
3 Days To Kill film with Kevin Costner needs Liam Neeson

FROM the makers of the Taken movies: a movie that’s kind of like the Taken movies except there’s something missing — Liam Neeson.

3 Days To Kill - Trailer
3 Days To Kil (M)

Director: McG (Charlie’s Angels)

Starring: Kevin Costner, Hailee Steinfeld, Amber Heard, Richard Samme

As it is in Kevin

FROM the makers of the Taken movies: a movie that’s kind of like the Taken movies.

Except with all the Liam Neeson taken out.

Which is good news for Kevin Costner, who’s been subbed off the bench to play in the position of Angry Action Dad for this fixture.

Which is bad news for all 3 Days to Kill patrons, who would be much better off getting their escapist thrills by getting a ticket to Non-Stop.


Which — insert drumroll here — stars Liam Neeson.

In 3 Days to Kill, Kevvy plays a CIA assassin who’s just been given five months to live after catching an obscure disease.

He might be able to stick around a little longer if he gets the right meds, but their whereabouts are known only to his sexy handler (Amber Heard).

Why am I in this movie ... Amber Heard as Vivi Delay with Kevin Costner (Ethan Renner) in 3 Days to Kill. (AP Photo/Relativity Media, Julian Torres)
Why am I in this movie ... Amber Heard as Vivi Delay with Kevin Costner (Ethan Renner) in 3 Days to Kill. (AP Photo/Relativity Media, Julian Torres)

So unless he agrees to take — here comes another drumroll — ONE LAST JOB, then it’ll soon be curtains for the Kevinly One.

So he’d better hurry up and hunt down that notorious Euro-mobster known as The Wolf (Richard Sammel), currently prowling Paris.

The Kevinator must also scurry after his annoying estranged daughter (Hailee Steinfeld), a snooty young trouble-magnet who’s gonna need some serious saving from some sinister scrapes by film’s end.

Share the joke ... Kevin Costner plays Ethan Renner with Connie Nielsen (Christine Renner) and Hailee Steinfeld (Zoey Renner) in 3 Days to Kill. (AP Photo/Relativity Media, Julian Torres)
Share the joke ... Kevin Costner plays Ethan Renner with Connie Nielsen (Christine Renner) and Hailee Steinfeld (Zoey Renner) in 3 Days to Kill. (AP Photo/Relativity Media, Julian Torres)

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