
Real Housewives of Sydney episode 4 recap: Housewife labelled ‘abomination’ in explosive fight

Tensions explode on the latest episode of Real Housewives of Sydney, as two cast members go head-to-head. Here’s our full recap.

Joel Creasey host the official Real Housewives of Sydney podcast (Nova)

As this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Sydney opens, the group are all prepping for the weekend away they’ve been invited to by Bondi vet Dr. Kate.

They do the usual pre-group trip ringaround – what are you wearing, what are you packing, who will you accuse of being a lesbian, etc.

Nicole – who absolutely did not style her kitchen to within an inch of its life for the brief shot below, no way – calls Krissy, who informs her she’s decided not to come.

You know it took four hours of preparation for this three-second shot
You know it took four hours of preparation for this three-second shot

Krissy explains that she feels “uncomfortable” due to her ongoing drama with Kate, and couldn’t possibly come on the weekend away. I mean, look at her – she’s flat out:

Me cancelling plans with friends to watch Real Housewives
Me cancelling plans with friends to watch Real Housewives

Leaving Sydney together in the back of a car, Victoria tells Kate and Terry she’s packed all the essentials for this weekend away. Namely: “Sleeping pills and laxatives.” That sounds like quite the combination … Pity whoever’s sharing a room with her.

Did somebody say LAXATIVE PARTY!!!
Did somebody say LAXATIVE PARTY!!!

Victoria’s really hung up on this laxative thing. She says she never leaves the house without them, which perhaps explains why she’s given off a bit of an uptight vibe so far this season: Sounds like the poor girl’s been more backed up than New South Head Road.

The Krissy-less group arrive at their very lush house in the beachside village of Killcare, which for some reason, the show introduces to us framed with some oh-so-horror movie shots from deep within the adjoining bushland:

The Blair Witch of it all
The Blair Witch of it all

Next follows an extended sequence where Kate shows the girls around the house’s many bedrooms, while everyone pretends to act chill while inching ever closer to throwing a tantrum if they don’t get the room they want. “What’s that? Top bunk in the kids’ room? No worries, you know I’m so easy!” *Self-immolates*

Mad respect to Victoria and Nicole, who have arrived for this weekend away dressed as a glamorous female detective duo ready to investigate a small country town full of secrets:

Victoria and Nicole Sapphic detective duo spin-off WHEN
Victoria and Nicole Sapphic detective duo spin-off WHEN

After they settle in and glam up, the ladies converge on the world’s longest kitchen island for cocktails.

Less island bench, more continental shelf
Less island bench, more continental shelf

Once they’ve had a couple of drinks and there’s no practical means of escape, Kate reveals the plan for the next day: They’ll all be eating a strict vegetarian diet and doing manual labour, volunteering at a native animal shelter. This is a little different from the usual Real Housewives holiday activity of competitive drinking from breakfast onwards, and you can see more than one cast member making “Wanna split an Uber back to Sydney?” eyes at each other.

"I have lured you to a vegetarian volunteering weekend. The doors have now been locked"
"I have lured you to a vegetarian volunteering weekend. The doors have now been locked"

“If I were to invite people away, it’s probably not an activity I’d do with my guests,” sniffs fur enthusiast Victoria, who would probably instead opt for the seal clubbing voucher she just got on Groupon.

As night falls and the cocktails flow, a car arrives in the driveway. You thought she could stay away? In saunters Krissy, resplendent in hot pink, ready to stir s**t up.

And on the third day, Jesus rose from the tomb
And on the third day, Jesus rose from the tomb

She and Kate briefly, unconvincingly, make amends in front of the group, before Nicole whisks Krissy off to the sad little twin room they’ve been shunted into to bring her up to speed.

Best part of any party: Retiring to a bedroom with your bestie to s**t-talk everyone
Best part of any party: Retiring to a bedroom with your bestie to s**t-talk everyone

“Kate’s upset you called her a lesbian, she’s upset you called her an onion,” Nicole explains, somehow managing to keep a straight face while uttering that truly ridiculous sentence.

Back at the party, Victoria tells the girls that she “hates animals” except for her pet chihuahua, who can’t bark because she “cut its tongue out.” I think she’s joking, but … she is not beating the Cruela de Vil accusations!

After a passing remark about her real “python boots”, Victoria’s love of pelts, skins and furs becomes the topic of conversation over dinner.

As Dr Kate starts to detail the cruel ways that animals are killed for their fur, Victoria just flat-out disassociates:

I was busy thinkin' bout FURS
I was busy thinkin' bout FURS

Victoria launches into an impassioned speech about the importance, nay civic duty, of skinning animals for their fur. Kate’s pretty clear in her stance: “Wearing, selling, buying, profiteering off an industry that tortures animals is a f**king abomination.”

In an incredible pivot, Krissy interjects into the conversation and says that actually, the debate over animal rights is very similar to the conflict between she and Kate over those jokes about Kate’s sexuality.

Look, I don’t follow her logic either, but I think she was just keenly aware the dinner was turning into a very worthy episode of Insight and needed to be steered back to Housewives territory.

From there, Kate and Krissy are at it again: Kate’s denying she’s gay, Krissy’s denying she ever said she was gay, it is a DINNER OF GAY DENIAL.

This is the most vehemently anyone has denied being gay since me in year 9
This is the most vehemently anyone has denied being gay since me in year 9
It's not a weekend away with the girls until someone cries
It's not a weekend away with the girls until someone cries

Then Terry arks up, telling the group that Krissy’s been calling Kate “Moaning Lisa” behind her back. Kate’s reaction?” “It’s f**king mean, Krissy.”

Then suddenly Krissy bursts into tears, claiming everyone’s ganging up on her. Having made at least one cast member cry, the dinner is deemed a resounding success and everyone heads for bed.

The next morning, the girls all head out to their conservation park for their day of helping animals. Victoria, naturally, wears her best real fur-trimmed jacket, squeezing in next to Kate in the back of the car so it’s brushing up against her:

I mean, what else would you wear to an ANIMAL sanctuary but ANIMALS? Can’t fault the logic
I mean, what else would you wear to an ANIMAL sanctuary but ANIMALS? Can’t fault the logic

Kate says it’s decidedly “not cool” of Victoria to wear fur to a conservation park.

“I get that you want to wear real fur – but you can’t go to an animal conservation place in a real fur jacket,” she fumes.

Sure, but then where would she keep the pack of red stickers she’s brought to put on the animals she’d like wrapped and placed in her boot?

Next week: the fur feud continues.

The Real Housewives of Sydney airs Tuesdays on Binge and Foxtel – and we’re recapping all the highlights each Tuesday at 1pm. You can also listen to the official Real Housewives of Sydney podcast.

Originally published as Real Housewives of Sydney episode 4 recap: Housewife labelled ‘abomination’ in explosive fight

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