Red CarpetTHIS daring red dress had everyone talking in a red carpet year that saw more cleavage and plunging necklines than ever before.
Red Carpet‘WELCOME to the White People’s Choice Awards!’ Chris Rock didn’t hold back with a blistering Oscars opening monologue.
Red CarpetSUPERMODEL Chrissy Teigen’s face summed up the response from the audience perfectly: this was the weird Oscars stunt that just fell flat.
Red CarpetBaring skin on the red carpet can be risky if you want to keep it classy. So who pulled off the double act of sexy and stylish?
Red CarpetSUNRISE’S Edwina Bartholomew spent the day reporting on the Oscars red carpet. And things were not as they seemed on TV.
ONE brand tried to jump on the Oscars bandwagon with a supportive tweet — they couldn’t have got it more wrong.
Photo specialHOLLYWOOD’S finest are dressed to impress as they attend the 88th Academy Awards ceremony in California.
Red CarpetOLIVIA Wilde was among the first celebrities to divide fashion critics, with some praising her white pleated gown, while others said it was a mistake.
Red CarpetLIVE COVERAGE: Margot Robbie is basically a living, breathing Oscar, wearing a sleeved gold gown at the Academy Awards.
AwardsWHEN you’re an unknown model attending one of the music industry’s biggest nights, there’s one easy way to make sure all attention’s on you.