
French comedy The Gilded Cage is a breakout hit for first-time filmmaker Ruben Alves

REVIEW: The Gilded Cage, this popular French comedy will have audiences laughing in the aisles

 Barbara Cabrita turns on the Gallic charm in The Gilded Cage.
Barbara Cabrita turns on the Gallic charm in The Gilded Cage.

Director: Ruben Alves

Starring: Rita Blanco, Joaquim de Almeida, Roland Giraud, Chantal Lauby

Rated: M

Rating: 3.5/5

Despite the no-name cast and first-time filmmaker attached, this lovely, well-observed comedy has been a breakout hit in France.

The Gilded Cage will be sure to delight audiences here as well.

After 30 years of battling to make ends meet in Paris, working-class Portuguese couple Maria (Rita Blanco) and Jose (Joaquim de Almeida) receive word the life they have always wanted awaits them
back home.

There is just one hitch: both are such valued employees, their bosses would rather they stay right where there are.

Actually, there are many more hitches set to arise as Maria and Jose's large circle of family and friends also get wind of a possible permanent hole in their lives. Writer-director Ruben Alves works through an ever-escalating series of complications in fine style, adding just the right touches of levity and longing as needed.

A vast array of colourful support players serve as welcome distractions when proceedings stray towards the predictable.

Good stuff.

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