
Bachelorette Angie Kent: ‘I will have babies any way I can’

Babies may be a while off but Bachelorette star Angie Kent is already making plans to become a mum. The 29-year-old is determined to be in the best position possible when she is ready to have kids.

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Babies may be a while off but Bachelorette star Angie Kent is already making plans to become a mum.

The 29-year-old is determined to be in the best position possible when she is ready to have kids.

Bachelorette Angie Kent is making baby plans.
Bachelorette Angie Kent is making baby plans.

“I obviously don’t know whether I will be able to carry a child,” she said.

“That is something you find out when you try and I haven’t tried but having endometriosis, it does make it that bit harder. And if I am unable to carry a child, I will still be a mother no matter what as I have always wanted to be one since I was a little girl. So whether it is adopting or fostering, I will have babies however I can.”

Kent’s baby plans were highlighted this week when contestant Hayden left the show because he doesn’t have the same desire to be a parent.

While details of who Kent chooses are kept a tight secret until the final episode, the former Gogglebox star confirmed she is in a relationship with one of the men vying for her affections on the show.

“One hundred per cent I am dating someone from the show right now,” she said.

“I am very happy. It is tough to watch it (the show) together but we signed up knowing that it was going to be tough. We are happy, we’re great communicators and we just talk through our stuff and there is quite a lot of stuff to talk about.”

Contestant Haydn left the show because he didn’t share Angie’s desire to be a parent. Picture: Channel 10
Contestant Haydn left the show because he didn’t share Angie’s desire to be a parent. Picture: Channel 10

Kent is yet to explore all of her fertility options but is speaking to doctors about her options. She underwent keyhole surgery for her endometriosis three years ago.

“It is something I will have to worry about if I try past 35 but it is not impossible,” she said.

“I will cross that bridge when I get to it but I will be starting a natural process. I will do everything natural through my naturopath and I will start that next year.

“I will come off the pill and get all my hormones ready so when the time does come for me to want to try to have children, it doesn’t take another two years on top of it.

“We can’t ever predict the future so you kind of do, if you suffer from any kind of medical condition in that area, you do need to prep now just in case. It may sound ridiculous to prep so far in advance but why not?

“And plus, it is good to get off the pill anyway, I don’t really want to be on it anymore. I want a natural cycle so I will be resetting my hormones and I’ll be nice and crazy for my poor man.”

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