, alongside her brother.

Even before her big break, Duncan says her family supports her passion for the industry she loved since she was an impressionable 11-year-old on stage for the first time.

“I feel lucky for that – I know that’s not the case for everyone and I definitely couldn’t have done what I do without their support,” she says.

“My Aunt Paula, who is an Australian acting legend some would say, has got me involved in a lot of charity work where I would sing at her special Olympic events and gotten me a lot of performance opportunities so in that sense I’ve had a lot of support from her as well, and my late Aunty Carmen – we would have sessions at her house where we would act out monologues.

“There was never a sense of ‘I don’t know if you can do this’ – everyone has always been very supportive – even though both my parents are accountants.

“I knew it was hard and there is a lot of competition but I never really gave in to that. I just thought ‘oh well, if Margot Robbie can do it, maybe I can too’.”

Robbie is one of her idols and Duncan describes the Wolf Of Wall Street star as “incredible”.

“At my year at NIDA she came and spoke and she’s just incredible – her work ethic, and she’s so versatile in all her roles.

“A couple of the cast members of Young Rock say I’m like her and I just find that the biggest compliment (given she is) so hard working and so talented.”

Duncan says the turn her life has taken this year has been surreal.

“I’m hoping more things film here and we are able to cultivate this industry, which is exciting for Australia.”

Young Rock is available on Foxtel and Binge

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